Diets :: Page - 30

Anti-aging diet: diet


Each of us wants to maintain our youth and health for as long as possible. And while genetics plays a big role in this matter, proper nutrition also plays a big role in o ...

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How to learn not to overeat


Each of us approximately represents the portion that is enough for a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. But for some reason, the hand so often reaches out for more. Intelle ...

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What diet will get rid of acne


The appearance of acne and comedones is influenced by the function of the sebaceous glands, hormonal activity and care. However, nutrition also plays an equally important ...

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5 superfoods if you're 30...


Title: 5 superfoods if you're 30... Between 30 and 40 years of age is a time when your diet should ensure that you maintain vitality and good health. Particular attention ...

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Ani Lorak revealed the secret of an ideal figure


Popular Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak told how she manages to keep her figure in great shape. Top 5 beauty secrets of Ani Lorak Despite the fact that the singer is constantl ...

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Weight loss products: myths and reality


The desire to lose weight is a common desire for many people, especially women. In search of an ideal figure and slimness, many people pay attention to various weight los ...

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How to lose weight in one day (recommendations from show business stars)


Everyone has long known that in order to look good, you need to regularly visit the gym, follow a diet, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It turns out that not everyone has t ...

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How to eat healthy at your age?


What does it mean to “eat right”? This concept cannot be the same at twenty and at forty. From the point of view of specialists - doctors and nutritionists - every 10 yea ...

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Do you drink fast food coffee? Your health is at risk!


Many people like to wash down fatty and delicate foods with a cup of coffee. However, sad news for all fans of this duet: this combination can seriously harm your health. ...

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Say “no” to iodine deficiency!


Ukraine is a country with high rates of iodine deficiency among the population. In the autumn-winter period, this problem becomes even more urgent, since colds often come ...

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