Nutritional Factors

What is nutritional behavior? **Nutritional** is a term denoting the process associated with satisfying the need for food and its absorption. A certain type of food serves as a source of essential nutrients for a particular organism. The term is synonymous with the concept of “food factors”. **Alimentary** means pertaining to alimentary behavior. Also used as a synonym for nutritional therapy. In some sources, the term **"nutritional"** may also mean food, i.e. a product that serves as a source of certain nutrients. Terms such as **"food substances", "nutrients", "products"**, etc. are used. However, more often these concepts are used as synonyms, forming a single concept **"nutrition"**. The term denoting a person’s alimentary behavior in speech is called “alimentary”. We can say that this term was coined by the Frenchman Adolphe Pennette. He was a health official in England and first used this new term - **alimentary behavior** - in the weekly magazine Health during the First World War. He described ways to prevent nutritional diseases that were a consequence of poor nutrition. These methods included boosting rations to feed soldiers, adjusting diets in other countries to make them more consistent with the habits of the military, and making sure everyone got enough essential nutrients in the war zones and in Britain. Nutritional therapy is a method of treating diseases by changing diet. Such a change may include an increase or decrease in the amount of certain nutrients, a change in the quality and composition of the diet. Nutritional maladaptation manifests itself in various symptoms. They can be positive depending on the amount of food consumed. For example, exhaustion of the body, while the positive effect is expressed in reducing stress factors, increasing resistance to negative external factors and improving metabolism. Under the influence of a diet, you can improve the patient’s health and change the course of the disease in any direction. As a plus, it should be noted that thanks to the influence of the patient’s diet and diet, long-term remission can be achieved if the disease has progressed.