Aplastic anemia

Aplatic anemia is a severe form of anemia with a poor prognosis even with successful bone marrow transplantation. Patients who become ill in the primary course note a significant decrease in the number of red blood cells not only in the peripheral blood, but also in the bone marrow. The number of reticulocytes is very low, hemolysis is not expressed, leukocytes can be either increased or decreased, lymphocytes predominate, leukocytosis and a metamyeloid reaction are observed with a shift to the left of all maturing granulocytes in the myelogram. Immature myelopoiesis cells are less commonly detected. Undifferentiated cells are usually absent. The boundaries of neutrophil maturation are smoothed or blurred.

Aplastic anemia occurs after exposure to a harmful factor: ionizing radiation, chemicals, organic solvents, after taking cytostatic drugs. Bone marrow aplasia is a separate manifestation of diseases affecting the immune system, oncological conditions, infectious monoclonal gammopathy, lymphogranuloma venereum (Hodgkin's disease).

For the diagnosis of aplatic anemia