
Areflexia is the lack of reflection, that is, the ability to introspect and evaluate one’s thoughts, actions and feelings. This condition can be caused by various reasons such as depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism and other mental disorders.

Areflexia can manifest itself in various forms, for example, a person may not be aware of his emotions and feelings, or not understand what he is doing and why. This can lead to a person acting automatically, without thinking about the consequences of his actions.

In addition, areflexia can lead to an incorrect perception of reality and a distortion of the perception of the surrounding world. A person may believe that everything around him is bad and unfair, although in reality this is not the case.

To avoid areflexia, it is necessary to develop the ability for introspection and reflection. This can be done by practicing meditation, yoga, psychotherapy or other methods that help a person become aware of their thoughts, feelings and actions. It is also important to learn to understand and manage your emotions in order to prevent them from having a negative impact on your life.