Bacterial Mill

A bacteria mill is a machine that is used to destroy bacterial cells and yeast organisms. It is a thick glass conical funnel that has a glass cone on its inner surface, which is driven by an electric motor.

The operating principle of a bacterial mill is based on the use of centrifugal force, which occurs when a glass cone rotates. Bacterial cells and yeast organisms enter the apparatus and begin to move in a spiral, colliding with each other and being destroyed.

The bacteria mill is widely used in the food industry for processing food products such as fruits and vegetables, as well as for the production of food additives. It allows you to increase production efficiency and improve product quality.

However, it should be noted that the use of a bacterial mill may result in the production of harmful substances such as toxins that may be hazardous to human health. Therefore, when using a bacterial mill, it is necessary to take all precautions and conduct regular product quality control.

A bacterial mill is a device for grinding bacterial or yeast cultures. This is important for scientific research, where it is necessary to isolate the constituent parts of microorganisms from a sample. The bacterial mill is also used in the food industry. All bacteria and yeast are capable of producing various enzymes. But when they are used in their natural form, a person often experiences allergic reactions. Therefore, it is necessary to isolate these enzymes from destroyed microorganisms, which can be used in the manufacture of medicinal preparations. Some enzymes can break down alcohol into simple, odorless alcohols. Such substances are added to alcoholic drinks to give them a special taste. Other drugs are also created on the basis of these enzymes. In this case, no beneficial properties of yeast or bacteria are lost. The use of a bacterial mill allows you to obtain a pure product without the presence of foreign impurities.