Facelift for wrinkles


Facelifting is becoming increasingly popular, especially among women over 35, as it helps reverse the signs of aging. Many note that after just two or three workouts the results become noticeable. We will talk about the most popular facelift techniques for the forehead. A general rule for all options: the face should be clean, without makeup, and the muscles should be relaxed.

Japanese shiatsu gymnastics

1) Find the center of the forehead and press this point with three fingers. Next, easily move your fingers 5 mm to the left and press on the skin. We continue until we go down to the temples.

2) We return back in the same way, but along the lower part of the forehead, grabbing the eyebrow.

3) One of the points should be on the bridge of the nose, click on it three times.

4) We repeat the exercises on the right side of the forehead, the end point should again be the bridge of the nose.

Facelift according to Galina Dubinina

1) We stroke the frontal lobe with our fingers, thereby doing a massage and relaxing the muscles of this part of the face.

2) Place your palm on your forehead and lift it.

3) The palm should be pressed tightly, and you need to lift not just the skin, but the skin and muscles. You need to repeat this exercise two or three times.

Exercise to eliminate horizontal wrinkles

1) We sit down at the table and place our elbows on the surface, and hold our fingers on the head along the hair growth (most often to the right and left of the parting).

2) Slowly pull the skin of the forehead up with your fingers, the folds should be smoothed out.

3) Lower the skin a little down and hold it there for three seconds. We repeat the exercise six to seven times.

Exercise to eliminate vertical wrinkles

1) Place your palms on your forehead so that your thumbs rest on the back of your head.

2) We squeeze the forehead with our fingers, while raising the eyebrows as much as possible.

3) Hold your eyebrows in this position for six seconds. The complex must be repeated five to six times.


It's no secret that our skin loses its elasticity with age. It becomes drier and thinner, wrinkles appear, muscle tone decreases, and contours change. The neck and cheeks also begin to sag, and a so-called double chin appears.

Facelift exercises are a set of special exercises that help maintain youthfulness. Thanks to facial exercises, muscles are strengthened, blood microcirculation is enhanced, you can restore the contour of your face and remove premature wrinkles.

Features of facelift for the face

Facelift has a large number of different techniques. Some of them are isometric (strength). These exercises are intended for representatives of both sexes over 30 years of age and help rid the face of existing signs of skin aging. But more recommended for young people perform preventative gentle exercises.

Facelift exercises will give noticeable results after just a few sessions. In this case, the effect will be no worse than after surgery. Typically, positive dynamics are noticeable after about 2-3 sessions. To maximize the effect, it is recommended to take a five-day course of classes, which includes a two-day break. It is recommended to perform the exercises regularly for several months, and then to consolidate the results, you need to repeat them once a week.

Type of facial correction depends on which facelift technique you choose. Facial exercises give the following results:

  1. relieve puffiness under the eyes;
  2. eliminate and prevent wrinkles;
  3. form the lip contour and oval of the face;
  4. improve complexion.

The good thing about facelifting is that the exercises can be done at home, but the following conditions must be met:

  1. adhere to key hygiene rules;
  2. Perform all movements smoothly, do not make excessive efforts.

You should start exercising with a short warm-up. It looks like this:

  1. gently stroke the skin along the massage lines, without applying much effort, without stretching or pressing;
  2. Complete the warm-up with a massage of the ears. This effect will tone the skin of the face and the entire body.

Gymnastics according to the method of Galina Dubinina

Galina Dubinina is a famous fitness trainer from St. Petersburg. Over the past years, she has been paying great attention to facelift techniques. The technique developed by Galina Dubinina is based on facial yoga and exercises from such fitness gurus as:

  1. Greg Childers;
  2. Reinhold Benz;
  3. Carroll Maggio.

Facelift gymnastics from Dubinina consists of the following exercises:

  1. complex exercises for the neck and face;
  2. acupressure;
  3. exercises for eyelids and eyes;
  4. complexes for people of different ages;
  5. breathing exercises.

This complex will help to effectively tighten the skin and give it smoothness. It is recommended to perform the exercises every day for several weeks until noticeable results are visible. And you can get rid of wrinkles right at home without expensive cosmetics.

The facelift complex according to Galina Dubinina looks like this:

  1. facelifting-ot-morshin-qxEMz.webp

    To remove age and facial wrinkles, you will need to massage the frontal lobe. Stroke this area as smoothly as possible. And to get rid of horizontal deep wrinkles, you will need muscle training. The palm should be placed on the forehead and raised, as if in surprise, while the palm should not allow the skin to lift.
  2. To relax the eye muscles and eyelid muscles, as well as improve vision, you need to place your finger on the edge of your nose and focus your attention on it. Then move your gaze to a separated object, you can stand at the window and focus on the horizon. Lightly stretch the outer corners of your eyes using your thumb and index finger, then blink each eye in turn.
  3. To make your face shape more beautiful and your cheekbones more expressive, place your index finger in the center of your upper lip, then try to smile. The finger should not move at the same time. Repeat the exercise several times, hold your upper lip between your teeth and try to smile about 10 more times.
  4. In order to improve the contour of the lips, you should press your fingers in the corners of your mouth, then push out your lower and upper lips in turn. It is very important not to pull your lips with your fingers, but only hold them lightly.
  5. To develop your neck muscles and get rid of a double chin, you need to raise your head and try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue.

Each listed exercise using this method should be performed 15 to 20 times. If they are extremely difficult for you, you shouldn’t do everything through force. In this case, focus only on those exercises that are aimed at correcting the individual areas that matter most to you. After five days of continuous exercise, you should rest for one or two days.

What women say about facelift


Despite the fact that this method of correcting skin defects appeared about 50 years ago, in Russia and the CIS countries it is still poorly known. Many first learned about it thanks to exercises from Galina Dubinina. Naturally, some are skeptical about it, since not everyone is sure that wrinkles and other defects can be removed only with the help of exercises without the use of expensive cosmetics and special salon procedures or surgery.

However, everyone who tried to practice this gymnastics at least once was satisfied. It is recommended to devote at least 5-10 minutes a day to exercise to get visible results.


Facelifting is good because it does not have strict restrictions and contraindications, however, in some complexes there are a number of warnings that are associated with maintaining a sense of proportion and caution.

Some practitioners say that there is no need to strive to correct defects in a short time, it is better to devote a minimum of time to classes, but do them regularly and carefully.

Facelifting is a technique through which you can maintain beauty and youth without investment and great effort, as well as get rid of premature signs of aging.

There are about 57 muscles on the face, all of them are usually inactive, and after some time they begin to sag. As a rule, women struggle with this when wrinkles have already appeared on the face and it is quite difficult to smooth them out. It will be better if you start preventive procedures at the age of 25. Then you won’t have to think about how to get rid of deep wrinkles. But if you still encounter such a problem, then pay attention to facelift exercises.

Face lift with gymnastics

Over time, the skin loses its elasticity. This is influenced by various factors: age (after 25 years the aging process begins), bad habits, environmental influences, active facial expressions. If expensive creams do not help, and preparing a mask takes you a lot of time, then you can try facial gymnastics. It comes in several types depending on the area you want to tighten:

  1. for eyes,
  2. for the forehead,
  3. for nasolabial folds,
  4. for cheeks.

You don’t need money for the exercises, this procedure is free, the main thing is to do everything correctly. In this case, you can achieve the following:

  1. improving blood circulation;
  2. normalization of lymph flow, reduction of edema;
  3. smoothing out small wrinkles;
  4. reduction of deep wrinkles, it will not be possible to completely remove them, but they will become less pronounced;
  5. getting rid of a double chin;
  6. face contour lifts.


Exercises must be performed twice a day: morning and evening. It's better if you study at the same time every time. Only regular exercise will give results. It is recommended to do exercises after 25 years. Do not exercise if there is makeup on your face, it needs to be washed off. Watch your posture, straighten your back. And under no circumstances start gymnastics without warming up. It consists of several simple exercises:

  1. Lightly tap your fingers all over your face.
  2. Massage your scalp for a while.
  3. Inhale and exhale.

This will prepare you for further stress. Gymnastics has no contraindications. Exceptions include injuries and facial nerve disorders.

Margarita Levchenko is a professional rejuvenation trainer. She even founded a massage school and wrote a book on non-surgical facelifts. Her gymnastics takes only 15 minutes, and the effect can be seen within a month.


The Margarita complex is suitable for women of all ages with any skin type. Here are some exercises:

  1. Forehead - we start with this part of the face. Press your palm firmly to your forehead and move it up and down 10 times.
  2. We inflate our cheeks and roll the air from one cheek to the other. We do this continuously 8 times.
  3. With clasped hands, we support our chin and press on it. We freeze for 8 seconds. This strengthens the neck.
  4. Place your hands behind your ears, with your thumbs behind and the rest in front. We push and pull on the head and pull it up for 40 seconds. This tightens the oval of the face.

But Levchenko’s gymnastics is different from others. It has a number of serious contraindications:

  1. thrombosis,
  2. weak cardiovascular system,
  3. poor thyroid function,
  4. skin diseases,
  5. pregnancy and breastfeeding,
  6. liver failure.

Video: exercises for the face of Margarita Levchenko

Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy in which you apply pressure with your fingers to specific points. As a result, it will help in the active circulation of the vital energy qi. Shiatsu is a very fast gymnastics. It is aimed at tightening the facial contour and smoothing out wrinkles. But many note other beneficial effects:

  1. improvement of the endocrine and genitourinary systems,
  2. digestion,
  3. vessels.

After the first courses of gymnastics, the result will already be noticeable.


You can influence the points with your index, middle or several fingers (for different points), as well as with your palms. When performing a massage, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, counting to 8. Pressures are made as you exhale. Do not under any circumstances stretch the skin during the massage. Just press the points gently for 5 seconds. Shiatsu is done in the evening before bed, after thoroughly cleansing your face. To tone it up, you just need to know three Royal points:

  1. Tenyo. It can be found just below the earlobe on the neck (under the jawbone in the socket). By massaging this point, you will tighten the contour and tone the skin.
  2. Sokkoku. Exposure to Sokkoku will result in a lifting effect. It is located on the head above the ear.
  3. Koryeo. Smoothes wrinkles and fights sagging skin. Located near the wings of the nose.


Here is a universal scheme for performing Shiatsu:

  1. Using three fingers, press the point in the center of the forehead. Move your fingers 5 mm to the left and press. We do this until we reach the temples.
  2. We put pressure on the whiskey.
  3. We direct the same three fingers to the eyebrows, capturing the area below. Press and place your fingers closer to the tip of the eyebrows. It turns out 3 clicks on the eyebrows: the inner tip, the middle and the outer tip.
  4. Press 3 times on the wrinkle of the bridge of the nose.
  5. Press 3 times on the upper eyelid.
  6. Using three fingers, press 3 times on the lower eyelid. Move your fingers lower.
  7. Using your index fingers, press the wings of your nose.
  8. Press from the center of the chin to the edges, 5 presses in total.
  9. We press on the point under the earlobes.

You can start gymnastics at the age of 35. To control the process, use a mirror. The complex consists of 7 exercises:

  1. Pronunciation of vowels. This strengthens the muscles of the mouth and cheeks. Pronounce the following vowel sounds one by one: a, o, u, e, s.


Moving the lower jaw forward. As a result, the double chin disappears and the facial muscles are pumped up. We open our mouth, the tongue does not move. Slowly move the lower jaw forward, hovering for one second each time.

Lip rejuvenation. We pinch our lips together, as if distributing lipstick, and then sharply release them. A clicking sound should occur. Strengthening the cheeks. We transfer air from one cheek to the other, as if rinsing your mouth. You shouldn't move it. This is aimed at combating expression lines. Pouting lips. Similar to the previous exercise, only now we transfer the air from the upper lip to the lower one. 15 times each. Removing crow's feet. We open our eyes, our eyebrows do not move. We close our eyes. Complex exercise. With your mouth open, press your upper lip to your teeth. We tilt our head down, pressing our chin to our chest. We blink 30 times at a fast pace. Let's relax. Then we repeat everything again.

Each is performed 30 times. The entire course must be completed within 3 months. Afterwards, you can do the same gymnastics, just reduce the number of times to maintain the result.

Video: facelift at home

The famous facelift complex from Santa Maria Runge is already 57 years old. In 1961, the book “Facelift with Exercise” was first published. Since then it has been republished several times. The beauty salon of Santa Maria Runge in Hollywood was visited by world stars, and this indicates the high effectiveness of the technique. The exercises are strong, so they are performed only after 40 years of age to correct existing wrinkles. The complex is based on isometric exercises, when the muscles begin to work against natural contractions. In addition, fingers are placed on special points for greater impact. The idea is to tense only one muscle group and relax the rest as much as possible. All movements are done slowly. We train for 5 days, then rest for 2 days. The course lasts 4 months. After that there is a break of 1 month.

Execution technique

Using a zone map, we determine our contour defect. And we find the muscle group in which it originated. Draw this area on the face with a pencil.


Be sure to clean your face first and put on cotton gloves on your hands. Here are exercises for the most problem areas:

  1. For the lower jaw. The following isometric loads eliminate jowls. We stand in front of the mirror. Moisturize the area around the eyes with cream to prevent new wrinkles. We push the lower jaw forward. Pull the lower lip over the upper one. Pull the left corner of the lips upward, squinting the eye. Repeat for the right corner and rest.
  2. For saggy chin. You should prepare for this exercise. In front of the mirror, pull your chin up with your lower lip. The movement is performed in 10 counts. We also slowly return the chin. After preparation, we move on to isometric load. Raise your chin. Then slowly stretch your chin up. Then we return. We do it 5 times a day.

It is also called Asahi massage. This is an ancient technique that was revived by Japanese cosmetologist Hiroshi Hisashi. It is believed that Asahi massage was used by geishas to stay young for many years. Gymnastics consists of facial massage movements that remove bags under the eyes, smooth out wrinkles, and tone muscles. Japanese gymnastics consists of two types of massage:

  1. Lymphatic. Removes unnecessary fluid from the skin.
  2. Deep. Affects the facial muscles, which are located deep.

Prepare your skin before gymnastics. In the morning before eating, drink a glass of water with lemon juice. Cleansing the skin. We treat our face with massage soap so that our hands glide well. The exercises are done while sitting, with your back straight. But massage has a number of contraindications:

  1. acute ENT diseases;
  2. temperature;
  3. cardiovascular, infectious diseases;
  4. rashes on the face;
  5. cuts.
  1. Eye correction. We close them. We run our index fingers along the lower eyelid from the inside to the outside. And we return it along the eyebrow line.
  2. Forehead. Place your fingers on the inside of your eyebrows. We move our fingers to the bridge of the nose and back.
  3. Cheeks. We suck them in and inhale deeply through our nose. We hang and relax, exhaling through our mouth. Puff out your cheeks and hold for 5 seconds. We roll the air.

Video: Asahi facial massage

An ordinary woman named Emma Hardy has developed an effective method to combat sagging skin. The exercises take 5 minutes.


Before gymnastics, be sure to warm up your facial muscles: raise your eyebrows up and down several times, close and relax your eyes, inhale and exhale, etc. Basic exercises that are performed 12 times in 2 approaches:

  1. We clench our jaw. We place our hands on the collarbone and raise our head up. We smile, opening our mouths. Move the lower jaw up and down.
  2. We leave our hands on the collarbone. We smack our lips together.
  3. Using your index fingers, lightly press on the area under the eyebrows. We close our eyes and then relax our muscles.
  4. Using our index fingers, we pull the skin of the forehead down and fix it. Raise your eyebrows for 30 seconds. We take a break and repeat.

Video: Emma Hardy explains how to quickly rejuvenate your skin

This gymnastics will not bring the desired result as quickly as the previous ones. But the result is worth the wait. The load on the muscles activates blood flow, as a result, the skin smoothes out. The following complex consists of seven exercises, each performed six times:

  1. Place your palms on your face so that your index fingers are on your temples, and curl your lips into a tube. We press on the cheekbones and relax the muscles.
  2. We stick out our upper lip and throw our head back. We fixate for 6 seconds and return.
  3. Use your index finger to press on the tip of your nose. Holding your nose, pull your upper lip down. At the bottom point we linger for 5 seconds.
  4. Inflate our cheeks one by one for 6 seconds.
  5. We make a ring with our lips and tense our mouth as if we are trying to close this ring. We remain in this position for 6 seconds.
  6. We try to raise our eyebrows, while our fingers should be locked on our forehead.
  7. We place our fingers on the tips of the eyebrows. We close our eyes and relax.

Video: examples of facial exercises

Consists of seven exercises with unusual names. They are performed standing, in strict order, without interruption. We do everything 8 times.

"Phoenix in the Sky"

Exercise gets rid of wrinkles and returns blood pressure to normal. Keep your back straight. Using three fingers (thumb, index, middle) we take the middle of the eyebrows. And draw an imaginary line up, left and right.

"Phoenix at rest"

Place your hands on the outer corner of your eye. Using your fingers, draw a line from the corners to the temples.

"Phoenix Preening Feathers"

We moisten our palms with water. Apply to your cheeks and move your palms down.

"Phoenix Song"

Cover your mouth and nose with your palms. The thumbs should press on the cheeks, and the index fingers should rest on the nose. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Let's hide it.

"The Phoenix Drinks Jade Water"

We leave our hands as in the previous exercise. We roll our lips into a tube and turn them in different directions. We purse our lips and swallow saliva. We wait for the next one to accumulate and repeat.

"Phoenix Meets the Enemy"

Warm up your palms and tap your fingertips on the cheekbones, forehead, mouth, and chin.

"The Phoenix Preens"

Imagine that your hand is a comb. In this way we comb our head from the forehead to the back of the head.

Elena Luba has been involved in facial rejuvenation for a long time and has written many works on this topic: “Facelift without surgery and acupressure”, “Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face”, etc. After her exercises, the skin becomes healthy, the nose narrows, the eyelids rise, the chin is pulled up. To start performing, visually imagine the muscle you are working on and send all your energy to the result. Gymnastics involves the interaction of all muscles.


If you want to improve the effects of gymnastics, study the structure of muscles.

Before each exercise, return to the starting position: pull in your stomach, tighten your buttocks. Throughout the entire load, you should feel a slight burning sensation in the working area.

Muscles around the eyes

We do it while sitting. We place our index fingers on the eyebrows, and with our thumbs we surround the eyes, on top of the crow's feet. Raise the eyes and lower eyelid. Close your eyes tightly and count to 40. Do it twice a day.

Nasolabial folds

Draw imaginary dots in the middle of the upper and lower lips. We open our mouth, pulling out imaginary points. We round the lips, the upper lip is pressed to the teeth. We direct energies from the corners of the mouth to the nostrils and back. At the same time, we make these movements with our index fingers. We count to thirty and relax.

Carol Maggio is an American cosmetologist, she has developed her own gymnastics that helps her.


The complex includes 14 exercises, which involves all 57 muscles. We do it twice a day. It is best to start classes with eye exercises. Place your middle fingers on the crease between your eyebrows, and place your index fingers on the outer corners of your eyes. We raise them, squint the lower eyelid. Relax and repeat 10 times. Then you need to close your eyes, count to 40 and let go. This exercise will help with wrinkles on the forehead:

  1. Place your index fingers on top of your eyebrows, parallel to them.
  2. We pull our fingers down and look up.
  3. Repeat 10 times.
  4. We raise our eyebrows and press on them.
  5. We move our fingers to the eyebrows and now press for half a minute.
  6. Let's relax. Massage the eyebrows in a circle.

Features of choosing exercises depending on age

Many gymnastics are designed for women over 30 years old. In the period from 20 to 25 years, you should not choose aggressive exercises, because young skin is endowed with high regenerative ability. Daily light facial exercises are perfect for prevention. But after 30, you can safely use the rest of the methods:

  1. gymnastics of Margarita Levchenko,
  2. Shiatsu,
  3. Asahi, etc.

After 40 years, the choice narrows because the skin needs more active treatment. For women of this age, the Santa Maria Runge or Carol Maggio complex is suitable. You can also try facial yoga. It includes:

  1. "The Face of a Lion." Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Let's look up. Let's take a minute and relax. We inhale through our nose, tense our face, and stick out our tongue.
  2. "The Look of a Cat" We place the index, middle and ring fingers on the outer corner of the eye, stretching the skin. Open and close your eyes 20 times.
  3. "Air kiss". We stretch our necks and tense up. Blow a kiss 5 times. Then we put two fingers on our lips and repeat everything from the beginning.


There are results from gymnastics if you do them regularly, but they can also get worse if you do the exercises incorrectly. Go to specialized forums, there are very good girls there, they will tell you and help you if you need anything. I’ve been doing exercises for problem areas for six months now, I started with Maggio, now I’m doing a couple of exercises from Maggio and a few more from other complexes. The deterioration was caused by the exercise on the nasolabial lips - they increased even more, then I read about my mistakes, and now I have corrected everything.



I do it 2 times a day for about two months. The promising result that the developers of such exercises predict is not there, however, the nasolabial muscles have become a little softer, they used to rush too sharply. Therefore, I think, although it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of wrinkles completely with the help of gymnastics, it is worth resorting to it at least to ensure that the wrinkles do not progress.



I have been studying Cantieni and Maggio for several years. 1-3 times a day, 3-10 minutes. Now I’m 35, I don’t have any facial wrinkles at all, not even thin ones, no one gives me more than 25, and even then, unless I look very fresh, it’s usually 19–20. The initial data is normal. Genetics too. The main problem was the lack of clearly defined cheekbones, so I made them myself. Now the oval of the face is “heart-shaped”. “This doesn’t help”, “if you quit, it will be even worse” - excuses for lazy chickens. You will never have anything worse than it was before. Neither in the case of sports, nor with face-building, on the contrary, the muscles will maintain good tone for a long time... another thing is that you get used to the good and any deterioration will immediately catch your eye.



Facial gymnastics has a powerful effect. The skin becomes toned almost instantly. But be careful when choosing exercises, not all are suitable for young people. Some are so aggressive that they can harm the skin.