Ferreira-Marques Syndrome

Ferreira - Marques syndrome (j. ferreira - marques) is a rare hereditary disease that is characterized by impaired development of the brain and nervous system. It was first described in 1987 by Brazilian physician Joao Ferreira-Marques, after whom it received its name.

Ferreira-Marquis syndrome usually appears in children between 6 months and 2 years of age and is characterized by developmental delays, poor coordination, and problems with speech and memory. In addition, patients may experience problems with vision, hearing and smell.

The cause of Ferreira-Marquis syndrome is unknown, but it is believed to be associated with mutations in genes that are responsible for the development of the nervous system. Treatment for the syndrome usually includes medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

Although Ferreira-Marquis syndrome is a rare disease, it can have serious consequences on the life of the patient and his family. Therefore, it is important to diagnose it promptly and begin treatment as early as possible.