Fuchs Black Spot

Fuchs (Physalis alkekengi), or black spot, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Solanaceae family. Fuchs, a berry in the usual sense of the word, is not entirely edible. Despite its composition rich in useful substances (flavonoids, alkaloids, ascorbic acid, etc.), it has a bitter taste and a burning aftertaste. In this regard, you can cook berries only in small quantities, combining them with other ingredients. The main ingredient is suitable for making jams, preserves, compotes, as well as traditional chutney for a savory side dish for meat and appetizers.

Fuchs is recommended to be included in the diet for mild stomach disorders, heartburn, and colds. It calms the nervous system and can be used to reduce intoxication from alcoholic beverages. It is forbidden to use if you have an individual intolerance.