Ghoul Syndrome

Ghoul syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects the patient's muscles and ligaments. The syndrome was named after the American doctor Walter Phifer Gawley. This disease was first described in 1998. Despite the development of medicine and biology, the pathogenesis of the syndrome remains not fully understood.

Gong syndrome can affect people of any age. Symptoms develop suddenly - malaise, muscle hypertonicity, impaired movement. Despite the fact that the syndrome accounts for less than 1% of the total population and is a hereditary disorder, it is the cause of many disabilities. It is systematic, i.e. the disease affects all systems. In such cases, medicine is powerless - patients are forced to live out their lives in a state of complete immobility. Often they are not aware of their disability and are not prepared for the real picture.

According to studies, 80% of patients have muscle dystrophy (popularly called muscle sagging).