
Chronic diseases are diseases characterized by a duration of more than months or a duration of exacerbations of at least a month, the frequency of lesions of the same organ. The definition of “chronic” in medicine is used along with the concepts of “acute” and “recurrent”. More often, chronic diseases are considered to be diseases with a long course and relapses, ending in remission, in which all symptoms of the disease fade away within a year in the absence of treatment or decrease in intensity.

Chronic non-infectious inflammatory diseases are the main causes of death worldwide from diseases of the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems. According to the results of many studies, chronic non-infectious diseases form four main groups: diseases of the heart and blood vessels; injuries, poisoning and some other consequences of external causes; malignant neoplasms; respiratory diseases. A chronic disease is a defect that can affect health and cause social problems. It can be considered as the result of a change in health status in the case of a prolonged or repeated process with significant deviations in metabolism or dysfunction of organs and systems. Depending on the type and location of the pathological process, a number of independent forms of chronic pathology are distinguished. In the general group of “chronic diseases,” numerous manifestations of specific forms and variants of chronic pathologies are described, which are conditions that differ significantly in the type and intensity of functional and organic disorders in the body. Some of them may be reversible, others are progressive. The group of “chronic pathologies” includes both socially and environmentally conditioned and various systemic reactions of the body developed in the process of human evolution with a predominance of nonspecific reactions, such as hypoxia (oxygen starvation), hypo- and vitamin deficiencies, immunodeficiencies and other secondary metabolic and energy disorders . They create favorable conditions for the development of many acute diseases and serve as the background and basis of chronic diseases and syndromes. A general decrease in the body's defenses contributes to or aggravates their course. Cases of the disease in elderly or senile age are considered separately, since their clinical and biochemical characteristics are associated with the aging process and other age-related changes.