How to exfoliate heels at home

As for how to clean your heels from rough skin at home, there are many remedies available to everyone and do not require the use of any specialized equipment. But it is not always possible to clean the heels of rough skin, for example, with the same pumice stone. This happens if the resulting stratum corneum is too thick or if cracks appear. In the latter case, all this is accompanied by quite severe pain, and it is simply not possible to remove the skin mechanically. What can be done?

Traditional method of cleaning heels

Many people clean rough heels by steaming. The feet are placed in a warm bath (never hot) for 10-20 minutes, after which the dead skin is mechanically cut off. For these purposes, both special brushes and pumice are useful. There are those who use a razor blade, but this is very dangerous and can cause even more harm.

What do dermatologists recommend? Special baths based on lactic acid products, compresses from potatoes, cabbage, plantain, burdock. All these products not only speed up the process of removing dead skin, but also stimulate the regeneration of new skin. After them, the coarsened layer is effectively removed with minimal mechanical impact, without the need to use blades and other “dangerous” methods.

But fresh tomatoes will help with cracks and bleeding wounds. It is enough to apply their pieces for several hours, after which you steam the skin. During the period of wearing such a compress, discomfort and a burning sensation may occur - this is a normal reaction, and you just need to endure it.

How to properly steam your heels at home? Experts recommend making baths with a water temperature of approximately 50-60°C. Additionally, you can add essential oil (citrus oil is an excellent choice), sea or iodized salt. The latter components will also help disinfect the skin and prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria through microcracks into the deep pores of the epithelium.

Peroxide and soda to eliminate corns

A rather old, but no less effective method of combating rough skin on the heels, including the fingers, and feet is a mixture of soda and hydrogen peroxide. To prepare such a bath you will need warm (preferably previously boiled water), 4 tbsp. l. soda, 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​or kitchen salt, 2-3 tablets of hydrogen peroxide (or 4 tablespoons of a 9 percent solution, which is sold at any pharmacy).

You should steam your feet in such a bath for at least 20 minutes, after which you should use a brush or pumice stone again. If all the rough skin cannot be removed the first time, it is recommended to repeat the procedure the next day. And so on until complete “recovery”. You can clean your heels with peroxide and soda even on completely unkempt feet. As a rule, only 5-6 procedures are enough, after which all that remains is to simply maintain the health of the skin in an up-to-date state.

You can also get rid of rough skin on your heels with a compress with acetylsalicylic acid, but this option is not at all suitable for those with delicate skin who have developed corns due to wearing uncomfortable shoes. Still, it is better to use it as a last resort, and first of all use baths of soda, hydrogen peroxide and sea salt. It is no less effective and also beneficial for damaged skin.

Using baking soda, you can also whiten your skin, making it more attractive and soft to the touch. Even if you do such baths every day, you won’t be able to harm yourself. Quite the opposite: the skin will be cleared of dead cells much faster, and the process of regenerating new ones will accelerate. This recipe should not be used only by those who have been diagnosed with certain skin diseases, including nail fungus.

A few words about nutrition

It is imperative to mention that rough skin on the heels occurs as a result of a lack of vitamins A and B in the body. Those, in turn, are found in large quantities in fresh vegetables (for example, carrots, green onions, parsley). The formation of a stratum corneum is a normal biological process, but if it becomes too large and thick, it is no longer normal. And metabolic problems are the reason for this.

Ideally, you should consult a nutritionist to create an optimal daily food intake. It should include as many fruits, vegetables and proteins as possible that are easily digestible by the body. This will not completely get rid of rough skin, but it will radically reduce the appearance of this defect and speed up the healing process of cracks.

What to do if the skin is rough due to fungus?

If the skin is roughened due to a fungus or any other infection that affects the epithelium, then you should not try to treat it yourself. The only thing you can do is those same warm baths with essential oil or sea salt, but nothing more. Many people also recommend making compresses from cabbage leaves, but this will have absolutely no effect on anything. Unfortunately, this ingredient does not act as a disinfectant.

How to get rid of rough skin due to fungus? The first thing you need to do is treat it. Next, laser peeling will help, that is, mechanical cutting of the keratinized epithelium using a specialized thermal installation. The procedure is absolutely safe and will not harm in any way. At home, you can only follow the doctor’s recommendations. Cutting off the limp layer of keratinized skin will in no way help eliminate the problem: corns will appear again until the person gets rid of the disease.

Using a soap compress

But representatives of the fair sex often mention that you can achieve clean heels with the help of a soap and soda compress. And this is rightfully one of the best recipes, as it allows you not only to get rid of rough skin, but also to improve normal skin, make it softer and lighter.

Prepare a soap-soda solution in the following way:

  1. grate about 50 g of baby soap (preferably without dyes or fragrances);
  2. melt the resulting shavings in a water bath (approximately 70°C);
  3. add water (30-50 ml);
  4. Cool slightly and, stirring, add soda.

Such a compress should be applied along the entire length of the foot and it is advisable to immediately wrap it in cellophane or any other film that does not allow moisture to pass through and allows you to retain heat. You can wear a wool sock on top.

Cleansing the skin with this product should be carried out for at least 40-60 minutes, after which use a heel brush. Even very rough skin and old calluses are easily removed after such exposure, and healthy pink skin will remain in its original place. You should not use such a “medicine” too often, since while wearing a compress, the skin simply does not receive access to oxygen. This is not entirely correct from a physiological point of view, but it does speed up the process of exfoliation of dead cells. Similar to a scrub, only for feet.

If the skin around the heels is slightly inflamed, you should use olive oil. That is, in the proposed compress, reduce the amount of water used and replace it with olive oil (sold in almost every grocery store). You can replace it with olive “syrup” if you have one (but only from green olives, to be sure that there are no dyes there).

How to clean your heels with an onion?

Rough skin can still be removed using just an ordinary onion (the fresher the better).

This effect is achieved due to the presence of calcium, essential oils, manganese, fluorine, and zinc. The latter, by the way, also allows you to cope with excessive sweating, which makes itself felt when wearing shoes made of toxic materials (there are a lot of these on the Russian consumer market).

How to use this compress? It is recommended to take as much of the onion as possible, cut it in half and apply it to each of the heels. On top you should put on socks made of natural fabric and stay like that for at least 1.5 hours. It is recommended to sit at this time, but keep your feet on the floor and not in a lying position. After the allotted time, remove rough skin using the usual method, that is, using a pumice stone or a brush. It may not work out the first time. The compress can be reapplied after 3 days. You shouldn’t do it more often, as you can get inflammation due to irritation of the sweat glands.

You can also make onion paste, but apply this dressing for no more than 20-30 minutes. You should not squeeze the onion itself after cutting. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, regular lemon or orange juice will help (literally a few milliliters will be enough). At the time of using onions to treat rough skin, it is recommended to at least temporarily abandon low-quality shoes. It is better to replace it with an orthopedic one made from materials that allow air to pass through perfectly.

Fighting rough heels with a mixture of viburnum and honey

This recipe is quite “young”. Cosmetologists began to use it, who noticed that honey can stimulate the exfoliation of dead epithelial cells. Viburnum is used as a concentrate of nutrients and mineral trace elements that stimulate the growth of a new layer of skin.

Removing corns and calluses with the help of such a compress is not only easy and quick, but also absolutely safe. You can use pumice with the lowest roughness. Removing rough skin after honey and viburnum is as easy as shelling pears. And this procedure can be performed almost daily, without any restrictions.

So, how to cleanse rough heels with honey and viburnum? The desired “porridge” is prepared from a mixture of 100 g of honey and 50 g of pitted viburnum berries (for this you can use the most ordinary sieve or gauze). Everything must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous red mass is obtained. If the honey is too thick, it is recommended to heat it to at least 60-70°C in the same water bath.

In the future, the resulting mixture can be sealed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of about +5°C. The permissible shelf life is 3 months. Next, a smell of something sour may appear.

The most convenient way to apply a compress is with a regular bandage. A piece of fabric must be thoroughly moistened in the resulting composition and tied in several layers around the heel. From above everything is covered with a piece of elastic bandage or a thick sock made of natural fabric. There is no need to steam your skin before doing this; just wash your feet under running water to remove any remaining sweat.

A mixture of honey and prunes has a similar effect (it is recommended to first grind it into a paste). It easily penetrates into the deep pores of keratinized tissues and promotes their rapid breakdown. The skin literally begins to peel off, like after getting a sunburn. But it is absolutely safe and does not hurt. After the compress, the feet should be lubricated with regular baby cream or special lotion.

In general, there are dozens of methods on how to clean your heels from dead skin. They all work almost equally effectively. But it should be understood that having removed corns once, a person will face the problem of their appearance again. Therefore, in addition to treatment, it is necessary to use preventive measures to prevent roughening of the skin. This includes changing shoes, optimizing your diet, and periodic nutritional compresses.

Dry and cracked heels are a consequence of increased stress on the feet, lack of care for them, and also the result of dehydration. Eliminating all these shortcomings is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to regularly clean the skin of your heels from old exfoliating skin to quickly renew the skin.

By following the correct sequence of procedures, you can achieve amazing results without resorting to the services of beauty salons.

How to properly clean your heels

Where to start cleansing your heels, and what components you will need for this, depends on the condition of the skin and the body’s sensitivity to certain products and substances. Natural products are excellent helpers in the fight for soft feet at home. It is better to carry out procedures in the evening, so the benefits of natural substances left for a long time will be maximum.

The first thing to do is steam your feet and then treat them with pumice.

If there are corns, they should be removed carefully, and you should have an antiseptic on hand in case of a cut.

It’s easy to clean your heels at home; the following components will do the job perfectly:

Softening heel baths

Foot baths are the first stage from which care begins. Most often, milk, herbal decoctions or soap solutions are used.

Milk bath

One of the most common and easy to perform. It softens and heals heels. The skin will become pleasant and very soft.

For the solution you will need:

  1. warm water - 2 l.
  2. milk – 2.5-3 tbsp. l. (it’s better to use homemade, but high-quality store-bought will also work).


  1. Boil water, add milk and cool to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Pour the contents into a basin, lower your feet there and enjoy the relaxing effect for half an hour.
  3. Next, you need to remove your feet from the water and dry them.

You can do the procedure twice a week. To enhance the effect and provide a massage effect, you can pour glass balls into the bottom of a basin with a milk solution and roll them with your feet.

Herbal foot bath

For water procedures with herbs, the most beneficial for the skin are:

  1. nettle;
  2. Linden;
  3. calendula;
  4. horsetail;
  5. hawthorn and many others.

Baths with various herbs will help with such a problem as cleaning your heels at home.

The most popular is chamomile. The unique properties it possesses allow us to solve a whole range of problems: cracks, sweating, swelling, fatigue, heaviness and unpleasant odor from the feet.

For the recipe you will need:

  1. Chamomile - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Water – 200-250 ml.


  1. Boil a glass of water and pour chamomile into it.
  2. Cover and leave for half an hour, then strain.
  3. Pour the purified broth into a container with 1 liter of water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

You can do this bath up to 3 times a week. The proportions can be changed depending on needs. Another useful herb is linden. The brewing method is very simple: like regular tea, the only difference is in the proportions.

According to reviews: the best effect is achieved by adding one tablespoon of honey to the solution. Upon completion of the linden bath, the feet must be carefully dried and lubricated with a rich cream.

Sea salt for heels

Baths with sea salt nourish, improve the condition of the heels, saturate the skin with useful minerals, heal wounds and help cope with irritation, and also fight fungal infections and unpleasant odors.

For the recipe you will need:

Cooking method: Dissolve salt in hot water, let cool slightly and lower your feet. Bath time is 15 minutes, then wash the heels, dry and lubricate with cream.

If this is the beginning of care, then the feet are treated with a scrub, and then a cream is used.

DIY scrubs: effective recipes

Regular exfoliation of dead cells will have a positive effect on the health of the skin on your feet. This promotes health, relieves calluses and corns, serves as a preventative against cracks, reduces sweating and increases resistance to fungal infections.

Preparing a scrub is not difficult, since it contains ingredients that are found in almost every home.

Here are some options.

Coffee scrub:

  1. freshly ground coffee or leftover grounds after brewing - 1 tbsp. l.
  2. base oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Combine all ingredients, massage onto feet, and then rinse.

Sea salt:

  1. sea ​​salt - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  2. shower gel - 4 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients and you can use the scrub.

Sugar scrub:

  1. sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  2. cream or body lotion - 1 tbsp. l.

Connect all components and use as intended. You can add a little almond oil to enhance the effect.

Semolina scrub:

  1. semolina - 50 g.
  2. cinnamon - 20 g.
  3. shower gel - 20 ml.

Mix all ingredients and use as directed.

Instructions for using scrubs:

  1. scrubbing is carried out up to two times a week;
  2. pre-steam the skin;
  3. movements should be gentle and careful;
  4. maximum duration is 10 minutes.

Recipes for masks for soft heels

Having steamed the heels and treated them with a scrub, the next stage begins - masks. They promote softening, saturate the skin with vitamins, and, depending on the components, help get rid of fungus.

Apricot pulp mask

Apricots are a great way to cleanse your heels.

To prepare a useful mask you will need:

  1. Apricots - 2 pcs.
  2. Oil (olive, linseed, almond) – 50 ml.

Grind the fruits into puree, heat, pour in the oil component (any of your choice). Apply the hot mixture to your feet, wrap them with cling film and put on socks. Leave on for about an hour and then wash off.

Zucchini mask

Zucchini, a vegetable familiar to Russian people, is an excellent cosmetic remedy for dry feet, and sour cream will saturate your heels with calcium.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  1. zucchini - 1 small;
  2. medium fat sour cream – 30 gr.

Puree the zucchini and mix with sour cream. Fold the gauze in several layers, apply the mixture on it and apply it to the heels, secure with bandages. Keep the mask on for any time, but it is better to do it at night.

Rye bread mask

Black bread is an excellent cosmetic product. It copes well with the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin and gets rid of rough particles.

For the mask you will need:

  1. bread - 0.5 loaves
  2. milk – 500 ml.


  1. Pour milk over the bread and leave for half an hour, then remove and squeeze well.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to the heels, wrap the legs with film and insulate them.
  3. Keep for 1 hour.

Thanks to this, the feet become incredibly soft and velvety.

Traditional medicine against rough skin

The means you can use to clean your heels at home are very varied. The main thing is to do this regularly. The most common and effective are: hydrogen peroxide, aspirin and glycerin.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a pharmaceutical drug that is used to disinfect wounds, and, in addition, is a cosmetic product that has proven itself in foot care. It has an express effect and removes visible impurities.

There are several ways to use:

  1. Method 1.Bath. To prepare it you need to take 100 ml. product, pour into a bowl of warm water and immerse your heels there for a quarter of an hour. Upon completion, remove the feet, dry and apply cream.
  2. Method 2.Salt bath. Dissolve a few tablespoons of regular rock salt in a container of warm water, soak your feet for 10 minutes, then pour in 4 large tablespoons of peroxide and hold for another five minutes. At the end of the procedure, remove the feet, dry them and lubricate them with cream.
  3. Method 3.Rubdown. Treat your heels with hydrogen peroxide by wiping them with a cotton pad or gauze swab. For a more noticeable result, your feet can be treated with pumice. Hydrogen peroxide will give you a feeling of softness and remove dead cells.

Caution: Open wounds may cause pain.


Acetylsalicylic acid, or popularly aspirin, an effective remedy in the fight against rough skin, is an excellent peeling agent. When combined with fruit acids or base oils, it gives excellent results.

You can clean your heels with aspirin at home in the following ways:

  1. Lotions. The prepared product is applied to a gauze swab and fixed to the heel with a bandage. Leave overnight, and in the morning rinse thoroughly and apply cream.
  2. Scrubbing. Rub the previously steamed feet with the aspirin mixture. It is necessary to perform massage movements, thanks to them, the skin will get rid of dead skin particles and become soft.
  3. Mask. Mix a pack of crushed aspirin with a bottle of iodine and a bottle of medical alcohol. The mixture is applied to clean and dry heels, socks are put on, and left for a while. Thanks to the properties of the components used, the composition will have disinfecting and healing properties.
  4. Bath. Dilute several aspirin tablets in hot water, put your feet in a basin and hold for 15 minutes. An excellent remedy for calluses and cracks. It is recommended to carry out this procedure for 10 days in a row, take a break and repeat. For prevention purposes, it can be used 1-3 times a week.

Important! Aspirin should be used with caution. It has contraindications.


Glycerin is a product that contains a number of useful properties: it makes the skin soft, promotes the healing of wounds and small cracks in the heels.

Mode of application: Steam your feet in a bath, using any recipe, treat them with pumice, and then lubricate them with glycerin and put on socks for insulation. By regularly practicing this remedy, your heels will become incredibly smooth and soft.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Take glycerin and apple cider vinegar (9%) in equal parts; a couple of tablespoons will be enough for one procedure.

The composition is not stored, so a new one is made each time.

Initially, you need to steam your feet in a bath with sea salt and rub them with pumice, and then use the prepared product. After applying it, the feet are wrapped in plastic film, and the composition lasts for several hours. At the end, remove the film and wash everything off. Even one procedure will give noticeable results.

Using table soda

Soda is very popular. She struggles with especially neglected heels, when they take on an unattractive appearance, but also cause pain and inconvenience.

The soda bath is prepared in the following way:

  1. Hot water is poured into a small basin and a package of soda is poured in; a soap ingredient is also needed to soften it, this can be shampoo, gel or soap solution.
  2. Place your feet in the water and hold until the contents have cooled.
  3. Next, remove them and carefully treat them with pumice.
  4. Then apply the scrub, massage a little and rinse.
  5. At the end, wipe your feet dry, lubricate with lemon juice, and put on socks.

It's best to do it in the evening before going to bed.

Cleansing with lemon juice, chamomile infusion and onion

An effective ally in the fight against rough skin on the heels is an infusion of chamomile; thanks to its properties, it will have a cosmetic effect and a healing effect.

Recipe for preparing a useful product:

  1. Brew 2 bags of herbs in 2 liters of boiling water, leave to brew, and then add more hot water to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Next, you need to lower your legs and keep them in the water for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Lemon can be used to soften the skin. To do this, just tie pieces of lemon to your heels overnight, remove them in the morning, wash your feet and treat them with cream.

It is better to carry out the procedure every day before going to bed.

Onions, or rather onion peels, are an excellent remedy that you can use at home to clean your heels. The healing composition can be prepared according to the following recipe: place one full handful of onion peels in a container, then pour hot water over the contents, wrap and leave for several hours.

The composition is poured into a basin; if the onion broth has cooled, then it should be heated, as it should be warm. Add soda and salt a tablespoon at a time and dip your feet in the liquid. Hold until the water becomes cold, then remove the feet, dry and use cream, or, if this is just the beginning of foot care, apply a mask.

Homemade methods for caring for beautiful heels are effective, simple and effective. The main thing is to be patient and properly care for them regularly, following the sequence of procedures.

Video on how to clean your heels at home

How to clean rough heels, watch the video:

How to make a foot bath with hydrogen peroxide, watch the video:

The most convenient for foot hygiene is an Italian natural mitten with copper threads. Not only washes your feet, but also exfoliates and massages. Removes old skin cells with unpleasant odor, dirt, sweat, bacteria. Cleanses the skin around the nails, between the fingers - places where fungus often forms due to insufficient cleansing. Nails are always clean and look neat. Quickly makes the skin of the heels and feet soft and silky. The composition includes copper threads, and copper is a natural antiseptic. I don’t use anything else, I don’t need to steam my legs.

Summer is the time for the sea, fruits, beaches, sundresses - and, of course, sandals. If in winter many representatives of the fair sex can still afford a not too thorough pedicure, then in summer the legs should be simply perfect. The most common problem during this period is the problem of rough skin on the heels, which, alas, cannot be hidden even with beautiful nail polish.

How to restore smoothness to your heels, and what do you need to know about the secrets of caring for them?

The content of the article:

Causes of Rough Skin and Cracked Heels – Why Are Heels Hard?

No matter how much we dream of smooth heels, unfortunately, after a certain age, our heels suddenly lose their childish tenderness and softness.

Moreover, sometimes heels remain rough even with intensive and regular care.

What is the reason for this, and what are the real reasons for rough skin on the heels?

  1. Lack of proper care.
  2. Drying of the skin. The reason is not unique to the summer period: sometimes this also happens in winter when the air in the apartment is dry.
  3. Wrong shoes. As you know, tight and poor-quality shoes contribute to disruption of the water-fat balance of the skin and its injury. In addition, unnatural and harmful materials for the skin can cause irritation, allergies, increased sweating and, as a result, dry skin.
  4. Poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins always affects the skin with cracks, dryness, irritation and other manifestations. Rough heels are often found in girls who are constantly on diets. Basics of proper nutrition for beauty and health
  5. Excessively intensive heel care. Yes, this happens! For example, in the case of too frequent and intense peeling, which requires time for skin restoration (more than once a week, this procedure is not recommended).
  6. Water is too hard in the water supply.
  7. Frequent hypothermia - or, on the contrary, overheating of the legs.
  8. Use of low-quality cosmetics (including soaps and gels).

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth?

Possible medical reasons:

  1. Fungus. The most common cause of dry and rough skin with cracks. Unfortunately, the fungus manifests itself not only with these symptoms, and in the absence of proper treatment, the legs take on a very unsightly appearance, which is also accompanied by itching, sweating and other troubles.
  2. Diabetes mellitus type 2. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with skin problems, and you cannot do without consulting a specialist.
  3. Problems in the endocrine system. Issues of aesthetics (heels, in this case) are resolved after (or simultaneously) with treatment.
  4. Obesity. With this disease, the full blood supply to the lower extremities and their connection with the central nervous system is disrupted, the skin on the feet becomes thinner, and there is a tendency for the skin to crack.
  5. Psoriasis. With this disease, the entire immune system does not work well, and creams and hygiene alone will not get rid of rough skin on the heels - an integrated approach is needed.

It is important to understand that serious problems with the skin of the feet can be a very warning sign. Therefore, in the case when you cannot cope with cracks on your own, and the accompanying symptoms cause you inconvenience, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist and therapist.

Proper cleansing of heels at home - instructions

Taking care of your heels in a beauty salon is a pleasant experience. But not everyone has the means, time, or desire to go to salons.

And it’s much easier to take care of your heels at home. Especially if you know exactly how.

First, steam the legs in the bath.

It is recommended not to neglect this stage of care, because it is the baths that help quickly soften the skin for easy removal of dead cells, nourish and moisturize the heels.

And if you also give a foot massage before the bath, the result will be even more surprising, pleasant and long-lasting.

The massage can be replaced with regular walking on a hard massage mat or with your feet moving peas, balls, etc.

Which bath should you choose? Best recipes:

  1. Dairy. We grate classic baby soap on a coarse grater, add 1 tbsp of shavings and 0.5 liters of warm milk to the basin, then hot water. Keep the legs until the water cools down.
  2. Herbal. We take 1 tbsp of dry herbs: oak bark and chamomile, celandine and calendula, St. John's wort. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for a day, and in the evening pour the strained broth into a bowl and dilute with boiling water.
  3. Soda and soap. For 1 basin – ½ cup of soap shavings and the same amount of soda, plus boiling water. Keep the legs for about 10 minutes.
  4. Citrus. 2-3 hours before the procedure, brew citrus peels in boiling water, and then simply add the broth to the water, plus 1-2 drops of orange essential oil.
  5. Nettle. In a bowl of hot water - 1 liter of nettle infusion (from 2 tbsp of dry nettle).
  6. Oily. Aroma bath for feet and soul. For 1 bowl – 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you have time for daily heel care procedures, then instead of files and pumice stones, it is better to use scrubs to exfoliate rough skin. They act more gently (a thick layer of rough skin cannot be removed), but with regular use of scrubs, the dream of “baby heels” becomes a reality.

You can make scrubs at home with your own hands if you want to save on store-bought products - which, by the way, often contain harmful ingredients.

Important! We apply the scrub only to already steamed feet, and after the massage with the scrub, we leave the mixture on the heels for 7-10 minutes - that is, we are not in a hurry to wash it off.

  1. Sugar with butter. Mix olive oil and sugar 1:2, apply to feet, massage.
  2. Coffee with sea salt. Mix 1:1 tablespoon coarse sea salt and coarsely ground coffee, add 2 tbsp kefir, apply and massage.
  3. Cocoa with sugar. For 2 tsp sugar - 1 tbsp cocoa (not nesquik, but normal confectionery cocoa powder) and milk for binding. Mix, apply, massage.
  4. Citrus with salt. For 1 tbsp of fine salt - the peel of 1 orange, ground in a blender.
  5. Salt with honey . For 2 tbsp honey – 1 tbsp sea salt.
  6. Sand with sour cream. If you live by the sea, then this option is for you. If there is no sea sand, we take regular sand. For 1 handful of sand - 2 tbsp of fat sour cream. Mix, apply, massage.

What's next?

  1. If there is no scrub (or too lazy to make one) , then after the bath we use a file to remove rough skin. It is advisable to use only the fine-grained side: rough grinding of the heels contributes to the appearance of scratches, cracks - and even greater dryness. Smoothness and tenderness of the heels can only be achieved by regular procedures with a light and non-traumatic scrubbing effect.
  2. The use of pumice stones is strictly not recommended. Firstly, they injure the skin of the feet, and secondly, they are a source of bacterial growth.
  3. When using a file, first lubricate dry heels with cream and wait for absorption - this way the procedure will be more effective.
  4. We use a slightly damp file, but not three heels under water ! We polish the heels until the rough skin is completely removed.
  5. Now rinse the legs in warm water , wipe dry, generously grease with rich cream and put on cotton socks.

At least 2-3 similar procedures per week - and you will not be ashamed to wear open shoes outside.


  1. If you have cracked heels they should be treated with a disinfectant immediately after the procedure, and only use a cream that contains components that promote the healing of cracks (for example, salicylic acid).
  2. It is not recommended to cut rough skin and calluses! This procedure will only speed up the regeneration of injured skin, which will regain its “protective roughness” even faster. Use gentle means and methods – regularly and wisely, and the effect will pleasantly surprise you.

7 folk recipes for soft and smooth heels - how to quickly make heels like a baby’s at home?

Today there are a huge number of recipes for quickly returning smoothness to your heels.

But you should understand that if you haven’t taken care of your heels for a month, then you simply won’t be able to return them to their blooming look “like from the cover” in 1 procedure.

The most popular recipes for smooth heels at home:

  1. Steam your feet in the bath for 15 minutes, wipe, massage with cream, treat with a soft grater “dry”. Next, take a warm shower, wipe dry again and apply the pre-prepared mixture: 1 tbsp starch, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 raw yolk. Now we wrap the legs with film for a couple of hours, or better yet, overnight. All you have to do is remove the exfoliated skin with a light file, rinse the legs in the shower and, after drying, lubricate them with cream.
  2. We wrap the feet in slices of fresh zucchini and fix them with film for 2 hours. Next, rinse the legs, dry them, file them, and apply cream.
  3. Heat olive oil (about 100 ml) in a water bath, add a piece of beeswax, then 1 tsp each of sea buckthorn oil and glycerin. Apply the warm mixture to steamed and dried feet, leave overnight under cotton socks. Store the mixture in the refrigerator (you can spread it cold).
  4. Cook oatmeal that is not too thick without sugar and salt, cool and apply it lukewarm to your feet. We fix it with film, put socks on top, after an hour we wash it off, dry our feet and lubricate it with a rich cream.
  5. Mix honey and olive oil in half, apply to the feet, fix with film, wash off after 2 hours, treat the feet with a file, then follow the usual procedure - shower, towel, cream.
  6. We brew strong green tea, strain and steam the legs in a bath with this decoction. Next, apply the tea leaves (immediately after the bath) - in a film and around the feet for a couple of hours. Next, wash your feet, dry them, and apply cream.
  7. Mix oatmeal with milk (5 tbsp - 1 handful) and crushed aloe leaves. Apply the mixture to the feet, fix with film for 2-3 hours. Next, we process it with a file, rinse it, dry it and grease it with rich cream.

How to restore softness to your heels - pharmacy products

There are a lot of drugs available in modern pharmacies to treat cracks and soften the skin.

Take note!

  1. Sea wolf (nourishes, moisturizes, restores).
  2. Bepanten (softens, heals).
  3. Ointment with calendula (heals, softens, tightens cracks).
  4. Salicylic ointment (heals).
  5. Balsamed (moisturizes, nourishes, protects).
  6. Radevit (stimulates skin restoration, removes inflammation).
  7. Lamisil (against infections and fungi).
  8. BioAstin (against fungus and infections).
  9. Zazhivin (from cracks).
  10. First aid (heals, softens).
  11. And etc.

Video: How to make your heels soft and smooth - heel care at home

Heel care - how to prevent cracked and rough skin on your heels and feet?

The main recommendations include simple and understandable rules of care and lifestyle:

  1. We wear the right shoes.
  2. We often walk barefoot on grass and pebbles and do foot massages.
  3. We use gentle abrasives.
  4. We regularly use a rich nourishing cream (preferably at night).
  5. We follow a diet and take care of personal hygiene.
  6. We wear slippers in swimming pools, bathhouses and other public places.
  7. We avoid synthetic materials when choosing shoes.
  8. We use washable rugs in the bathroom.
  9. 2-3 times a week (ideally, every day) we take foot baths (warm! Not with hot water!) and use a scrub.
  10. After a bath and a regular bath, be sure to pour cool water over your feet. Especially before bed.
  11. Always dry your feet and toes after a bath.
  12. We do not use rough pumice stones, grinding stones or blades.
  13. After each procedure, treat the file used with a disinfectant solution (or at least wash it with soap and pour boiling water over it).

In the summer, we intensify the intensity of heel care.