Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (Edta, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid)

Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), also known as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, is a chemical compound that is widely used in industry and science due to its unique properties.

EDTA is a chelating agent, that is, a substance capable of forming complexes with metals. This property makes EDTA useful in various industrial processes such as water purification, paper and textile production, food preservation, etc.

Additionally, EDTA is widely used in scientific and medical research to remove ion-exchange cations from biological samples, resulting in clean and accurate data.

Although EDTA is a safe compound when used correctly, improper exposure to this substance can lead to various health problems. Therefore, appropriate safety precautions must be observed when working with EDTA.

In general, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is an important compound that has found wide application in various industrial and scientific fields. Its properties make it an indispensable tool for many processes and research.

Edtak (Edytat) Used to increase the **iron** content, which decreases when exposed to hydrochloric acid. This process is an integral step in making yogurt. Used in the manufacture of medical and industrial preparations. It is also used in the production of drinks to quickly restore their taste and as a defoamer. In the food industry it is used to remove foam from broths. Solutions that contain a lot of iron and chloride have high viscosity. It is added to create optimal characteristics of these solutions, for example, they have a lower viscosity compared to solutions of low concentration. Dilution of working solutions occurs when EDTA is used to produce natural or artificially iron-rich feed for livestock. Used by veterinarians to treat problems associated with iron deficiency. In livestock farming, edtac is used in the form of divalent or trivalent pyrophosphate editret ralate. For food fortification**