L-lysine is a nonessential aliphatic amino acid present in large quantities in animal foods and some plants. In the animal's body, it is involved in many processes: - Leucine stimulates the production of carnitine, a substance that allows the transfer of a large number of lactic acid molecules to the site of energy production. Protein is one of the main energy substances of the body. - Lysine, as a component of proteins, is necessary for the functioning of the liver during the digestion process. But this is why this amino acid is useful for the human body: * *For the functioning of the immune system*. Leucine promotes the creation of antibodies and rapid recovery from illness. Participates in strengthening antiviral protection. It removes toxins faster and prevents them from entering the blood.

* To maintain *intestinal microflora*. It controls not only digestion, but also metabolism. Leucine prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora. Including dysbiosis - preventing thrush in women also helps fight it. *For lipid metabolism*. Allows you to speed up fat metabolism. Is that why