Massage to lift the upper eyelid

As you age, your eyelids may droop. The eyes lose their expressiveness and openness. Some people resort to blepharoplasty. Someone does special makeup. But you can lift a drooping eyelid with a simple massage. You can do this with your own hands, at home, in a few weeks.

Why does the eyelid sag?

From birth the muscles are very elastic. They stretch well and are washed with blood. But with age they become tough. Muscles spasm from constant tension, active facial expressions, and stress. If in youth they can recover quickly, then with age the spasm becomes a permanent condition. Blood supply deteriorates, wrinkles appear on the skin, and the oval of the face floats.

How to relax muscles and lift drooping eyelids

There are a lot of muscles on the face. But the frontalis and orbital muscles are responsible for the condition of the eyes. Hypertonicity of the temporal and masticatory muscles can also affect. It is necessary to stretch them well and relieve tension. After relaxation, everything will fall into place.


Using your thumb and index finger, pinch the fold of skin at the beginning and tip of your eyebrow. Pause and count to 10.


Slowly move towards the bridge of your nose, making deep pinches. At each pinch, pause with the fold pressed for 5 seconds. When you reach the end of your eyebrow, pinch it and count to 10.

Pass these tweezers 10-15 times over each eyebrow.


Using the thumb and index finger of both hands, make a large fold near the ear. Make a clamp, but do not cause any painful sensations. Hold for 10 seconds


Moving little by little up to the cheekbones, make such large tucks and fix for 10 seconds.

These simple exercises can be done anywhere, anytime. The main thing is regularity. After a month, you will notice that the eyelid rises. The eyes become more open and expressive.


Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Open, clear gaze attracts attention and makes a woman irresistible.

But time passes and it inevitably shows on the face. Drooping eyelid is a problem that with age it becomes more and more evident.

So how can you turn back time and regain your girlish charm?

You can learn how to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home from our article.

Reasons for appearance

Why eyelids become drooping:

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  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. poor blood supply to the eye area;
  4. disturbance of the body's water balance (dehydration);
  5. consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee;
  6. cosmetics that have a mattifying effect (dries out the delicate skin of the eyelids);
  7. excessive exposure to the sun;
  8. lack of rest, particularly sleep;
  9. disruption in the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  10. weakened facial muscles;
  11. smoking;
  12. violation of the mineral and vitamin balance in the body.

drooping eyelid may be a consequence or symptom of diseases:

  1. neurogenic and myogenic pathologies;
  2. loss of facial muscle tone as a result of an attack;
  3. injuries and scars in the upper eyelid area.

Well, if the problem arose due to improper care or lifestyle, the problem you can fix it yourself (in any case, you can visually improve the shape of the eyelid).



Exercises from the face-building section (a technique for restoring facial muscle tone) will help lift the eyelid and return it to its correct shape:

  1. Warm-up. Open your eyes wide and alternate between fast blinking and slow blinking. Describe a circle with your gaze to the left and then to the right. Close your eyelids and try to relax your face as much as possible. Now you can move on to the exercises themselves.
  2. Exercise 1. Open your eyes as wide as possible and stay in this position for 7 counts. Slowly close your eyelids and, without straining your facial muscles, remain with your eyes closed for 7 counts. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Exercise 2. Using your index fingers, firmly fix your eyebrows. Next, try to bring them together on the bridge of your nose with muscle effort, overcoming the resistance of your fingers. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Exercise 3. Place your index fingers under your eyebrows (parallel to your brow ridge). Next, look up, “propping” your fingers with your eyelids. Slowly look down and relax your muscles. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  5. Exercise 4. Open your eyes as wide as possible, raise your eyebrows. Using your hands, “smooth out” the folds on your forehead, pressing your fingers firmly against the skin. Blink slowly for 4 counts, mentally imagining an obstacle to the movement of your eyelids. Repeat 10 times.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes without surgery? Find out the answer right now.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.



How to remove drooping eyelids and bags under the eyes?

Massage from the impending century works great in combination with exercises.

Technique for its implementation very simple and does not require special skills:

  1. prepare the eyelid skin by applying warm compress (for example, cotton pads soaked in warm chamomile infusion);
  2. apply to the massaged area cream, which will prevent mechanical damage to the skin and ensure finger sliding;
  3. use technique when massaging light pressure;
  4. move your ring fingers from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye through the upper eyelid, again returning to the bridge of the nose through the lower eyelid (20 reps);
  5. do the lungs patting movements along the trajectory indicated above (20 repetitions);
  6. plucking movements lightly walk from the head to the tip of the eyebrow (10 repetitions);
  7. rub your palms so that they become warm and place them on your closed eyelids (this Helps muscles fully relax).

You will find recipes for dark circles under the eyes on our website.

What to combine with for greater effectiveness?

  1. The very first measure to get rid of the impending century is elimination of risk factors (elimination of the root causes of loss of skin elasticity, such as lack of sleep, smoking, alcohol, etc.).
  2. Cold compresses (massage with an ice cube) promote collagen production and invigorate the skin.

  3. massazh-dlya-podnyatiya-XhwNTsj.webp

    if you has already turned 25 years old, You can safely contact a cosmetologist who will select professional care for your delicate eyelid skin. After all, as you know, it is easier to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin than to fight them.
  4. Homemade oil masks – a very good addition to care. Once a week, lubricate your eyelids with castor oil or grape seed oil.
  5. Try to sleep on your back. It’s difficult to relearn, but sleeping face down on a pillow provokes creases, wrinkles and loss of muscle tone.

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Course duration and contraindications

But if we talk about the first results, they will appear in two months.

The effectiveness of gymnastics depends on how drooping the eyelid is. If changes in anatomy are minor, a month is enough to notice positive dynamics. If the prolapse is serious, you'll have to work hard, but even then gymnastics will not be able to correct the defect 100%.

Contraindication to perform face-building exercises are hypertension, various pathologies of nerve endings, plastic surgery (during the recovery period and the next three years), botulinum toxin injections.


So, the approach to solving impending centuries should be comprehensive.

And if you notice the first signs of muscle sagging, don’t rush to go under the knife.

Try to correct the problem with exercise and care, and you will definitely succeed.

How to get rid of drooping upper eyelids through exercises, you can find out from the video:

With age, the skin around the eyes loses its former elasticity at a catastrophic rate. Just yesterday she was shining with beauty and youth, but today a telltale cobweb of crow's feet has crawled in the corners. Then it gets worse, because ptosis (drooping) begins in most cases after 30 years, appearing more and more clearly over time. If you don’t take any measures, by the age of 40 you will have a heavy, gloomy look that instantly betrays your age.

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Decorative cosmetics do not save you, and not everyone will decide to undergo blepharoplasty, under a surgical knife. The best option is an eyelid lift at home, which anyone can use. And the sooner you start dealing with this issue, the longer you will prolong your youth.

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Causes of ptosis


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Cosmetics for the care of the skin around the eyes for the time being cope with the functions assigned to it as an eyelid lift. But its effectiveness gradually decreases until it is completely reduced to zero. Why do the first age-related changes affect this particular part of the face? There are reasons for this:

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  1. the skin here is very thin;
  2. there is no fat layer;
  3. muscles dry out with age;
  4. the ligaments that serve to lift the upper eyelid atrophy;
  5. the skin sags over the eyes;
  6. bags and dark circles appear.

Because of all these processes, the look becomes gloomy, tired, and heavy like an adult. This state of affairs is difficult to reconcile, so every woman tries to find a way to effectively lift her eyelids at home. The sooner you solve this problem, the longer the skin around your eyes will remain young and beautiful.

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If after 50 years of age it will be very difficult to do independent lifting in this part of the face, then at an earlier age there are different methods for this, and you can use any of them without leaving home.

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Origin of name. The term "ptosis" comes from the ancient Greek word "πτῶσις", which translates as "fall".

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First of all, you need to regularly perform eyelid lift exercises at home, which will strengthen the muscles in this part of the face. They are simple, so they can be done even several times a day: at home, at work, in line, in the car. This will save your time, which is always so short.

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  1. Squeeze your eyelids tightly and close your eyes. Feel the pressure. Open them as wide as possible. Fix your gaze in one direction for a couple of seconds. Repeat the exercise from the beginning. Do it for 2-3 minutes. If you feel dizzy or have spots in front of your eyes, next time do this not so quickly.
  2. Open your mouth so that other facial muscles work too. Start blinking your eyes quickly, while feeling how tense your eyelids are. Duration - 2-3 minutes.
  3. Move your eyes intensively in different directions. Despite its apparent simplicity and uselessness, this exercise is considered one of the best for tightening at home.
  4. Using your index fingers, press on the outer corners of your eyes and stretch them to the sides so that you look like a Chinese person. This exercise will give a good tightening and will be an excellent prevention of crow's feet.
  5. Lightly press the upper eyelid with your finger. Try to open it, overcoming resistance. Make sure that the pressure on the eyeball is not too strong.
  6. Open your eyes as wide as possible. Using your index fingers, pull the skin of your temple toward your ears. Now alternately open and close your eyes for 1 minute.

This is the best at-home upper eyelid lift you can find. If you do such exercises regularly, ptosis and crow's feet will not threaten you. If you supplement the set of exercises with a lifting massage, the effect will come even faster.

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Through the pages of history. The founder of face-building is a plastic surgeon from Germany, Reinhold Benz. He came up with a set of exercises for his beloved (she was the famous ballerina Eva Hoffman) to train the facial muscles and massage them.

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If you need an eyelid lift without surgery at home, learn how to self-massage before going to bed. It will be difficult at first to learn all these lymphatic drainage lines and different movement techniques, but over time you will gain the necessary skills and may even enjoy this procedure.

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Always start by removing makeup:

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  1. Place your index and middle fingers on the outer corner of your eye. Perform 10 circular movements in a clockwise direction.
  2. Using your fingertips, gently press on the eyelids from the temple to the bridge of the nose. This manipulation requires certain skills, since the skin should not move with the fingers. First, the movement is performed to lift the lower eyelid (3 times), then to lift the upper eyelid (the same number of times), but in the opposite direction - from the bridge of the nose to the temple.
  3. Place 4 fingers on the lower eyelid in one line, press it with pads for a few seconds, then move your fingers to the upper and repeat the same actions.
  4. Use your index and middle fingers to make patting movements, moving along the lower eyelid from the temple to the bridge of the nose and in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid.
  5. Use your middle finger to apply pressure to the outer corner of the eye. Using the pad of your finger, press along the bone at the edge of the eye towards the inner corner. Apply pressure again on the bridge of the nose 10 times. Repeat light pressure on the corner.
  6. Use your index and middle fingers to make circular movements along the eye muscles, trying to grab the upper part of the cheekbone along with the eyebrow area. Start the massage movement from the outer corner, moving along the lower eyelid from the temple to the nose.
  7. To complete the eyelid lift with a massage, lightly tap with your fingertips, moving in the same direction as in the previous point.
  8. Finish the massage by washing your face first with cold water, then with warm water.

Lymphatic drainage lifting of the upper eyelid at home with the help of massage will relieve it of ptosis. The lower eyelid will no longer swell and glow with dark circles in the morning.

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So it’s worth studying this procedure and putting it into practice as quickly as possible. After all, this is not only the correction of existing age-related changes in the form of sagging, but also its most active prevention.

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You shouldn't wait for ptosis - it's much easier to prevent it. And to enhance the effect, you can use folk remedies that have a lifting effect.

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Did you know that... A massage at home will not only tighten the skin around the eyes, but will also have a healing effect, relieving you of headaches? The second bonus is improved vision with regular sessions.

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Folk remedies


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Homemade masks from improvised means are another excellent face and eyelid lift at home, which will give good results.

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Certain food products have a lifting effect: they promote collagen synthesis, moisturize and fully nourish thin, delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes.

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As a result, the process of drooping of the upper eyelid slows down. So choose the appropriate recipes and try to restore your look to its former youth and beauty.

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  1. Potato mask

Mix cooled mashed potatoes without salt with a small amount of chopped parsley or dill. Apply a thin layer for 10 minutes. Remove the residue with a cotton pad soaked in warm milk. This is the best mask for eyelid lifting at home, which has a lifting, anti-edema and rejuvenating effect.

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  1. Bread mask

Soak the white bread crumb in warm milk and a decoction of chamomile (cornflower). Wrap in double-layer gauze, squeeze lightly, apply for 7-10 minutes.

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  1. Peach mask

Puree the peeled peach and mix it in equal proportions with sour cream or cream.

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  1. Protein mask

You need to be careful with the protein mask in the eye area. It provides excellent lifting of the upper eyelids, but at the same time it dries out the skin, and this part of the face already lacks moisture. Still, the effect is worth it. Separate the white from the yolk, beat it until foamy and apply a thin layer on the eyelids.

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Cosmetic eyelid skin tightening at home using homemade masks is an excellent alternative to many salon procedures, when compared in terms of the achieved effect. And if this is not enough for you, start properly caring for the skin around your eyes - and the need for lifting measures will disappear by itself.

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Helpful information. Eyelid lifting through surgery, when excess skin is excised, is called blepharoplasty (goes back to the ancient Greek “βλέφαρον”, which means “eyelid”).

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Useful tips


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In order not to rack your brains about how to lift eyelids at home, which sag with age, you need to properly care for the area around the eyes from your youth. This will slow down the aging process and preserve youth for a long time.

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Start following the recommendations of cosmetologists right from this day:

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  1. Eye cosmetics (mascara, eye shadow, pencil) should always be fresh and of high quality.
  2. Use special cosmetics to remove makeup. To prevent ptosis, micellar water is recommended.
  3. Eliminate soap from your facial water treatments.
  4. Never leave makeup on your eyes overnight.
  5. Nourish the skin around your eyes with serum, cream or gel twice a day.
  6. Do not allow scrub particles to enter this area.
  7. Protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Don't go outside in sunny weather without sunglasses or a wide-brimmed hat.

Youth passes too quickly, and with it the beauty of your face melts away. The eye area is the first to suffer. The upper eyelid slowly but inevitably drops down, revealing age and making the face gloomy and angry.

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In order not to spoil your radiant, open look with ptosis, you need to think about a facelift in a timely manner. It is available not only in salons, but also at home. So you don’t have to immediately decide on drastic measures - first try time-tested folk remedies at home.

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