Facial massage at home, firming and anti-wrinkle


Women, in search of anti-aging products, resort to the most exotic and expensive ones, but at home you can prevent skin aging with various types of massage - traditional Chinese, Japanese acupressure Shiatsu will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also bring healing to the entire body. Choose a technique that suits you, master it, and let your face remain young and beautiful for as long as possible.

How to do a facial massage correctly

After 30 years, facial massage against wrinkles should be done every two weeks, or a course of 10-15 sessions 2-3 times a year lasting 15-20 minutes. A massage cream or cosmetic oil is applied to the face; you can use essential oil with an anti-aging effect: almond, grape seed, olive. At home, the easiest way to master lymphatic drainage or acupressure massages is, but you need to be sure that you do everything correctly, along the massage lines, because incorrect massage is harmful.


Self-massage for the face against wrinkles is performed while standing in front of a mirror. When you master the technique well, you can do it lying down, it is more effective and promotes greater relaxation. Basic rules of self-massage:

  1. the face must be clean;
  2. hair from the face should be hidden under a cap or bandage;
  3. hands should be clean, nails short;
  4. do along massage lines from the center of the face to the periphery;
  5. start from the forehead, gradually moving down, ending with the neck;
  6. basic massage techniques: light stroking, rubbing, pinching, patting.


Self-massage is performed using simple techniques along massage lines. Don't stretch the skin or rub too hard. If you are not sure about the correctness of your manipulations, it is better to consult a cosmetologist and ask him to show you a few movements. Main massage lines:

  1. from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  2. from the center of the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the temples;
  3. from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone to the inner corner, then under the eyebrow to the outer corner;
  4. from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  5. from the nasolabial fold to the temples;
  6. from the corner of the lips to the middle of the ear;
  7. from the middle of the lower edge of the lips to the lobe;
  8. from the bottom of the chin to the earlobe.


A massager will help you achieve good results in the difficult struggle for youth. There are many different massagers on the beauty market: from mechanical rollers to electric ones with a vibration effect, equipped with ultrasound or infrared radiation. The following rules apply to the use of all types of massagers:

  1. clean your face before the procedure;
  2. moisturize your face with nourishing cream and massage oil;
  3. perform strictly along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery;
  4. duration from 15 minutes to half an hour, depending on the intensity of the impact: the lower the intensity, the longer the session;
  5. Once completed, apply a soothing cream and rest.

The most effective techniques

In modern cosmetology, there are a huge variety of types of massage techniques. They are all good and effective in their own way:

  1. Vacuum. It is considered very effective for eliminating swelling, scars and age spots, and improving blood circulation. There are two execution techniques: static and kinetic. In the first case, cups are placed on problem areas for a certain time, massage cream is not used. Kinetic technique is the movement of cups over skin lubricated with massage oil. Kinetic can be done at home, static is better in the salon.
  2. Pinch massage for Jacquet. The result in the form of smoothing out wrinkles is achieved using pinches of varying intensity. This is a complex technique, and doing it yourself can lead to the opposite result, so it’s better to do it in a salon.
  3. Sculpting or plasticizing is called non-surgical lifting. This technique requires knowledge of anatomy and should only be done by an experienced specialist.
  4. Kobido. It is 500 years old and has been passed down from generation to generation by selected masters. It is considered one of the most effective. The effect is not on muscles or skin, but on energy meridians and acupuncture points, harmonizing human Qi energy. Massage techniques are numerous and varied; needless to say, it should be done by a professional.

For wrinkles around the eyes

Cryomassage has a good effect in the fight against crow's feet. Using two ice cubes, make smoothing movements along the massage lines around the eyes. The massage for wrinkles around the eyes lasts no more than 5 minutes, it is carried out very carefully, without stopping at the points, so as not to overcool the thin skin of the eyelids. You can freeze herbal decoctions with a few drops of essential oils.

This type of rubbing will allow you to remove not only wrinkles and crow's feet, but also overhanging eyebrows and bags under the eyes. Do it for 7-10 sessions with breaks, 5 times, unless otherwise stated:

  1. Place your fingers on your temples. Do 10 circles clockwise.
  2. Using gentle pressure, move your fingers from the temple to the nose along the bone below, reach the inner corner of the eye, then to the area under the eyebrow and back.
  3. Lightly press first the lower, then the upper eyelid with your fingertips.
  4. Walk over the area around the eyes with light tapping fingers - 10 circles.
  5. Place your finger with the edge on your temple so that the nail is directed towards the hair, turn your finger over to your nose. With these movements, make five approaches towards the nose along the bone under the eye. Do the same above the eye from the inner corner of the eye to the temple under the eyebrow.
  6. Lightly press the area near the outer corner of the eye 10 times, move along the cheekbone with rolling movements to the inner corner, make 10 pressures. Go back under the eyebrow in the same way.
  7. Pass under the eyebrow from the nose to the temple with circular rubbing, then back along the top of the cheekbone.
  8. Repeat the previous technique with patting movements.


For forehead wrinkles

The simplest massage for facial wrinkles on the forehead can be done independently, during morning or evening care: apply the cream to the area being worked on, using circular movements of your fingers to easily rub it into the skin along the massage lines. Massage with cupronickel or silver spoons is very effective against longitudinal frontal wrinkles. Daily rejuvenating procedure:

  1. Make stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temples 10 times.
  2. Index and middle fingers above the bridge of the nose, move in a circular motion to the temples 5 times.
  3. Place both palms on the forehead (one above the other), move the skin in different directions 4-5 times.
  4. Using pinches, move from the center of the forehead to the temples, then also tap 5 times from the center to the temples.
  5. Finish with light pats on the forehead.


A very good anti-aging effect is achieved after a session of myofascial massage. This is a deep massage for rejuvenation, in which the master acts on the fascia - the connective tissue covering the muscles. By breaking muscle tension, the specialist returns the muscles to a relaxed position, smoothing out wrinkles. The plucking technique helps to effectively improve skin tone and tighten the oval of the face.

One of the most effective anti-aging massage techniques is the Spanish massage of chiropractor Enrique Garcia. The technique is based on relaxation of deep muscles and the patient receiving pleasure during the session. The method uses more than 100 techniques, never repeated, this guarantees the absence of addiction and a good muscle response, as a result - improved skin color and texture, elimination of wrinkles.

Facial massage for wrinkles at home

Some types of massage can be done independently; each has its own specifics, which must be studied so as not to get the opposite effect in the form of stretched skin. Japanese and Chinese massages are based on knowledge of the location of biologically active points, while sculpting massages are based on a good knowledge of anatomy. Therefore, if you are not confident in your knowledge of a particular massage technique, it is better to trust a professional.

The easiest one to perform is classic self-massage. This is a good prevention of wrinkles; if you do it every day from the age of 25-30, their appearance will be postponed to a much later date:

  1. Smooth the skin of the forehead in a circular motion from the center to the temples;
  2. With three fingers of both hands, draw from the eyebrows to the hairline 3 times;
  3. place the fingers of one hand on the temple, the other hand moves from the temple along the forehead in the opposite direction with smoothing movements, repeat 10 times in both directions;
  4. rest your thumbs on your chin, place three fingers on the top of your cheekbone, stroke your cheekbone from your nose to your temples;
  5. stroke the skin from the center of the chin to the ears;
  6. Place your finger on the outer corner of the eye, alternating stroking with tapping, lightly massaging the eye area.


Japanese technology

Asahi massage, or more correctly Tsogan, can be done at home by mastering the technique yourself. Patients loved it so much that the creator, Yunuko Takana, added new techniques to it, especially for different face types and different ages. You need to remember that after the first sessions, rashes may appear. This procedure is contraindicated for girls with a thin face; after it, it will lose even more weight.

Repeat Tsogan massage movements 3 times, unless otherwise indicated, performed with fingertips:

  1. Almost all massage movements end with stroking from the temple, along the edge of the face down to the chin and further to the collarbones.
  2. Fingers in the middle of the forehead, perpendicular to the eyebrows. Pressing on the skin, move your fingers to the temples, turn them down, gently move along the contour of the face to the collarbones;
  3. Using the pads of your middle fingers, gently move along the lower edge of the eyes to the inner corner, then increase the pressure and return along the upper edge to the temples. Repeat the movement to the inner edge, go back, finish with the final movement.
  4. Place your ring and middle fingers in the middle of the chin, move up to the corners of the lips, press lightly, then around the lips, stop above the upper lip, press again and return to the chin.
  5. Place your fingers at the wings of the nose, do circular rubbing down to the upper lip 5 times, then rub the bridge of the nose and smoothly move from the bridge of the nose to the temples to the final move along the eyebrow line.
  6. Pressing lightly, move your fingers from the chin to the corners of the lips, the wings of the nose, and the inner corner of the eye, as if describing the letter “O”, then along the cheekbone to the temple and finish with the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin.
  7. One hand fixes the lower jaw, the other moves with effort from the lower jaw to the bridge of the nose along the cheek, moving along the lower edge of the eye to the temple and the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin 3 times. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. Palms lie horizontally on the cheeks, fingers at points on either side of the nose. With effort, move your fingers to your temples, moving on to the final movement.
  9. Palms on the oval of the face, touching at the chin. With force, move the heel of your palm upward under the eyes, increase the force and move your palms towards your ears, ending with a final movement.
  10. The bases of the palms are below the corners of the lips, forcefully move the palms towards the ears, press on the area under the cheekbone and smoothly go down with the final movement.
  11. Place your palms under your chin, pressing tightly. Grabbing the skin, move your palm to the middle of the ear, press again, and smoothly finish with the final movement. If you can’t do it with both hands, you can first do it one at a time.
  12. Fingers on the nose, thumbs on the chin. Using the edges of your palms, move forcefully along your cheeks to your ear, and proceed to the final movement.
  13. Make zigzag movements across the forehead with force.
  14. Fingers of both hands on the forehead, press for 3 counts, lightly move the fingers to the temples, final movement.

Deep massage

A deep anti-wrinkle facial massage will help keep your muscles toned. This technique relaxes emotional tensions and the habit of frowning goes away. There is a change in worldview in a positive direction. This is a very radical technique in terms of its effects and sensations; the patient may experience severe pain. It is recommended to scream and cry, because along with physiological relaxation, psychological relaxation also occurs. It needs to be done by an experienced specialist. It consists of three parts:

  1. deep study of the chest, as increased tone of the chest muscles is transmitted to the facial muscles and nerves;
  2. improvement of venous outflow using lymphatic drainage of the chest, facial area, head;
  3. deep effect on the bones of the skull, muscles and fascia.


This is a cleansing procedure with a lifting effect. For it you need to use natural, not candied honey, about 1 teaspoon:

  1. It is done on a dry face, no oil is used.
  2. Lightly heat the honey and spread it over your face, avoiding the lips and eyes.
  3. Press along the massage lines and then “unstick” the palms from the skin.
  4. Do it for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the honey with warm water and apply moisturizer.



A relaxing facial massage before bed is very helpful. This is a cross between classical massage and gymnastics:

  1. Press your eyebrow while trying to move your eyebrows – 10 s.
  2. Place your palms on your forehead and press. Raise your eyebrows while holding your forehead skin with your hands for 10 s.
  3. Using tapping movements, move from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone to the inner corner and, vice versa, under the eyebrow - 5 times.
  4. Say the letter “O”, rounding your lips – 10 times, press your lips tightly to your teeth for 5 seconds, relax, repeat 5 times.
  5. Repeat the previous exercise, instead of the letter “O”, pronounce the letter “U”.


Shiatsu acupressure massage is very popular. It is recommended to perform it in the morning, then the body will receive a boost of energy for the whole day. It is carried out by pressing biologically active points with fingers or special balls, which are pressed against the skin and rotated clockwise. The finger is held perpendicular to the skin and pressure is applied to the point for about 7 seconds. Main massage points:

  1. For the eyes: outer and inner corner of the eye, three points at the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow.
  2. For the forehead: three points located between the beginning of the eyebrow and the hairline on each side, pressing, work the entire forehead from the center to the temples.
  3. For lips: from the point under the lower lip, use pressing movements to move to the points in the corners of the lips. Place the middle finger at the point at the nasolabial fold, the index and ring fingers next to the upper lip, press 5-6 times.
  4. Cheeks: dots are located along the lower edge of the cheekbone. Press all six points simultaneously for 7 seconds.
  5. Oval face: place three fingers on both sides of the chin, press the jaw from below with your thumb, press on these points for 7 seconds. Gradually moving to the temples, work the entire lower jaw.


Despite all the effectiveness and versatility of facial massage for wrinkles, this procedure has contraindications. It cannot be done if the following problems exist:

  1. skin diseases of an infectious or allergic nature;
  2. presence of tumors;
  3. inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  4. decreased or increased intracranial pressure;
  5. poor blood clotting;
  6. increased fragility of blood vessels, rosacea;
  7. any inflammation on the face;
  8. moles on the face;
  9. diseases of the ENT organs;
  10. recent cosmetic procedures.


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The most effective way to combat age-related facial changes is massage. Wrinkles appear differently for each person.

It depends on your skin type, facial expressions, genetics, stress, etc.

Cosmetologists and massage therapists recommend starting massage at the first wrinkles - at about 25 - 30 years old. With a timely approach, this procedure will really be effective and give good results.

Preparing the face

Before the procedure, prepare the skin of the face and hands of the massage therapist. It is important to understand that the hands are the main tool for anti-wrinkle facial massage, so you must do the following in advance:

  1. Remove all jewelry.
  2. Get a manicure that will not cause inconvenience to the client or you during self-massage.
  3. Disinfection with special means.
  4. Pre-warm your palms if your hands are too cold.

For massage use additional cosmetic creams or vegetable oils — olive, flaxseed, wheat germ oil, peach kernels, etc. During the first procedure, it is better to use a hypoallergenic cream so as not to provoke a negative skin reaction.


For oily skin, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to the cream.
. You can also use talc-based baby powder.

Before the massage you need to remove your facial makeup: remove all decorative cosmetics, clean pores from dirt and dust. Next, the face is warmed up, washed with hot water, a decoction of medicinal herbs, or a hot, damp towel is applied. You cannot steam your skin for a long time to avoid getting burns.

The last stage of preparation - skin hydration means. Oil is used for dry skin, and a special cream is used for oily skin. The product is left on the face for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the procedure begins.

Massage at home

For home self-massage, it is recommended to follow several important rules:

  1. Do not put too much pressure on the skin or stretch it.
  2. Hands should move smoothly, stroking the face and neck.

The following professional techniques are used for self-massage:

  1. Applications - pressing on areas of the skin using the entire palm or fingertips. This technique helps to tighten the oval of the face and restore the skin's former elasticity.
  2. Stroking. Do it with your palms or fingers. Effective for quickly removing toxins and accelerating blood circulation.

  3. massazh-lica-doma-kjgXv.webp

    Tingling. This technique is used to combat deep wrinkles. The skin is pinched only along the massage lines.
  4. Trituration. Make circular movements with your fingertips. This technique helps relieve swelling, accelerates blood circulation, and reduces fat deposits.
  5. Kneading the skin. Use 2-3 fingers for the procedure. In the process, the muscles are grasped, while light pressure and rubbing are applied. This exercise helps restore skin elasticity and at the same time remove excess tension.
  6. Claps. Light tapping stabilizes the functioning of the glands. First, light strikes are made with the pads of the fingers, and the technique is completed with the palms.

For sensitive skin, only gentle techniques are used: stroking, application, light cotton. It is better to abandon rough methods of influence (pinching, rubbing, kneading).

Classic massage technique

This option is a good prevention of the early manifestations of aging. The basic rule is movements are carried out along massage lines. They coincide with the places of lymph outflow. Incorrect manipulation can worsen the condition of the skin, and wrinkles will become even more noticeable and deeper.

Classic massage uses gentle techniques - rubbing, stroking and light patting.


The procedure begins from the center of the forehead. The muscles in this place need to be relaxed as much as possible. Rub the forehead from the bridge of the nose to the temples, ending in the area of ​​hair growth. For deep wrinkles, the procedure is complemented by kneading.

Then massage the area around the eyes. It is important to remember that movements on the eyelid always begin near the bridge of the nose and are directed towards the outer corner of the eye. But under the eyes it’s the other way around. From the outer edge to the inner. This is a very delicate part of the face, so all movements are carried out smoothly, slowly, taking into account your skin type. The upper eyelid can be slammed a little with your fingertips; only light sliding movements are applied to the lower eyelid.

The nose is massaged starting from its wings and gradually moving upward. And the cheeks are massaged gently, avoiding stretching the skin. The procedure is done with three fingers - from the corner of the mouth to the cheeks, from the lips to the temples.

The chin can be patted and rubbed. When massaging this part, the double chin is prevented and the facial contour is tightened.

Unfortunately, women often end their facial massage on the chin, forgetting about the neck. It is important to spend time on the décolleté area, using strokes from below and towards the chin. After all, she is the first to reveal a woman’s age.

Massage for pronounced wrinkles

For severe age-related manifestations, it is recommended to use intensive manipulations. Particular attention is paid to the nasolabial fold, applying pressure or light pinching.

Vertical wrinkles on the forehead are removed by pressing and stroking from the center of the forehead to the temples.

Active pinching is often used for deep wrinkles as an effective technique.

Japanese facial massage

Shiatsu massage came to us from Japan. It is important to completely relax before the procedure. Do it better early in the morning or evening before bed.

The face also needs to be prepared first - remove decorative cosmetics and dust, warm with a warm towel. Perform the following exercises:

  1. massazh-lica-doma-KEdXzQW.webp

    Use your fingertips to press on the inner corners of your eyes. Exercises are carried out for 4-5 seconds. One exercise is repeated three times.
  2. There are acupuncture points on the temples. When pressing on these places, a slight pain is felt. They need to be massaged in a circular motion using your fingertips.
  3. Use your palm to stroke your neck from the middle and up. This exercise is performed 10 times.
  4. Lip exercise. Use your fingertips to stroke your lips from the middle to the corners of your mouth. The point above the upper lip is used to remove purse-string wrinkles.
  5. The forehead is stroked eight times with the fingers of both hands. Move in the direction from the eyebrows up and to the side towards the temples from the forehead.

Acupressure for wrinkles

Some techniques came to us from Tibet, India, Japan, Korea or China. Prevention of aging - impact on biologically active points (BAP). Each individual technique indicates its own number of these points, but the essence of the procedure is the same.

Basic rules of acupressure:

  1. The procedure is done only with warm, preheated hands.
  2. One press on the BAP lasts no more than 7 seconds, and on the neck no more than 4 seconds.
  3. The main tool of work is the pad of the thumb. Some masters also use the middle and index fingers.

Stages of the procedure

  1. All facial muscles tense and then relax with willpower. The head is turned to the right, then to the left. At the same time pronounce the sound “a”. This exercise helps relieve muscle tension.
  2. Open your mouth slightly and curl your lips into a tube. After this, they try to open the mouth wide, keeping the muscles of the oral cavity in good shape.

  3. massazh-lica-doma-eSLeh.webp

    Begin massaging your forehead in a circular motion, gradually increasing the pressure when pressing on the skin. It is important to ensure that the skin does not tighten.
  4. Look for points in the cheekbone area, massage with light circular movements using your fingertips.
  5. The head is thrown back, while raising the chin up. The lower jaw is pulled forward, straining the muscles. After a few seconds they return to their original position.
  6. Cover your ears with your palms and hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
  7. Finish the massage with an exercise to relax all facial muscles.

Chinese facial massage

The procedure is done using oil or cream. You should not do exercises immediately after eating; it is better to do it 2 hours after eating.

Chinese massage:

  1. The shoulders are spread and relaxed.
  2. The back is straightened.
  3. He rubs his palms together, warming them.
  4. Rotate the eyeballs up, to the sides, down. The direction of movement is clockwise, and then counterclockwise.
  5. Close and open your eyes one by one.
  6. Lightly press the eye sockets with your fingertips.
  7. They stroke the wings of the nose, then rub the bridge of the nose.
  8. Massage the ears, especially focusing on the earlobes.
  9. Fingers spread to the sides, run over the scalp where the hair grows.

Facial massagers

An effective procedure is done not only with hands, but also with special equipment. You can find several types of massagers in stores. They differ from each other in the way they work, price, and equipment.

Main types of massagers:

  1. massazh-lica-doma-eeTMS.webp

    Jade - a hand-held device that consists of 2 rollers made of jade.
  2. Roller is a simple device that consists of several rollers of different textures. They are passed over the face, lightly pressing on the skin.
  3. An ultrasonic massager affects the skin with sound vibrations, improves blood circulation and tone.
  4. The myostimulator is the latest device that looks like headphones. It is placed on the face, and when turned on, electrical impulses pass through the skin, which affect muscle contraction, blood circulation, and nutrition.
  5. An electric massager applies electric current to the face, stimulating muscle contraction and tone.

When not to massage your face

Experts do not recommend performing the procedure under the following conditions:

  1. Skin diseases (allergic dermatitis, acne, acne, eczema, etc.).
  2. Inflammatory processes on the skin (wounds, cuts, blows).
  3. Presence of formations (ulcers, papillomas, warts, moles).
  4. The skin is thin, and the vessels are close to the surface.
  5. Sunburn, allergies to the sun or frost, peeling from the wind.

In case of any contraindications, cosmetologists recommend performing skin treatment or choosing another procedure to combat the signs of aging.

Anti-wrinkle massage is a very useful therapy and prevention. It has not only a cosmetic, but also a healing effect. Useful for both young girls as prevention and care, and for mature women, it helps to look younger and fresher.

Lisa.ru will tell you about several excellent massage techniques that will help you stay young and beautiful without much effort.

Every woman, no matter how old she is, worries primarily about the beauty of her face. Of course, everyone wants to have an expressive oval and a clear contour of lines. Unfortunately, with age, the skin almost inevitably fades. But don’t rush to make an appointment with a cosmetologist for an expensive facelift: with a little effort, you can do it stop the aging process at home, having mastered facial massage for wrinkles at home.

Preparation and Precautions

Before you begin any technique, you need to make sure that you do not have any contraindications. As a rule, most massage techniques cannot be used if:

  1. rosacea;
  2. pinched facial nerve;
  3. viral diseases;
  4. inflammatory processes on the face and rashes;
  5. dermatitis;
  6. blood and lymph diseases;
  7. hypertension and some other heart diseases;
  8. skin diseases;
  9. oncological diseases.

If you have any of these diseases, consult your doctor before committing to eternal youth.

Before the massage you need to properly prepare:

  1. cut your nails short so as not to injure yourself;
  2. wash off your makeup;
  3. steam your facial skin;
  4. use antibacterial hand sanitizer;
  5. Don’t forget about massage oil (most cosmetic oils will do) or a rich cream so that your hands glide over your face.

1 Classic technique

The traditional version of anti-aging massage is based on exposure to the face mechanically, which is carried out strictly according to massage lines.

This technique includes:

  1. stroking tissues with fingertips (this effect perfectly accelerates blood circulation and helps remove harmful substances - toxins from the body);
  2. circular rubbing of the skin with the palms (due to this, microcirculation of blood and lymph in the tissues is enhanced, a drainage effect is created that removes fat deposits and relieves swelling).

With this technique you will not rub, press too hard or pull on the tissue. The procedure is absolutely painless and safe.

This classic variation of home self-massage will be excellent prevention of tissue withering. It is used when the first signs of skin aging appear—the appearance of facial wrinkles and “crow’s feet” in the eye area. She helps structure the oval of the face, “lift” the sagging nasolabial triangle.

At the same time, the facial muscles completely relax, blood flow increases, and the cells are saturated with oxygen, which is necessary to maintain elasticity.

To enhance the effect, you need exfoliation - use a scrub. Use the product along the massage lines several times a week.

2 Japanese facial massage for wrinkles and neck tightening

The secret of the Asahi technique - in influencing the areas where lymph nodes are located.

  1. Press your fingers just below your temples, near your ears, and move them down to your collarbones - in this way lymph outflow is activated. Repeat this movement three times at the beginning and at the end of each subsequent exercise.
  2. Then place three fingers of each hand on your forehead, press them and move down to your collarbones, slowing down at your temples. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes and begin to make circular movements around - first along the lower eyelid, and then along the upper. Then move your fingers from the corners of the eyes to the temporal region, and then down, still to the collarbones. Repeat the movement three times.
  4. Use your pads to massage the wings of your nose up and down (the same 3 times), then the bridge of your nose (3-4 times), and finally, through your temples, go down with your hands to your collarbones.

For more information about other massage movements, watch the video:

3 Chinese acupressure

Even in ancient times, Chinese medical specialists understood that to improve the condition of the body and improve the health of organs, it is necessary act on special points. Now this fact has been scientifically proven.

The essence of the massage is alternate pressure with the fingertips and palms on certain active points in the forehead, temples, nasolabial triangle and other areas.

It is especially important to target points in the corners of the eyes and on the cheeks. If possible, we advise you to “expand” the area of ​​action and work on the areas of the ears, neck and décolleté.

Experts say that with the help of such pressure, the overall health of the body occurs and energy channels are cleared, due to which instant rejuvenation occurs, and calm and tranquility sets in. Moreover, this type of influence useful for frontal sinusitis, sinusitis and headaches.

4 Mimic “gymnastics” for the face

The effect of facial massage is based on training the facial muscles and strengthening them. First, moisturizer or cosmetic oil is applied to the face to improve gliding.

The technique is quite simple (massage can be done even in the middle of a working day).

  1. Place the fingers of both hands on your forehead and fix it in such a way as to prevent the appearance of wrinkles during facial expressions. Raise your eyebrows, as if surprised, and strongly tense your forehead muscles. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and then relax your face.
  2. Place your fingertips at the base of your eyebrows. While keeping your skin from frowning, try to move your eyebrows towards each other.
  3. Work the area around the eyes by gently tapping the lower eyelid with your fingertips. Then press the outer corners of your eyes 7 times. Moving from the outer corner, run your fingers several times, first along the lower and then along the upper eyelid.
  1. Round and tense your lips, as if pronouncing the sound “O”, and stay in this position for 3-5 seconds.
  2. Close your lips tightly and make 25-35 circular movements with your tongue towards each cheek, as if imitating the vibrations of waves.
  3. Round and elongate your lips again, as if pronouncing the sound “U”. Freeze for 5 seconds and then relax.

Each exercise should be repeated from 5 to 10 times. It is important not to frown, but to tense your facial muscles.

5 Anti-wrinkle massage technique with spoons

Even ordinary spoons (or rather, their back sides) can be used as a massager.

  1. take two teaspoons or dessert spoons, sterilize them in a convenient way (at a minimum, wipe with vodka or alcohol);
  2. prepare two small containers with warm and ice water (it will be great if you use green tea or herbal decoction instead of water);
  3. cleanse the skin with a scrub;
  4. prepare oil or cream.

To eliminate swelling under the eyes, alternately apply cold and warm spoons to the lower eyelid for three seconds, 5-10 times. Then apply the massage agent to warm spoons and apply them to the outer corners of the eyes. Move them towards your temples in a circular motion and hold for three seconds. Repeat the same steps with cold spoons. This simple manipulation will help get rid of crow's feet.

Massage for forehead wrinkles involves zigzag movements, first with warm and then cold spoons from the center to the temples.

To get rid of nasolabial folds, puff out your cheeks and start tapping them with warm spoons for 10–15 seconds.

To prevent age-related changes, spoon therapy is performed twice a week, and to eliminate wrinkles that have already appeared - every other day.

What are the benefits of self-massage for wrinkles at home?

Doctors and scientists have long proven that a certain mechanical effect on the skin and muscles has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

Mechanical manipulation improve blood microcirculation, tissues are better saturated with oxygen and, accordingly, they become healthier. In addition, facial muscle fibers gradually strengthen, so the skin regains its elasticity and firmness.

Due to this effect on tissue facial oval improves. According to numerous reviews, it tightens and acquires clearer outlines, and the shape of the face is slightly stretched as a result of mechanical influences. Subcutaneous body fat gradually decreases, and problems such as a pronounced double chin and cheeks go away.

Among other things, most often for self-massage of the face against wrinkles with their own hands, women take cosmetic oil (the one that is in the house) - coconut, olive, cocoa are excellent (the latter helps restore and rejuvenate the epidermis).

Often different massage practices are used for medicinal purposes. For example, doctors prescribe them for the treatment of various disorders in the facial muscles, as well as as rehabilitation therapy after a number of diseases (facial paralysis, strokes and some others). But first you need to consult a specialist.