Guasha massage: a unique oriental technique

Guasha massage has been practiced by oriental massage therapists for many centuries. It is one of the most ancient types of Chinese massage. Its invaluable benefits in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases are appreciated. This type of reflexology is practically unknown in Russian. Not even every major city has an idea about this type of massage.

Chinese gua sha massage

Using a massage clip, specific areas of the body are affected

If translated literally, Guasha in Chinese means: “gua” - scrape, “sha” - bad. The literal meaning is to take away everything bad (illness, negativity, stress, etc.).

This Chinese massage technique is performed using special small plates made of jade, or an horn or shell of an animal, or a coin.

With the help of these devices, certain areas or points of the body are affected. The impact allows you to put in order the circulation of vital energy, thereby eliminating illnesses and diseases. According to many Chinese, it is the disruption of the circulation of vital energy that is the source of all diseases.

Execution technique

With its fairly simple technique, many massage therapists really like this massage. It is simple to perform, and the result is pleasing with its effectiveness. But, in order to learn how to perform the technique correctly, you need to take several lessons from an experienced master. He will explain all the subtleties and nuances of this procedure.

As a rule, a massage therapist performs 3 types of gua sha massage techniques:

  1. Se-gua – fast clips with strong pressure;
  2. Bu-gua - slow clips with light pressure;
  3. Pin-bu pin-se - slow paper clips with strong pressure.

Guasha massage technique

The effect can be felt after the first use

For this massage, special Chinese oil is used. For each technique, different configurations of paper clips are used.

The effect of gouache occurs during the session itself. The area of ​​skin on which the techniques are performed first turns red, and in some cases a burning sensation may occur. Depending on the intensity, hemorrhage may occur in the areas where the process is performed. They can reach black color. This means that in these places there is a high content of lactic acid. There is no need to be afraid of this. The entire procedure is almost painless. In rare cases, the patient feels slight pain and tickling. These sensations do not continue, but disappear immediately after the end of the massage procedure.

As a rule, a typical massage session lasts 20-25 minutes. Bruises and spots that appear after the session disappear after 2-3 days. Once all bruises and bruises have disappeared, you can perform the next session. The usual frequency of massage is 2 times a week. The entire course is recommended to be carried out 2 times a year. One course includes 10-12 procedures.

Side effect

As a result of performing a massage, someone becomes drowsy and tired. For others, on the contrary, there is a surge of strength and good spirits. After the session, an unpleasant body odor may appear.

The Chinese rule in medicine says: “Without exacerbation, there is no treatment, but only relief.” That is why, during the process of gua sha massage, your illness may worsen. This is the first sign that the treatment is proceeding correctly.

The healing properties of gua sha massage

The main and main goal of massage is to speed up metabolic processes in the skin and remove toxins from the body. One follows from the other. It is recommended to drink warm water throughout the day to better remove toxins from the body. There is also internal normalization of organs among themselves, which entails a cure for a certain pathological process.

The healing properties of gouache

Chinese massage can cope with many diseases

During the massage, the process of rejuvenation and healing of the body proceeds well. Constant use generally slows down the aging process of the body.

This technique helps get rid of many diseases. Here are some examples:

  1. Osteochondrosis – lymphatic drainage improves, blood circulation in the affected areas increases, muscle spasm disappears, pain and swelling are relieved;
  1. Colds - the drainage function of the respiratory tract improves, swelling of the bronchial mucosa disappears, cough and shortness of breath disappear;
  1. Cholecystitis – spasm of the gallbladder disappears, pain is relieved, motor skills return to normal;
  1. Skin diseases – the general condition of the skin improves, age spots and acne disappear. This happens by removing toxins from the body.
  1. It is also worth noting the positive effect of massage on the nervous system: appetite improves, anxiety goes away, and sleep improves. The general condition of the body returns to normal, tone and resistance to disease increase.


Massage has its contraindications. This is, first of all, an allergy to oils, any infectious skin diseases, violation of the integrity of the skin, cancer, dropsy, high blood pressure, and decreased kidney function. This procedure is also prohibited during pregnancy.

Massage is one of the methods of keeping your body in a healthy and excellent condition. So why not use it to its fullest.