Time-tested butt massage

The honey massage technique came to us from Ancient Tibet. Honey contains a large number of biologically active substances, which, when actively interacting with the skin, improve its condition. After a massage session, the skin becomes smooth and velvety. Honey can also cleanse pores and remove metabolic products. Today we’ll look at a buttock massage using honey.

Many experts claim that massage with honey is one of the most effective in its healing effects. For this procedure, it is best to prepare natural flower honey. Due to the fact that honey contains a large number of useful microelements and vitamins, the body receives a powerful charge of strengthening and stimulating the immune system. In a short period of time, the figure will take on the desired shape.

With systematic and regular implementation of the procedure, the results obtained will last for a long time. The buttocks will become more toned, smooth, cellulite and excess weight will disappear. By improving blood circulation and accelerating metabolism, the body will speed up the process of restoring damaged muscles.

After the first procedure, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of the massage: the skin in the thighs and buttocks will become smooth, velvety to the touch, and elastic. Flabbiness and cellulite will disappear. The body will be cleansed of waste and toxins.

Buttocks massage

Massage in the buttocks area will relieve cellulite and sagging skin

Ingredients for massage

The main ingredient of massage is honey. Honey must be natural, without any additives or impurities. Floral, linden, buckwheat, etc. are suitable. Honey should not be candied. If the honey is candied, it can be melted in a water bath. An excellent addition to honey will be natural essential oils: lavender, orange, lemon, rosemary, eucalyptus and others.

Recommended proportion for one massage session:

2 teaspoons of honey and 5 drops of aromatic oils.

Examples of mixtures that can be used in massage:

  1. honey and 5 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of lavender;
  2. honey, 2 drops orange oil, 2 drops lavender, 3 drops juniper;
  3. honey, 5 drops of orange and lemon oils;
  4. honey, 2 drops of lavender, 3 drops of lemon and 5 drops of peppermint oils.

Honey for massage

Honey must be natural

Massage technique for the buttocks

The technique consists of two main movements:

  1. pressing honey;
  2. vacuum outlet.

The technique is quite simple to use.

  1. Honey is applied to the palms and then evenly distributed onto the surface of the buttocks using patting movements. For convenience, first one part is massaged, then the other.
  2. As soon as the honey is completely transferred to the skin, we begin to “glue” the palm to the body and sharply tear it off. This is the main movement with which the entire procedure is carried out.
  3. At the beginning of the massage, the movements are softer and smoother. Then the patting movements become sharper and more jerky. The hands should be pressed closer to the body and come off more sharply. With this movement, honey is very well absorbed into the upper layers of the skin, leaving a thin layer on the surface.
  4. After a few minutes, a white-gray mass remains on the palms. The mass appears following the movements of the palms and indicates that toxins and waste have begun to be removed from the skin. After the procedure is completed, the remaining honey is washed off in the shower under warm water. After a shower, you need to lubricate your body with moisturizer.

Cream after massage

Lubricate the skin with cream

At the first sessions, the patient may feel unpleasant sensations. The body begins to adapt to the massage. After two or three procedures, the pain will disappear.

In order for the skin to rest, experts recommend massage every other day, a course of 15 procedures.