Muscle Capitis Rectus Dorsalis Minor

The rectus capitis dorsalis minor muscle, also known as m. Rectus capitis dorsalis minor is a small muscle located in the back of the neck. It originates from the sternocleidomastoid joint and attaches to the lower part of the polytylic bone. This muscle plays an important role in keeping the head upright and turning it.

The rectus capitis dorsalis minor muscle controls head movements in the upper occipital segment. It is involved in turning the head to the side opposite to its location, and in tilting the head to the same side. In addition, this muscle plays an important role in maintaining correct posture and relieving neck pain.

For those who play sports, it is especially important to develop the muscles of the neck, including the rectus capitis dorsalis minor. Strengthening this muscle will help improve coordination, increase accuracy and speed of head rotation, and reduce the risk of neck injuries.

The rectus capitis dorsalis minor muscle is an important part of the muscular system of the neck and back. Its strengthening and development can be of great benefit to both athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. Incorporating exercises to develop this muscle into your daily workout can help improve your posture, reduce the risk of injury, and improve your overall quality of life.

An article about the muscle Capitis Rectus Dorsalis Minor.

The head muscles are one of the most important muscle groups in the human body. They provide various functions such as movement of the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, as well as maintaining balance. One of these muscles is the rectus capitis dorsalis minor muscle. It is located in the upper part of the neck and plays an important role in many functions of our body.

The small rectus dorsalis muscle begins on the greater tubercle of the occipital bone and is attached to the scales of the skull in front behind the ear and on the front surface of the neck. It is one of three muscles that attach to the skull. The other two muscles are the rectus medialis and externus muscles, and the rectus major muscles are connected to other muscle groups, including the large muscles and muscle fibers.

One of the most common functions of the Capitis rectus dorsalis minor muscle is the movement of the heads of the humerus in relation to the sternocleidomastoid muscle