Intestinal obstruction Obstructive

Intestinal obstruction is an acute condition of the stomach. It is characterized by a violation of the passage of food through the intestines, which occurs when the intestinal lumen is obstructed or there is a significant impairment of motility. Obstruction is the most common form of obstruction (up to 95% of cases). Nazarene obstruction occurs when the intestinal lumen is blocked by a central foreign body, tumor, fecal stone, intestinal compression by a tumor or adhesions; obliteration of the intestinal canal by a hernial sac; strangulated intestinal band in the hernial orifice; volvulus, etc. For timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, special attention must be paid to the harbingers of complications in the form of weakness, unsatisfactory health and changes in the nature of the elimination of food masses. The main diagnostic stage is a physical examination of the patient, less often plain radiography; if necessary, additional examination methods are prescribed in order to assess the extent of the tumor process. Due to the wide variety of mechanisms of intestinal pathology, the choice of adequate treatment tactics can only be judged by data from additional research methods (intraoperative monitoring of the completeness of resection). The decisive factor in the tactics of restoring patency is the choice of direction of intervention - laparotomic or laparoscopic access and the method of resuming the passage of food masses, the volume of resection interventions. Patients undergo a comprehensive examination (including hemodynamic parameters, biochemical status and electrolyte disturbances), as well as the prescription of drug therapy (intoxication and antispasmodic treatment is carried out, antibacterial drugs are used taking into account the species sensitivity and tissue specificity of bacteria, etc.). In most patients, patency is restored by the endoscopic method, while in the rest the operation is performed using a laparotomy approach. If patency cannot be restored, then total resection of the colon is indicated.

Intestinal obstruction is the partial or complete cessation of passage of contents through the intestinal lumen. In everyday life, the term “obstruction” is sometimes used to refer to a symptom.

The causes of this condition may be:

violation of peristalsis; stretching of blood vessels and intestinal tissues; oral contraceptive blockage; cancer; side effects of drugs. Poisoning and infectious diseases lead to acute type of intestinal obstruction. Chronic obstruction occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged poor nutrition, and acute pathologies in which digested food from the duodenum stops moving. This may be acute cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis and other diseases of the intestines and abdominal organs. This symptom can also accompany severe infections: toxoplasmosis, tularemia, pneumonia. Obstruction does not occur in healthy people, and only severe discomfort is caused by micronesia - improper passage of soft feces. Over a long period of time, they begin to become injured, cause pain and lead to inflammation. Most often this happens with flatulence or the formation of mesenteric nodules. These diseases are characterized by symptoms of severe pain, but they quickly subside after taking active doses of anti-inflammatory drugs. The most dangerous form is perforative, it leads to serious consequences. The patient suffering from it may lose consciousness from shock and pain. The pathology is characterized by symptoms of unbearable pain, which cannot be relieved with the help of analgesics. Obstructed intestines quickly become dehydrated, and the patient's general condition worsens progressively with each passing hour. If the pathology is not diagnosed in a timely manner and treatment is not started, the person dies. The perforated type differs from other types in severe prolonged dehydration