Why does the face change with age?

Humanity has always been interested in the question of what beauty is and by what parameters it is determined. What should that ideal face look like? Studies have shown that facial volume is one of the most important indicators of youth and sexuality. The youthful appearance is characterized by softness, smooth lines and transitions. The cheeks have a natural roundness, the cheekbones are set high, the chin is softly defined, and always and everywhere any features of the facial skeleton are softly smoothed out with the help of a uniform layer of subcutaneous fat.


Loss of volume due to a decrease in the fat layer changes the shape of the face, making it flatter, the features become sharper, and the overall appearance becomes tired and haggard. This is one of the few cases where fat loss is not beneficial. Hollows under the eyes, sunken cheeks, an uneven line of the lower jaw - all this, alas, does not give the appearance of youth.

Ideal face - ideal volume

German psychologists conducted a complex experiment to create a computer model of an ideal female face. They connected with each other the most spectacular faces, recognized as such during a large sociological survey. Moreover, at the beginning, a portrait of an ideal woman was shown, obtained by “merging” 100 of the most beautiful faces, and then the same portrait, but slightly modified according to a child’s scheme, then there were added roundness to the cheeks, softer transitions from one area of ​​the face to another, the forehead was made higher and more rounded, convex, the eyes were enlarged, the nose was shortened, the lips were made fuller. Interestingly, the “rounded”, more childish option, indicating dense subcutaneous fatty tissue of the face, was chosen by 90% of respondents and only 10% preferred natural beauty. But at the end of the experiment, scientists were able to figure out the basic set of features that a beautiful face should have. For women, this is smooth, smooth skin, a “heart” or “oval” face shape, high cheekbones, cheeks are welcome, plump lips, widely spaced large eyes, dark eyelashes and thin eyebrows, a small nose and, most importantly, soft and delicate lines faces. The slightest sharpness in the transition from one part of the face to another was already interpreted as “ugly” (for example, too sunken cheeks, even with high cheekbones, received very few positive ratings). Alya handsome men, interestingly, are characterized by the same set plus a strong-willed chin and a noticeable lower jaw,

So, the first conclusion is obvious - there is more softness and roundness in the face, the so-called “childishness”, and the woman seems more attractive. And the second conclusion that psychologists from the University of Regensburg were able to draw is that there is a stereotype of the perception of a beautiful person. The more beautiful a face was, the more pleasant, spiritual, intelligent, and touching its owner was considered. Such people are credited with greater creative potential and the ability to positively influence others. Those with harsher and less attractive faces are denied these positive qualities and are classified as dissatisfied people, tired of life. It turns out that life is easier for beautiful people. They a priori have a head start when making contacts, looking for work, and in their personal lives. But let’s not forget the classification of the cheerful physicist Landau with his “scents” and the proverb often quoted by my mother-in-law (I hope it’s not me who inspires her to pronounce this masterpiece of folk wisdom), “For every product there is a buyer.” If it is difficult to achieve agreement with yourself on some issues of appearance and folk wisdom does not help, then modern cosmetology may well help.

Facial volume as a criterion of beauty and an indicator of age

So, the criterion for the beauty and youth of the face is elastic skin and uniform volume, imitating childish features. Over the years, the natural facial volume disappears, the face becomes flatter and, what’s even worse, various recesses and sharpness appear, which certainly do not give the face youth and beauty. The correct rounded curves of the face are just as sexy as the seductive roundness of the body. Flat faces are less feminine because they are not able to reflect light, which emphasizes the beauty and freshness of the face. Facial volume is one of the most important indicators of youth and sexuality.

Why facial volume is lost with age

Scientists have been able to establish that the process of losing facial fat is progressive, if, of course, we consider the ideal option of aging without sudden changes in weight during the patient’s life. It all starts with the area around the eyes, then the middle of the cheeks (under the eyes), then the cheekbones, jawline, lower jaw, nasolabial folds and, finally, the forehead and temples lose volume. No one is immune from thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer on the face, its displacement and sagging, which subsequently violates the proportions of the face and its shape. At the same time, there are several factors that we can control.

Firstly, exposure to the sun - almost all signs of aging, including degradation of the subcutaneous fat layer, are a consequence of excessive sunbathing and more.

Secondly, weight fluctuations are the biggest enemy of facial volume. The fact is that due to such “weight swings”, even at a very young age, the fat that gently lines the orbital area disappears very quickly and irrevocably, and this leads to the appearance of hollows under the eyes. In addition, the cheeks lose their density and roundness, gradually sagging, which disrupts the entire architectonics of the face. All this together leads to early disturbances in the shape of the oval of the face and drooping of the corners of the lips. The saddest thing is that in people who often and ineffectively lose weight, using a variety of unbalanced diets, the fatty tissue on the face is never restored as nature intended. So, if a person has lost a lot of weight, but was unable to maintain the weight and gained it back, fat will be deposited on the face according to completely different rules. No, in order to recover smoothly and beautifully in the area of ​​the eye orbits, in order to remove circles under the eyes, it will bulge in the form of unpleasant bags of eye hernias, and fat will be deposited with great pleasure in the area of ​​the chin and jowls instead of giving roundness to the cheeks and lining them evenly and graceful cheekbones. And all these phenomena together will only allow you to dream about the parameters of an ideal young and beautiful face. That is why weight control and a balanced diet are the most important preventive measures in maintaining the natural volume of the face for as long as possible. “Take care of the subcutaneous fat layer from a young age” - this is how I would paraphrase the well-known saying in the light of this marker.

In addition to these factors, I would like to note the excessive passion for facial myostimulation procedures from a young age. Devices called myostimulators used to be found in almost every beauty salon. Often they are even sold in “couch shops”, promising a wonderful tightening effect. But we must always remember that excess muscle tension in the facial area can also sharpen features, making them rougher, and in particularly sensitive areas, such as the area under the eyes, subcutaneous fat can be resorbed prematurely.

How facial volume affects our perception of age

This age marker is extremely insidious. Forming gradually, it dulls our critical thinking and can remain unrecognized for a long time, cunningly forcing us to look for a good angle in the mirror or explain to ourselves these “floating” features through a sleepless night, excess fluid drunk, lack of vacation, or a few extra pounds, which you can lose and that’s it. it will be the same as before, as if you were still twenty years old. The only exceptions are those cases of sudden weight loss or, on the contrary, weight gain, when the face changes dramatically in a short period of time, then it becomes absolutely impossible not to notice the marker. However, saving thoughts appear here too: a couple of weeks - and the skin itself will tighten, adapting to the new weight. However, sooner or later a collision with reality occurs. So, for example, somewhere in the fitting room, where, as luck would have it, you can see everything in this notorious 3D, your gaze suddenly catches the jowls, the double chin that has come from nowhere, and the drooping cheeks. And in the photo, instead of a perky girl living safely and comfortably in her own self-image, some woman with a limp face and a tired look will suddenly look at you.

Others perceive such a person as aged, tired, and sometimes flabby. Interestingly, when the “3D disorder” marker appears, the face begins to appear looser and fuller, although the person’s weight may remain exactly the same as in youth. The reason is that when fatty areas migrate (lower) on the face, a kind of “flow down” of soft tissue occurs. Therefore, the amount of subcutaneous fat in the upper part of the cheek and the zygomatic area sharply decreases (up to the formation of recesses - “pits” under the eyes), at the same time the lower part of the face becomes heavier due to the fat that has sunk there. The even outline of the lower jaw disappears, jowls and sagging appear, the face loses its characteristic oval shape, approaching the geometric shape rather to a trapezoid. Nasolabial folds and drooping corners of the lips are added to the overall already unsightly picture. The downward displacement of adipose tissue literally “eats” beauty and prettiness. And even if things have not yet reached the formation of jowls and a “blurred” oval line, the facial fat that has moved downwards still makes the face ugly and “heavy”.


Volume of Isadora's face

A striking example of the wool of this marker - its amazing ability to destroy the beauty and tenderness of the face - is the type of aging of the famous dancer Isadora Aunkan. This beautiful mastic woman, who dedicated her entire life to dance, met the Russian theat Yesenin at the age of 45. And despite the fact that constant choreography classes help maintain overall tone and youth (for example, the dancer’s figure and neck were in excellent condition), the age marker “3D impairment” still did not spare the beauty’s face. By this age she did not yet have obvious signs of aging in the form of a bad oval shape, nasolabial folds or drooping corners of the mouth (dancing classes give incredible tone to all muscles without exception), but her face seemed somehow square, heavy and simply not so beautiful. The tenderness and charm inherent in this delightful woman in her youth have disappeared,

An ugly, fat, heavy face - that’s what this age marker can do even to a beauty! This is exactly how they saw a woman for the first time in Soviet Russia, who drove the aesthetic public crazy and around whom crowds of fans always hovered. But her beauty and captivating grace became an inspiration for the great Rodin!

It is quite difficult not to notice the appearance of this age marker. Already in their thirties, many women begin to sound the alarm about suddenly appearing circles under their eyes. Further more. The resulting depressions on the cheeks, especially in the center of the face, flattening of the cheeks - all this makes the face more tired and as if fallen. Unfortunately, the absence of wrinkles is not yet an indicator of youth. In order for a face to be perceived as youthful, the correct interaction of its volumes is necessary.

Let's summarize all of the above. The age marker “lost facial volume” can have a very significant impact on determining a person’s age. Depending on the degree of its severity, this marker adds from 5 to 10 years if it manifests early. For clarity: a thirty-year-old woman, who often goes on strict diets with weight fluctuations at different periods of her life from 5 kg or more, will most likely look like a forty-year-old, since such a lifestyle leads to obvious irreversible violations of facial volume in the form of circles under the eyes, sunken cheeks in their upper part and, conversely, weighting in the lower part, significant flattening of the zygomatic region and recesses in the nasolabial area. All these changes occur against the background of a general sharpening of facial features and aggravation of various shadows and recesses. In addition to the fact that this marker clearly adds age, it also takes away beauty and freshness from a person, giving his appearance staleness, fatigue, exhaustion and a sad expression.

Is it possible to maintain facial volume as you age on your own?

Since this age marker is associated with the loss or redistribution of subcutaneous facial fat, the emphasis in home activities is only on preventing its formation. The key to success is maintaining a stable weight and a rational, balanced diet with adequate fluid intake (up to two liters per day). If, nevertheless, the question of losing weight is ripe, then it is best to do this under the supervision of a specialist, a nutritionist, making sure to reduce weight progressively and smoothly. With a slow process of losing weight, the likelihood of manifestation of the age marker “lost volume” is significantly reduced. You should also not neglect the simple principles of home skin care: moisturizing, nourishing, toning.

Gymnastics for the face helps keep facial muscles in good shape and influences the preservation of the face in a state of tone, thereby indirectly maintaining harmonious proportions. However, very diligent exercises for the orbicularis oculi or cheek muscles can aggravate the resorption of subcutaneous fat in these areas and unsightly sharpen features. Therefore, I personally encourage facial exercises only for the neck, chin area and forehead. In areas where subcutaneous fatty tissue is present in the architectonics of the face, giving the face that very 3D volume, depth, firmness and softness of transitions, I am against any manipulations that can disturb and accelerate the resorption, resorption of this layer, which is most important for our beauty, starting from charging to myostimulation with great care.

If the age marker “lost facial volume” does appear, then we will have to admit with regret that conservative methods such as masks, tightening creams, even peelings and mesotherapy are not able to replenish what is gone forever - subcutaneous fat, and, accordingly, restore youthful facial contours. That is why you have to make a difficult choice - either age naturally or turn to the services of professional cosmetologists. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to handle this marker yourself. However, it is worth noting that for those who maintain a stable weight throughout their lives and take care of their health, this marker manifests itself quite late - at 45-50 years old, and even then it is not always pronounced. That is why it is worth taking care of your beauty from an early age, laying the foundation for the future and delaying the manifestation of this marker as much as possible. If it works out, you can and should always contact a competent cosmetologist.

How cosmetology helps restore facial volume with age

Modern cosmetology has in its arsenal techniques and procedures that can help restore the lost contours of the face, originally intended by nature. To restore the correct interaction of facial volumes, injection techniques are used, which can now rightfully be called a saving bridge between conservative cosmetic care and radical solutions of plastic surgery.

The fact is that the lost volume of subcutaneous fat and the resulting “sagging” of the face can be restored only by masterfully replenishing this lost natural filler. This method of replenishing the volume of soft tissues is called 3D contouring or volumetric correction. Unlike the flat approach to aging, which focuses only on the presence or absence of wrinkles on the face, the volumetric method of correcting age-related changes examines the anatomical metamorphosis of tissues in more detail. For example, it would seem that in order to get rid of drooping corners of the lips, it is enough to inject filler into this area. If we are talking about only one category of age-related changes - loss of elasticity and tone of the skin, which led to such drooping of the corners of the mouth - then the decision seems absolutely correct. But the fact is that sad folds around the mouth are formed not only for the reasons mentioned. A much greater influence on the formation of such a picture is exerted by the downward displacement of buccal fat and resorption, that is, resorption, of the fat layer in the cheekbone area. Therefore, to achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to strengthen the cheek area and replenish the volume of the cheekbone area, which will give almost immediate lifting and tightening of drooping, sad corners of the lips. It is also interesting that with timely correction of the very first volumetric disorders of the face, the result is achieved quickly, lasts a long time and prevents the development of other 3D changes. The fact is that one age marker that appears immediately leads to the appearance of another, and stopping this vicious circle prevents development of age-related facial changes. With the advent of 3D contouring, the approach to plastic surgery has completely changed. With proper restoration of facial volumes using injection volumetric techniques, the need for early surgical correction has almost completely disappeared. That is why in recent years the age of women and men turning to plastic surgery for the purpose of rejuvenation has “matured” significantly.

Aging becomes an unpleasant event in the life of any woman. As you age, your skin condition will only get worse. Many people mistakenly believe that the reason lies in insufficient care, exposure to external factors, and natural stretching of the skin. Indirectly, these factors have a negative impact on appearance, but the main reason for age-related skin changes lies deeper.

How the face changes with age

Each type of appearance has its own aging scenario, however, certain periods of life are characterized by similar age-related changes in facial skin.

From 14 to 21 years old, the appearance loses its childish softness. The skin gradually becomes denser, and facial features lose their roundness and become clearer.

The face is finally formed between the ages of 21 and 30. The main influence on the process is character and facial expressions. The outlines become clearer and more pronounced. Signs of aging are practically not observed.

Middle age is characterized by the accumulation of obvious signs of aging. The forehead, corners of the mouth, and eyelids become covered with wrinkles. The features soften, the oval begins to float, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner. Gray hair appears.

Aging at the age of 60 is reflected on the face by firm wrinkles, thin sagging skin or puffy features. The eyes become deep-set, framed by prominent brow ridges. The lines are blurring. Gray hair becomes thinner and becomes significantly smaller.

In old age, the face is completely covered with deep wrinkles. The lips become thinner and become covered with wrinkles. The cheeks are sunken and the skin on them sags even more. An elongated nose looks sharp, and the eyes are small due to sagging eyelids.

Why does the face age?

Externally, the effort of the face is expressed by the appearance of wrinkles and distortion of its features. When studying the issue globally, it becomes clear that the main cause is deformation of the muscles under the skin. They come in two types: mimic and chewing. In different situations (sleep, work, expression of emotions), the behavior of these muscles is quite individual, which serves as the basis for age-related changes in the skin.

The struggle for youth is doomed to failure if you approach the problem superficially or with insufficient knowledge. Having studied in detail the anatomy of the facial muscles, you can target a specific problem. The main difference is the mounting methods. The mimic ones are attached to the bone on one side, and the other flows directly into the skin; the chewing ones are in contact with the bones of the skull with both ends. The appearance of the skin depends on their condition.

Facial changes with age

Diagnosis of age-related changes

You can check for the presence of muscle blocks that affect facial aging using self-diagnosis using the following video:

Types of aging and their characteristics

All people age according to their individual scenario. Some people turn gray at an early age and their face is covered with a network of wrinkles. And for some, the face significantly loses its shape, but there are only timid hints of wrinkles. It is possible to have a significant impact and slow down the process only by taking into account the individual type of facial aging. Below are the different types of aging and their characteristics.


Photo from lady-zest.ru

The tired or pasty type of aging is characterized by a fresh, rested, fit appearance in the morning and a tired, with noticeable signs of fatigue, in the evening. The causes of this condition are stagnation of fluid in the soft tissues - swelling. Provocateurs are venous stagnation, as well as impaired lymph outflow.

In aging skin, venostasis manifests itself as swelling in the frontal and parietal areas. It is very noticeable when touched with a finger. In addition to private zonal edema, it can manifest itself as a general swelling of the forehead. In this case, the absence of wrinkles is not an indicator of health; on the contrary, due to the volumetric layer between the skin and the skull, they do not have the ability to wrinkle. The presence of any of these symptoms indicates a violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the skull.

Lymphostasis causes a violation of the outflow of lymph and its stagnation in the tissues. The presence of a problem is indicated either by general swelling of the face, or by the presence of unpleasant phenomena in the form of bags under the eyes, double chin, swelling of the eyelids, and nasolabial folds.

Baked Apple – finely wrinkled

Photo from the site molod24.ru

This type of aging is characterized by the appearance of a large number of fine wrinkles. Their appearance is due to a violation of the outflow of tissue fluids caused by destructive changes in the facial muscles. The function of tissue fluid is to remove skin metabolic products, which, when disrupted, are replaced by waste products. Which leads to the formation of a network of small wrinkles. A similar phenomenon is most often observed on the upper and lower eyelids.

Bulldog cheeks

Photo from the site molod24.ru

Sagging skin in the area of ​​the buccal muscle is formed due to general disturbances in the biomechanics of the skull. The cheek muscles are attached to the upper and lower jaws. In the normal position of the jaw, their condition is static. When deformed, they may sag. The appearance of sagging cheeks in old age can be predicted even in youth by the presence of pronounced “nodules” in the corners of the mouth.


Photo from the site molod24.ru

The combined type of facial change with age can combine different types of aging. A special feature is their manifestation in any proportions, as well as the replacement of one with another over time. Measures aimed at improving skin condition should take into account the severity and localization of changes.


Photo from the site molod24.ru

With the muscular type of aging, changes in the face with age occur at a slow pace; in old age, it remains young and fresh longer. This condition is caused by the presence of well-developed facial muscles and a thin layer of fatty tissue under the skin. Over time, the fat layer becomes thinner, and the skin tightens around the muscles. The shape of the face practically does not change; wrinkles can appear quite clearly.

Old emaciated face

The last stage of aging is an old, worn-out face. This type manifests itself in old age and indicates general destructive changes in the skin. It becomes transparent and changes its shade to yellowish. The number of wrinkles increases noticeably, they become deeper. The chin protrudes forward and the cheeks sink. Dark circles under the eyes are constantly present.

Is it possible to prolong youth

Extending youth and stopping age-related changes in the skin on a woman’s face is a rather long and labor-intensive process, but it is quite feasible. Proper care appropriate to your appearance type, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, regular cleansing of the body, proper facial exercises, facial taping, vacuum massage, regular courses of environmentally friendly hardware therapy in the form of biomechanical stimulation will help control the skin condition and avoid significant changes.

Significant changes in appearance with age can be prevented and stopped using the above methods only after consultation with a competent specialist in each area of ​​eco-rejuvenation. The required level of knowledge, fairly narrow specialization and an integrated approach will ensure a sustainable effect of preserving youth despite adulthood.


The contour of the oval face is used to judge a woman's age. The hereditary factor influences muscle tone and skin elasticity. This is especially true for the chin area, lower jaw, and cheeks. In some women, the first contour irregularities appear after 30. The skin becomes flabby, the outlines are indistinct and blurry. 80% of people over 40 years old have problems with facial contours. Regardless of the reason for its appearance, any folds, sagging, or double chin visually ages a person. Why does the shape change and how to tighten the oval of the face? Let's figure this out together.

1. The first signs of changes in the oval of the face

Before the oval turns into a blurry blot, the body sends signals.

  1. Poor posture. You often take on the appearance of a drooping, tired person. Lowered head, hunched shoulders;
  2. Horizontal fold on the chin (visible if you lower your head);
  3. Folds on the cheekbones, cheeks (noticeable when turning the head to the side, tilting to the side);
  4. The chin wrinkle is visible (located where some people develop a double chin).

Any of these signs indicate that the person needs help. If you don't take action, the oval will sag and age-related changes will be noticeable.

2. Causes of aging of the oval face

Not only genetic predisposition is responsible for the condition of the facial muscles. Sometimes, after 30, the corners of the lips droop, the contour of the cheeks descends, and the chin becomes blurred. Such changes lead to a woman looking 10 to 15 years older. There are several reasons for this.

Incorrect posture. Without regular exercise and training, a person's muscles become weaker year after year. The back and neck are no exception. If you don't pay attention to your posture, your spine will become curved. After this, it is difficult to keep your back straight for a long time. The person, without noticing it, slouches, lowers his shoulders, bows his head.

The weight of an adult's head is 3 - 5 kg. The neck muscles cannot cope with a curved spine. So the facial muscles have to work both for themselves and for that guy. They tense up and fall down. Of course, this changes the contour of the face.

Anatomical features. Everyone has their own face shape. Ideal proportions, alas, are not given to everyone. Sometimes, even in a thin person, the lower part of the face does not look clear. But if you monitor skin tone and muscle tightness, there will be no aging effect.

Overweight. Problems with facial contours arise not only from excess body weight, but also from its constant fluctuations. When a woman goes on a strict diet, loses a few kilos, then breaks down and gains even more on her face, it becomes a disaster. If the situation repeats itself often, you can forget about the beautiful oval.

If a person monitors his health, leads an active lifestyle, monitors his weight, and constantly eats properly, the change in contour is associated with aging of the skin, muscles, and wear and tear of fiber. These are return changes. They appear no earlier than 50 years.

By the way, on our website facesave.ru you can find out what type of facial aging you have and what to do about it?

3. When is it time to take care of your facial contours?

No living organism stands still. It either develops, grows, or ages. Unfortunately, no cure for old age has yet been invented. After 25 - 27 years, the growth process is reduced to a minimum. At this time, signs of aging are not visible, but the process is starting. If during this period you begin to work on the contour of the face, the cells are kept in good shape, and destruction is postponed. But, unfortunately, girls rarely think about prevention. The habit of solving problems only after they arise, in this case, leads to undesirable results.

It is difficult to restore beauty when age-related changes are evident. But in the process of degradation of the oval of the face there is a stage when changes have begun, but visually they are almost invisible. This is a good moment, a chance to turn back time and restore your face to its former firmness and clear contour. Of course, subject to regular exercise, control over nutrition and body mass index. It is important to learn to recognize this stage.

The first thing to start with is posture. A straight back is the key not only to a beautiful face, but also to the youth of the body as a whole.

A stooped man looks older than his age. An image of a life-tired, unconfident individual is created. There are sets of exercises aimed at strengthening the back, but if we are talking about scoliosis, it is better to consult a specialist.

4. How to tighten the shape of the face without surgery?

Experts are constantly working on rejuvenation techniques, developing ways to remove jowls and make the oval clear, like in your youth. The following directions received a lot of positive feedback:

Detailed information about these areas can be found on the pages of our website facesave.ru.

5. Massage to strengthen the oval of the face and neck

An old proven way to combat the first skin changes at home. It helps keep the skin toned, correct the contour, and get rid of a double chin without surgery.

It is not always possible to attend a full massage course. A good specialist is not cheap, and finding one is not so easy. If your skin condition is not critical, you can try effective self-massage. Remember the sequence of actions:

  1. Start by cleansing your skin and washing your hands. Don't forget about cream or special oil. It can be bought at a pharmacy;
  2. Warm up your skin. To do this, make stroking, tapping movements with your fingertips from the nose to the ears;
  3. Pay attention to your forehead. Place your fingers in the center and, pressing lightly, move along the eyebrows to the temples;
  4. Place your fingers on your chin. Using pressing movements, move along the jaw towards the ears. Repeat 5 - 7 times;
  5. To prevent and get rid of a double chin, tapping your fingers on the place of its formation and the lower part of the jaw helps;
  6. Finish the massage by working on the neck and upper chest (the so-called décolleté area).

If you want to see results, repeat the procedure regularly. The best time is morning. You can do it in the evening, but at least 2 hours before bedtime. Massage accelerates blood circulation and invigorates. For evening time, a mask and nourishing night cream are good.

6. Gymnastics for face and neck lift

There are 57 muscles on the face that also need training. Therefore, many cosmetologists rely on special gymnastics. The method is accessible and effective. Internet users can find a lot of videos and articles devoted to this issue. The most difficult thing is to make gymnastics a habit and do it constantly, like morning exercises.

After 40, the skin becomes less elastic, the lips take on a dissatisfied appearance (the ends droop), and the cheeks sag (bulldog cheeks), forming deep wrinkles.

Super exercises for facial contours

Removing sagging cheeks

  1. Try to take air into your mouth. Send it to the right cheek, then to the left. Repeat 10 times. Now, without letting it out, send it to the lips, sending it to the lower lip, then to the upper;
  2. Remember the children's fun when one person puffs out his cheeks, and the other “bursts” by pressing them with his palms on both sides? Your task is also to press, but not to release the air. Repeat 15 times, and you will feel how intensely the cheek muscles worked.

How to quickly tighten your face shape and chin?

A few effective exercises:

  1. Take the pencil into your mouth and hold it with your lips. Imagine that there is a large white sheet hanging in front of you. Write your name on it. If the name is short, try writing the last name. Try not to rush. Complete the task efficiently, because the result depends on it;
  2. Pronounce the sound “o”, while your mouth should be open as much as possible, and your lips should form something like an oval. Place your index and middle fingers on your lower teeth along your cheeks. The exercise consists of fighting the muscles of the cheeks (you need to try to pull them in) and your fingers pushing them out. Repeat 20 times. Do everything right, no matter how difficult it is;
  3. Place your lips as in the previous exercise. Pinch your nasolabial folds tightly and try to lift your zygomatic muscles. Perform 10 - 15 times. Try not to squint. Exercise is good for the skin, has a tightening, rejuvenating effect.

Exercises for a youthful neck

  1. Modification of the children's clock exercise. The head must be tilted alternately to the left and right sides, so that the ear touches the shoulder. The difference is that you need to create resistance with your hand. If the head moves towards the left shoulder, the right hand rests on the left side of it and creates resistance. Repeat 10 times in each direction. Perform smoothly, try not to pull the muscles;
  2. Now we tilt our head forward and throw it back. But it's not that simple. Hands make resistance, being either on the back of the head or on the chin.

Exercises for the face and neck. Perfect oval

  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back. Point your chin up so that it looks at the ceiling plinth. Gently bend back as far as you can and return to the starting position. Repeat 10 - 15 times;
  2. Sit up straight. Cross your arms like an angry child. Tilt your head back and hold the pose for 10 seconds. Sit up straight again. 8 repetitions required;
  3. Sitting with a straight back, pronounce the sound “y”. Feel the muscles in your neck tense. Do 20 repetitions;
  4. Open your mouth and close it when you tilt your head back. 30 repetitions will be enough. The exercise not only tightens the oval, but also smoothes out wrinkles on the neck;
  5. Raise your tongue to the palate, trying to press it as much as possible. The mouth must be closed. Feel how your neck muscles tighten. Repeat 20 times.


Work on your appearance. A clear oval face will serve as a reward. To look young, you don't have to buy expensive cosmetics. Daily exercise, a positive attitude, and control over your diet help you look great regardless of your age or financial situation.