Sports diet

Sports diet: how to eat right to achieve sports results

A sports diet is not just a diet, it is targeted nutrition that will help you achieve maximum results in sports. Proper nutrition is one of the most important components of successful training and athletic achievement. In this article we will look at what a sports diet is, how it should be composed and what foods should be included in the diet.

What is a sports diet?

A sports diet is a diet that allows the body to receive all the nutrients necessary for normal functioning, while providing the necessary energy for sports. It is important to understand that the sports diet is not a diet for weight loss, but rather a way of eating to achieve athletic performance.

Nutrition system for a sports diet

A sports diet provides for the proper distribution of nutrients throughout the day. She allows one fasting day per week, which can be fruit or kefir. The daily calorie intake should be in the range of 1400-1700 kcal, depending on the intensity of sports activities.

It is important to plan your diet based on how active you are in sports. To maintain energy until your morning workouts, it is recommended to replenish your carbohydrate supply. After exercise, you should have breakfast with a meal that is rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Lunch should be hearty to provide the body with the energy it needs for the rest of the day.

Example of a sports diet menu for women

Here is an example of a sports diet menu for women. When compiling a diet, you should take into account the individual needs of the body and the intensity of sports activities. The menu includes products to choose from:

On an empty stomach:

  1. 1 banana
  2. 2 apples
  3. glass of kefir

Breakfast (about 400 kcal):

  1. one egg omelette, lean boiled meat (100 gr.), carrot and cabbage salad (200 gr.), a slice of rye bread + tea with lemon and a spoon of honey
  2. rice casserole (wild) with meat and vegetables (100 gr.), seaweed salad (100 gr.) + coffee with milk without sugar or tea
  3. a sandwich of rye bread, a slice of cheese and butter, boiled or baked chicken fillet (100 gr.), vegetable salad (100 gr.) + green tea

Lunch (about 450 kcal):

  1. vegetable soup (250 ml.), beef stew (100 g.), stew (100 g.), slice of rye bread, 1 dried apricots + tea without sugar
  2. solyanka (250 ml), lean fish (100 gr.), salad of crab sticks and cabbage (100 gr., can be seasoned with olive oil), a slice of rye bread + green tea
  3. vegetarian borscht (250 ml), lean beef (100 g), cabbage salad with paprika (150 g, can be seasoned with olive oil) + green tea or 1/2 cup juice

Pre-workout (about 100 kcal):

  1. 1/2 cup juice
  2. glass of rosehip infusion
  3. 1 apple
  4. 1 orange

Dinner (about 350-360 kcal):

  1. stewed broccoli with mushrooms and meat (100 gr.), 100 gr. carrots, 30 gr. raisins + tea
  2. vegetable pilaf with millet (200 gr.) + glass of tomato juice
  3. oatmeal (100 gr., season with olive oil), vegetable salad (100 gr.) + green tea

It should be noted that this is only a sample menu and may be modified to suit individual needs and preferences. Remember to drink enough water throughout the day.

Pros and cons of a sports diet

The advantage of a sports diet is its ability to provide the body with the necessary nutrients and energy for sports. Also, by following a sports diet, you can control your weight and achieve your goals.

However, it should be remembered that the sports diet is not suitable for everyone. If you suffer from any medical conditions, you should consult your doctor before starting a sports diet. Also, a sports diet may be too restrictive for people with high activity levels or metabolism.


A sports diet is proper nutrition that will help you achieve maximum results in sports. When compiling it, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the body and the intensity of sports activities. By following a sports diet, you can not only achieve your sports goals, but also improve your overall health.