Vitamin E for stretch marks during pregnancy

Almost half of pregnant women are familiar with this skin flaw firsthand. However, if you choose a high-quality skin care product, you can not only avoid such a nuisance, but also get rid of existing ornate scars of various lengths and trajectories. One such remedy is oil. But which oil to choose, and which one should you not just refuse, but even avoid if you are pregnant?

Let's talk about oils for stretch marks during pregnancy.

What oils should an expectant mother choose to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

The fight against stretch marks with the help of oils has been carried out since time immemorial, but our grandmothers and mothers most often used sunflower, corn, flaxseed or olive oils. Nowadays, in cosmetics departments or in pharmacies you can see a large selection of oils for skin care, but do not rush to take the first one you come across, the shape of the bottle, the smell or the bright label appeals to you. Oils can have different effects on the skin, but not all of them can be used by an expectant mother.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes quite large changes in a relatively short period of time - due to the influence of hormones and rapid tissue growth. An increase in the size of the abdomen and mammary glands leads to the appearance of stretch marks and, unfortunately, not every remedy can be used by an expectant mother to combat this skin defect. You need to choose the most suitable, gentle, safe and most importantly - effective.

Oils are an excellent choice for moisturizing the skin; with their help, you can not only prevent the appearance of stretch marks, but also get rid of stretch marks that have already appeared. The main advantage of this choice is the 100% naturalness of the product.

Natural oils

One of the options for combating stretch marks are natural oils:

  1. Olive oil - the most popular all over the world. This product will benefit the body both as a nutritional supplement and as a skin care product. Oleic acid contained in high concentrations in the oil makes it an ideal remedy for combating stretch marks during pregnancy. Penetrating deep into the layers of the skin, the oil nourishes and enriches cells with essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - contains a large amount of linolenic and lenoleic fatty acids, carotenes, vitamins, bioactive substances, amino acids and vegetable fats, which allows it to successfully maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin and effectively combat stretch marks.
  3. Almond oil - safe skin care product during pregnancy. Vitamins A, E, F and group B, microelements stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, restore the water-lipid balance of skin cells, and biologically active substances strengthen it and minimize the appearance of stretch marks.
  4. Coconut oil - effectively copes with recently appeared stretch marks and is completely safe for use by expectant mothers. Vitamin E contained in the oil protects the skin structure from atrophy and degenerative changes in cells. Thanks to this oil, the skin texture becomes smoother, and the skin itself becomes soft and elastic.
  5. Apricot oil - a tonic and regenerating product suitable for use by young children and pregnant women with any skin type. The oil provides natural hydration to the skin and maintains its optimal level of elasticity. Oil is obtained from apricot kernels, which contain vitamins A, C, F, which makes this oil one of the basic components in the cosmetic industry for the production of various creams and balms.

Cosmetic oils

Due to the high concentration of beneficial substances obtained from plant materials, cosmetic oils are also quite effective in the fight against stretch marks and are recommended for daily body skin care:

  1. Weleda oil — nourishes the skin well, maintains its tone and prepares the outer cover for even greater stress associated with physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The basis of the oil is vegetable fats of wheat germ with the addition of arnica and almond flower extract. Penetrating through the pores, the active substances begin to act almost instantly, improving metabolic processes in skin cells. The oil perfectly helps to remove cosmetic blemishes of the skin, and therefore is recommended for use as a prevention of stretch marks at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. Universal oil "Johnsons Baby" It tones, restores and moisturizes the skin, stimulates microcirculation of cells and renews their structure. This product can be combined with other natural vegetable oils and fats (for example, olive or apricot kernel oil). To do this, mix the components in equal proportions and rub daily into problem areas of the body without fear of allergic reactions.

Essential oils

Essential oils are even more effective in the fight against stretch marks than organic fats. However, you need to be very careful with esters, because using them in their pure form can cause a chemical burn, and during pregnancy, not all of them can be used, and there are reasons for this, which we will discuss below.

Essential oils can be added a few drops (2-5 drops per 1 tablespoon of base product) to your favorite body care products (creams, masks, natural oils) and thereby increase the healing effect of the base you use, and at the same time get rid of too sharp, rich etherol smell. You can use regular yogurt, kefir or honey as a basis for the essential oil (if you are not allergic to it), or you can add it to blue clay or seaweed, using it as a mask.

  1. orange essential oil — contains many vitamins A, B, C and stimulates cell regeneration;
  2. pink — moisturizing the skin, increases its elasticity and reduces the appearance of stretch marks;
  3. anise — normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin;
  4. sandalwood — tones and eliminates sagging skin;
  5. ylang-ylang essential oil - stimulates the formation and division of new skin cells;

Vitamin E for stretch marks has been used in cosmetology for a long time. The appearance of stretch marks is characterized by the presence of parallel red or purple stripes on the body. Stretch marks are the result of tears in the deep layers of the epidermis, usually as a result of sudden weight gain.

In some cases, vitamin E can help get rid of stretch marks, but before using it, consult a doctor to ensure that using vitamin E is an appropriate preventive therapy. For example, childhood and adolescent stretch marks (striae) require certain treatment; pregnancy stretch marks are treated and prevented in their own way.

The mechanism of stretch marks appearance

When stretch marks appear, the outer layer of skin remains intact. In places where the dermis breaks, collagen fibers, when deformed, create unsightly-looking depressions. The most problematic places for stretch marks to appear are the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and breasts.

Although considered a cosmetic problem, stretch marks do not cause serious health problems. Stretch marks usually fade over time but never completely disappear, even with treatments such as laser therapy and microdermabrasion.

Use of vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol) has a good effect in the fight against stretch marks. Oil containing vitamin E fights stretch marks by increasing skin elasticity. When the skin is elastic, able to stretch more, tears and damage to tissues and layers of skin are minimized.

Unfortunately, when a large number of stretch marks appear, for example, during pregnancy, tissue damage is considered an accomplished process, vitamin E most likely will not be able to play a significant role in improving the appearance of stretched skin.

Release forms

Typically, oils containing vitamin E are used as follows:

  1. as an ointment, applied topically to the affected area;
  2. as a dietary supplement for the prevention of stretch marks.

As a dietary supplement, vitamin E is available in a variety of forms, including capsules, liquid oil, and tablets. Oil containing vitamin E can be purchased in cream form. If a woman wants to get rid of stretch marks, she adds vitamin E to masks, compresses, and wraps of problem areas.


You should consult your doctor and get tested to determine the correct amount of vitamin E to take orally, especially during pregnancy. For stretch marks during pregnancy, vitamin E is applied to the skin twice a day, morning and evening.

You can increase the healing properties of tocopherol by mixing it with other ingredients, then rubbing it into stretch marks. Thus, little cocoa is ideal for its properties in combination with vitamin E for topical use.

Other possible ingredients to use with tocopherol include:

  1. rosehip oil;
  2. sweet almond oil;
  3. Coconut oil.

All of these oils pair perfectly with neutral olive oil, which is rich in fatty acids.

Vitamin E Supplements

Don't rely solely on topical vitamin E to combat stretch marks.

Additional preventive strategies should be applied:

  1. regular exercise;
  2. a balanced diet to control weight gain.

During pregnancy, you should try to gradually gain weight throughout the entire gestation period in order to minimize the possibility of sudden weight gain, which usually leads to stretch marks. If stretch marks do appear, do not despair. Even without treatment, they will gradually fade and become less noticeable over time. Vitamin E against stretch marks will help restore natural beauty.



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Pregnancy is a time of rapid changes that are most evident on the female body. Over the entire gestation period, expectant mothers gain an average of 10 to 18 kg. weight. This happens quickly and often ends with the appearance of stretch marks or stretch marks on the skin.

Rapid weight gain during pregnancy is due to the development of the fetus; unpleasant scars most often appear due to:

  1. Hereditary predisposition;
  2. Lack of necessary substances in the body;
  3. Changes in hormonal levels;
  4. Depletion of connective tissues.

The body needs support and increased attention, and the skin is no exception. The appearance of stretch marks threatens the area of ​​the abdomen, hips and chest, as they actively increase in size. Therefore, they need additional care throughout pregnancy.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E or tocopherol, an important element needed by the body not only to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Vitamin E is used for:

  1. Strengthening the immune system;
  2. Improves skin cell regeneration, reduces the likelihood of scars and cicatrices;
  3. Slows down the aging of the body, it reduces the number of wrinkles;
  4. Treatment of skin diseases;
  5. Stabilization of hormonal levels.

Vitamin E is found in large quantities in various oils, wheat germ oil, vegetable oil, olive oil and others. Vitamin E can be taken orally; capsules with the substance are sold in pharmacies and are even prescribed during pregnancy.

Tocopherol is actively used in cosmetology, including for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks, scars and other skin defects.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to use only natural remedies; they will not harm the fetus and will have a positive effect on the mother’s body. To prevent stretch marks during this period, various creams and compositions are used, to which vitamin E is added.

Olive oil based body lotion

To prepare the lotion, you will need vitamin E in capsules, olive oil for the base, and a clean glass or plastic bottle for storing the composition. To prevent stretch marks, you need to use the lotion 2 times a day, rubbing it with massaging movements into the abdomen, hips and chest, as necessary.

Chamomile cream for stretch marks

Strain the chamomile decoction and cool, then mix two parts of the decoction with part of castor oil and part of camphor oil. Add glycerin and vitamin E in drops to the resulting mixture, beat everything together until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Ready-made chamomile cream can be used during pregnancy against various skin defects, dryness, minor irritations, and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The cream is good for five days; it must be stored refrigerated.

Vitamin E can be added to your favorite body cream; just a few drops will enrich the composition with useful substances and allow you to use it as a remedy against stretch marks during pregnancy.

The appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is not uncommon; it is better to start preventive skin care as early as possible. To enhance the effect of the remedies listed above, massage and a balanced diet rich in vitamins and nutrients help a lot. Supportive underwear is also recommended to prevent stretch marks, but it should be worn later in pregnancy, when the belly and other parts of the body become noticeably larger. Taking vitamin E capsules and applying it externally are extremely effective ways to prevent various skin defects.