Massage For Prostatitis

Of great importance in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs, in particular the prostate gland, is the elimination of congestion in this area, improving blood circulation in the prostate gland itself. Therefore, self-massage, including acupressure, Japanese finger shiatsu technique and therapeutic exercises are becoming increasingly widespread. Either an experienced specialist or your own intuition will tell you which of these effective methods to use. All these techniques are described in specialized and popular literature. This article offers a description of the simplest procedure - self-massage, which is very effective for sexual disorders.

Self-massage is best done on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes to 1 hour before meals. Its total duration will be 5-7 minutes. The results will be good only if it is carried out regularly.

The most important area for massage to treat prostatitis is the lumbosacral area. But before that, it is recommended to stretch your whole body. This promotes better blood circulation and will also provide an excellent tonic effect. Any light gymnastics complex is suitable for this.

Massage of the lumbosacral region

Stand up straight, place your hands on your lower back. The procedure begins with stroking. The hands move easily along the spine from the buttocks to the lower back, then to the sides, rising higher and higher.

Next, use your fingertips to begin performing spiral rubbing. To do this, use the fingers of both hands to make rotational movements, as if penetrating deeper and deeper into the tissue. The movements go first from top to bottom, then to the sides.

Now place your fingertips palm-width apart on either side of your spine. Begin to slide upward along the skin, moving the skin fold towards the spine. Knead the entire lower back area for 2-3 minutes. If you have time and desire, it can be longer.

Then place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Bend your torso forward at an angle of 90 degrees. Make several circular movements with your torso in both directions. If you suffer from radiculitis, be careful.

It is recommended to finish the massage by stroking the lumbosacral area.