Why is it so difficult to fall asleep: myths about popular remedies for insomnia

Insomnia is a common problem that affects many people. Some people have difficulty falling asleep, while others wake up in the middle of the night and cannot go back to sleep. There are many popular methods that are considered effective for combating insomnia, but many of them are myths. In this article, we will look at some of the most common myths about popular remedies for insomnia.


One of the most common myths about fighting insomnia is drinking alcohol. Many people believe that drinking alcohol will help them fall asleep easily and sleep soundly throughout the night. However, this is not the case. While alcohol can help you fall asleep faster, it can also cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and reduce the quality of your sleep. This happens because alcohol disrupts sleep phases, which can lead to insomnia in the second half of the night. In addition, frequent alcohol consumption can lead to the development of alcoholism, which will negatively affect overall health.

Natural sedatives

Many people resort to using natural sedatives such as tea with lavender, valerian, chamomile and motherwort. These products are considered safe for health and can help you relax and fall asleep. However, one of the main disadvantages of using such drugs is their diuretic effect. Of course, this can be helpful for those who suffer from edema, but for those who want to sleep through the night, it can be a problem. As a result of using natural sedatives, a person may wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, after which it may be difficult to fall back to sleep.

Avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime

Another common tip is to not eat 3 hours before bed. Many people find that fasting will help them fall asleep faster and sleep soundly throughout the night. However, this doesn't always work. Each person has a different diet, and for some people, 3 hours without food is too much. Additionally, hunger can cause you to wake up in the middle of the night with stomach pain and rumbling, which can interfere with normal sleep.

What to do to fight insomnia?

There are many ways to combat insomnia, and each person can choose the one that suits them best. Here are some tips that can help improve your sleep quality:

  1. Create a calm and comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom: make sure the room is cool, quiet and dark. Use a comfortable bed and pillows to ensure maximum sleep comfort.

  2. Try to maintain a regular sleep schedule: go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This will help your body adjust to sleep patterns.

  3. Avoid caffeine and other stimulants: Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can affect the quality of your sleep. Therefore, try not to consume them before bed.

  4. Limit screen time: Blue light emitted from device screens can make it difficult to fall asleep. Therefore, it is better not to use your phone, tablet or computer before bed.

  5. Engage in relaxation exercises: Meditation, yoga, or other relaxation exercises can help relieve stress and improve sleep quality.

  6. Have a bedtime routine: Repeat the same activities before bed, such as reading a book, listening to music, or taking a warm shower. This will help your body adjust to sleep patterns.

I hope these recommendations will help you combat insomnia and improve the quality of your sleep. If you continue to have difficulty sleeping, contact your doctor for advice and further recommendations.