Yores Method

The Yores Method is an innovative teaching method developed by the teacher Yores at the beginning of the 21st century. The main idea of ​​this approach is to stimulate students' active thinking and imagination through visualization, association and metaphor.

The method is based on the use of vivid images and comparisons, which help students better remember and understand new material. For example, when studying historical events, a teacher may suggest imagining oneself as a direct participant in those events, mentally “move” to the desired era. This technique activates the child’s imagination, makes him, as it were, live through a specific historical situation.

Yores's method makes extensive use of various associative connections. Dry facts and concepts are compared with images familiar to students, and associative chains are created. This makes it easier to understand and remember educational material.

Also within this approach, the use of metaphors, comparisons, and analogies is encouraged. For example, when explaining a physical phenomenon, a teacher can compare it with a simpler and more understandable process from the everyday life of students.

The Yoresa method is widely used in teaching natural sciences and humanities; it makes the learning process more visual, interesting and effective. It develops the imagination and creativity of students, teaches them to think outside the box and find unusual solutions.