How to tan in a solarium quickly and beautifully

How many solarium sessions do you need to get a quick tan?

First of all, you need to define the concept of “fast”. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a uniform and deep tan in 1-2 sessions in any solarium.

Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult your doctor whether you can sunbathe, as there are many contraindications for these procedures.

No matter how perfect the technology is, certain processes in the human body, including skin pigmentation, go on as usual. And if you try to speed up the tanning process, you risk burning your skin. However, in 5-10 solarium sessions it is quite possible to get the desired result.

What types of tanning beds are effective for quick tanning?

There are 2 types of solariums, differing in the lamps used in them. These are tanning systems that use:
— low pressure lamps;
- high pressure lamps.

In the first types, A- and B-radiation are produced. They tan a little slower, but they last longer on the skin. It is these solariums that are most preferable for fair-skinned people who are prone to sunburn. Tanning systems with high pressure lamps produce more A-rays, targeting melanin and rapidly oxidizing it. In such solariums you can get a rich tan faster, but it is advisable for dark-skinned people or those with a natural tan to visit them.

In addition, solariums are:
— horizontal;
— vertical;
- in the form of chairs.

The chairs also use a system with powerful A-rays, but usually those tanning in such solariums are people who only need to slightly change the skin color of visible parts of the body.

Vertical solariums are the most powerful in their radiation. Their session lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Ways to enhance your tan in a solarium

If you want to tan quickly enough without getting your skin burned, take care of it before visiting the solarium. Under no circumstances should you wear makeup or use any cosmetic products (including soap).

A few hours before tanning, remove dead skin cells by scrubbing your body. To quickly and evenly tan in a solarium, use special creams or lotions that are designed specifically for this procedure. However, be careful: you should not use tanning creams in the sun in a solarium.

How often can you visit the solarium?

It is not recommended to tan in a solarium more than 2 cycles per year. One course includes no more than 20 sessions. The amount of the latter and the time spent under the lamps depend on various factors: skin type, the presence of a natural tan, and the technical characteristics of the equipment.

You should attend treatments no more often than 2 days (48 hours) after your previous visit to the solarium so that your skin can recover and rest. To prevent premature aging, maintain moderation in creating an artificial tan.

  1. — protective pads;
  2. - moisturizing cream.

When planning a vacation in the south, you should consult a doctor about the wisdom of such a step. Sunbathing will not benefit those suffering from coronary heart disease, thyroid dysfunction and some skin diseases. It makes sense to prepare in advance the means that will help you safely endure the southern sun: a protective cream suitable for your skin type, clothes made of linen or cotton, and glasses with lenses that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Tanning is a protective reaction of the body, in which, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the growth of melanin-containing epidermal cells is enhanced. However, the ability to produce this pigment is not the same in people belonging to different phototypes. People with very fair skin and blond or red hair are least protected from ultraviolet radiation. For a comfortable stay in the sun, people of this type are recommended to use a protective cream with a maximum Sun Protection Factor, or SPF. Fair-skinned brown-haired people or blondes without freckles who have some tendency to sunburn will benefit from a cream with an SPF index of thirty. For brown-eyed owners of dark skin, a protective product with an SPF value of within fifteen units is suitable, if the maximum value of this index for the selected line of cosmetics is sixty. Dark-skinned brunettes, as a rule, need a protective product with a minimum SPF value.

The intensity of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface increases as latitude decreases. If in a zone with a temperate climate there are from 100 to 150 milliwatts of ultraviolet radiation per square centimeter of the earth's surface, then in equatorial regions this value can reach 400 milliwatts. For a comfortable stay under the southern sun you will need a greater degree of protection. As a rule, when moving one degree of latitude towards the equator, it is recommended to increase the SPF index of the protective product by a couple of units.

Protective cream is applied to the skin half an hour before going to the beach. On a skin surface equal to the area of ​​the palm, you will need as much cream as will fit on the nail phalanx of the finger. When under the southern sun, it is worth updating the protective layer every two to three hours. It is better not to use decorative cosmetics and perfumes before going to the beach.

Morning and evening hours are considered the most suitable for acquiring a tan. It is not recommended to be in direct sunlight between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. The duration of tanning sessions should be increased gradually. For the first time, five minutes spent on the beach will be enough, preferably under an umbrella or awning, since tanning-causing ultraviolet rays can be reflected from the surface of the water, sand and surrounding objects. This radiation is reflected especially well from the white sand that is characteristic of a number of beaches in Australia, Spain, America and Greece.

Water transmits a fair amount of ultraviolet radiation. To avoid sunburn, before a long swim in the sea, you should apply a waterproof protective agent to your body, and after contact with water, dry your skin with a towel. After returning from the beach, you will need to wash off the protective product and use a moisturizer.

Is your dream bronze, smooth skin? To achieve this result, you don’t have to spend long hours under the sweltering sun. The most effective and simple solution available at any time of the year is tanning in a solarium. After several sessions, the skin acquires a chocolate tint, even if it is naturally pale. The main thing is to know how to sunbathe in a solarium.

Instilled a tan in the solarium

First of all, the girl should visit a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to tanning. It is not recommended if you have hypertension, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, diseases of the skin, liver, or thyroid gland. Tanning can be harmful if a woman undergoes hormonal therapy, takes antibiotics, diuretics, or psychotropic drugs.

In order for the skin to acquire a noble color, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Use only special cosmetics for solariums that have protective properties that activate the pigmentation process. Sun tanning products are not suitable.
  2. Before the procedure, do not shower or use soap so that the skin is not left without a protective fatty film. There is also no need to epilate.
  3. To get a good tan, wash off makeup from your face and skin, otherwise it may contribute to the formation of age spots.
  4. Before the session, remove your contact lenses. To protect your eyes, special glasses are offered everywhere, which you should definitely use.
  5. Panties should be left on the body, the bra should be removed, and it is recommended to protect the nipples with special stickers or cover them with the palms of your hands.
  6. After the procedure, rest, shower, and use a moisturizer to replenish moisture.

How long does it take for a tan to appear after a solarium?

The dark color on the skin appears due to irradiation of the body with long waves during the production of melanin. The intensity depends on the power of the lamps, the number of sessions and other factors. When does tanning appear after solarium? The time depends on the skin type and the amount of melanin content. For dark-skinned women, the result is visible after the first procedure; for others, more sessions are required. If a girl is just starting to tan, a certain amount of pigment must first accumulate. After each procedure, the time for tanning to appear is reduced and durability increases.

Hello, dear readers!

We all love to bask in the sun. But today you don’t have to wait for summer to get a beautiful and even tan. This can be done in the solarium. But there are also mysteries here, which I want to tell you about. How to get a beautiful tan in a solarium, secrets and tricks you will learn now.

How does a solarium affect the body?

The benefits of solarium for our body are undeniable. And although doctors do not recommend frequently resorting to this type of cosmetic service, a short session will benefit your soul and body.

  1. Ultraviolet rays promote the production of vitamin D in the body, which in turn is necessary for the absorption of calcium and strengthening nails, hair and bones.
  2. Basking under dim light, you get moral pleasure and improve your mood.
  3. In the beauty salon there are filters on the equipment. They protect the skin from gamma rays, so tanning in a solarium is considered safer.

At the same time, if you prepare for the procedure incorrectly, you can get burns, and the consequence can even be skin cancer. But this is not a threat to you, dear readers: we will introduce you to some secrets.

Preparing for tanning

The preparation process is no less important than the procedure itself. A proper tan in a solarium can only be achieved by following certain rules:

  1. Consult your doctor. Some people do not associate the effects of radiation on their health. At the same time, some diseases can become acute after visiting the office. If you have dermatitis, liver disease, hypertension, hormonal imbalances, a solarium may be contraindicated for you. Certain hormonal imbalances can cause you to get an uneven tan. Taking certain medications is also a contraindication, since when exposed to ultraviolet radiation they can manifest themselves in the form of allergies.
  2. Use special cosmetics. Experts will tell you which products to choose to enhance your tan. Protective creams and gels will make it smoother and prevent excessive drying of the skin. To enhance the effect, apply moisturizing cosmetics after the procedure.
  3. Do not wash with soap before tanning. Soap removes the fatty protective film from the skin, and you can simply get burned.
  4. Don't wear perfume.

Secrets of a beautiful tan

And now a little about how to get a beautiful tan in a solarium.

Residence time and radiation strength will depend on skin type.

  1. For fair skin, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays is not recommended. For the first visit, 3 minutes will be enough. During subsequent procedures, you can increase the time period to 5 minutes.
  2. Light-colored skin that can be tanned but can quickly burn does not need to be exposed to ultraviolet light for more than 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. You need to start with a 3-5 minute session.
  3. With light, but rarely burned dermis, you can get a beautiful chocolate shade in 5 sessions of 20 minutes (but no more than 3 times a week).
  4. For dark-skinned ladies, several 20-minute procedures will be enough.
  1. Before the session, it is advisable to consult with the manager or specialist of the establishment. This is necessary to determine the duration of the first procedure. Subsequently, if there are no contraindications, you can increase the stay time to 20 minutes.
  2. Before the session, you should not use perfumes, cosmetics, creams or any ointments, except those intended for solariums. You may be in for some surprises when heating them.
  3. Be sure to wear dark glasses and remove contacts.
  4. Put a Panama hat on your head to avoid drying out your hair.
  5. Ladies over 30 years old should sunbathe in a bra.

How long does it take to see the result? Usually after the first treatment you will notice changes in skin tone. However, at least 5 sessions are needed to achieve the effect.

How to enhance your tan in a solarium?

The following tips will help you deepen your tan:

  1. Make sessions shorter, but visit the beauty salon more often.
  2. Before the procedure, drink a glass of cocoa or eat a few pieces of chocolate.
  3. Moisturize your skin with lotions and creams.
  4. Use solarium cosmetics.

Then you will be irresistible.

What to do after?

Dear readers, do not rush to do household chores or rush to work after the tanning salon. Choose a day for the procedure when you can come home, relax, and slowly drink a cup of tea.

Remember that your skin needs rest. Apply moisturizers and lie down for a while. Then your tan will thank you.

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See you again, friends!

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