Eyelid massage

The skin around the eyes is the first to take the blow caused by negative environmental factors and reflects age-related changes, decorating the appearance with a fine mesh of facial wrinkles. To provide this area with the proper level of care, it is worth turning to a special massage complex. Professional techniques that are easy to master at home will be a good addition to your list of activities aimed at preserving youth.

Features of massage around the eyes

Girls and women often underestimate the stress that their eyes have to endure throughout the day, month, and year. This affects the quality of vision, muscle function, and the condition of the skin, which is the first to respond to age-related changes and negative environmental factors.

The eyelids have the thinnest skin. The vessels here are located very close to the surface, and the amount of elastin and collagen is several times less than in the cheeks or forehead. Due to the lack of adipose tissue, the epidermis quickly loses moisture and the nutrition necessary to maintain youth. For this reason, when local and general metabolism is disturbed, swelling appears under the eyes. Before starting a massage, it is important to take this factor into account, since the regular formation of “bags” indicates endocrine disorders, kidney diseases, as well as some abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The reason for this is an allergic reaction. With such manifestations, it is impossible to influence the skin around the eyes, as this can aggravate your condition and worsen the appearance of the skin.

Many historical medical figures agree that the beauty and youth of the eyes is not only cosmetic measures to eliminate dark circles or wrinkles! This is a comprehensive and responsible approach to your health: proper nutrition, frequent walks, sports, good mood. Avicenna, Hippocrates, and Paul S. Bragg were unanimous on this issue.


When performing a massage against wrinkles around the eyes, you should be careful. The skin here is easily stretchable! Until the age of 30, this is not critical: stroking, rubbing with rich cream and pinching with fingers are performed. However, after thirty, when the natural process of cell renewal slows down, the covering tissues in this area become more sensitive. At this age, such a procedure is no longer considered cosmetic, but therapeutic, and its implementation should be approached with special responsibility. Keep your movements smooth and soft during the session. Try not to overextend your arms and fingers. Do not make strong jerks or squeeze the tissues, so as not to provoke disruption of lymph flow and blood flow.


The average duration of a massage is 5–15 minutes. Always start with less time and gradually increase it with each session.

The frequency of procedures and the length of the course depend on the goals pursued:

  1. To prevent aging, 1–2 procedures per week are sufficient without any limitation on the length of the course.
  2. The fight against wrinkles will take 3-4 days a week, the course will take one month. You can repeat the course every 3–5 months.

Preparing for a massage

Increasing the effectiveness of the procedure occurs due to proper preparation for it. This process consists of 5 stages:

  1. Wash with a mild product: gel or foam without alcohol. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. If your nails are very long, it is advisable to trim them, as careless movement can cause damage to the thin sensitive tissue around the eyes.
  3. A contrast compress will help speed up blood circulation. Take a small towel and, periodically wetting it in hot or cold water, apply it to the eyes, cheekbones and lower forehead for 5-10 seconds. Continue the process for 1-2 minutes.
  4. Apply the cosmetic product to the prepared area using light patting movements using your fingertips.
  5. Start the massage. Each element is performed with subsequent fixation of the fingers at the end point with light pressure on the tissue.

Video: compress against bags and wrinkles under the eyes

A little about cosmetics

Even for young skin, you should choose products with good nutritional properties. The cream or oil should help your fingers glide over the skin around your eyes without too much tension! After 35 years, it is better to use cosmetics that help prevent deep wrinkles. It should contain allantoin, which helps the growth of new cells, fruit acids, and oils, which increase the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture, which is important for maintaining elasticity. Extracts of St. John's wort, oregano, wild geranium, algae, as well as protein components will be beneficial for aging skin. Any product should be applied in a thin layer to prevent clogging of pores.

Video: cosmetic tips against wrinkles around the eyes


Since the area around the eyes is especially sensitive, massage in this area has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. dermatitis;
  2. eczema in acute form;
  3. pustular and fungal diseases of the epidermis;
  4. acute inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  5. herpes;
  6. hypertension in the third stage;
  7. increased skin oiliness and high porosity;
  8. constant swelling in the eyelid area.

In most of these cases, massage will provoke an exacerbation of the disease!

The effectiveness of massage in the fight against wrinkles

Massage movements, which are performed throughout the session, help remove excess fluid from the area around the eyes and reduce swelling. If you do the procedure 2-3 hours before bedtime, then in the morning you will notice a visible improvement in your condition: inflammation will decrease, the color of the integumentary tissue will become more even, and wrinkles associated with fatigue will disappear.

Performing a course of massage helps maintain skin tone. However, such a procedure is not a panacea against aging and the deepening of facial wrinkles. Natural hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body with age, in particular after menopause, contribute to rapid aging of the skin. In this case, in order to maintain its elasticity for as long as possible, you will need hormonal therapy, which is prescribed only by an endocrinologist or gynecologist!


According to naturopath Paul Bragg, rapid aging, which today is typical for women over 25 years of age, is associated with a lack of B vitamins. They are quickly washed out of the body because there is too much refined sugar in the modern person’s diet.

By combining a similar treatment method, cosmetic massage around the eyes and the right products suitable for your skin type, you can maintain an attractive look for a long time and avoid the deepening of expression lines.

Techniques for performing massage at home

When performing any type of facial massage yourself, remember about the skin lines along which all the main movements are made. They follow the natural course of lymph in the facial area. This, in turn, ensures the safety of the process and prevents stretching of the skin.


Basic movements when massaging (each element must be repeated 3 times):

  1. Start by lightly patting your fingertips around the eye socket: from the bridge of the nose along the brow ridge to the temple and back along the cheekbones.









Method of maintaining the beauty and youth of eyes according to Shiatsu

The Shiatsu complex includes only three exercises. They are aimed at keeping the eyes clean, healthy, relieving fatigue, eliminating dark circles, sagging skin, as well as preventing age-related deformation of the outlines of the eyelids, eye sockets and cheekbones.

Instructions for performing Shiatsu massage:

  1. Along the main massage line of the eye area with three fingers, press three times under the eyebrows, directing the pressure upward and trying to ensure that only the pads touch the skin.
  2. Repeat the first movement along the lower edge of the eye socket, but direct the pressure of your fingers downward.
  3. Close your eyes and use the pads of your thumbs to gently press on your upper eyelids for 10 seconds.

These actions must be done daily or once every two days in the morning and evening after applying the care product to the area around the eyes.


Home massagers for the area around the eyes

To combat the signs of aging, not only manual massage is used, but also special massagers designed to treat the thin skin of the eyelids. Such devices are conventionally divided into 2 groups.


The first group of eye massagers is represented by masks in the form of glasses with built-in modes of exposure to the skin. Budget options include only vibration programs that stimulate blood circulation, relieve tension in the eye muscles, and maintain the quality of vision. Models starting from three thousand rubles already provide the functions of infrared heating, compression and magnetic massage. By opting for more expensive devices, you are purchasing a mini-physiotherapy room for your eyes, which helps to carry out a full range of procedures to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and combat them.

The advantage of such massagers is their ease of use: you set the required operating mode, put the glasses on your eyes, and within 5–20 minutes you receive anti-aging and restorative care. The downside is that there are a lot of low-quality products in this area of ​​the market, and brands that are considered good by customers have a fairly high cost.

Gallery: automatic massagers-masks

Portable massagers

Portable massagers are mini massagers that fit in the palm of your hand and run on batteries. They do not have an independent anti-aging effect, so they are not suitable for treating deep wrinkles and severe sagging skin in the eye area. The main effect is formed due to light vibration or tissue stimulation using high-frequency microcurrent.

For young skin, aged 25–30 years, it is recommended to use massagers both in combination with creams and without them to prevent the first signs of aging. After thirty, such devices are used to prepare tissues for the application of anti-aging nutrients. This additional stimulation helps improve the absorption of anti-aging and firming components of cosmetics. The eyelids are treated along the skin lines: around the eyes from the bridge of the nose to the temple along the upper eyelid and back along the lower eyelid, as well as from the outer edge of the eye along the temple to the base of the ear.

Gallery: portable eye massagers

Reviews of massage against wrinkles around the eyes

In beauty salons, the service of massage around the eyes is not provided separately, so there are no reviews on this procedure, or on independent experience of performing it at home. You can judge the effectiveness of such manipulations by the responses of women who visited a cosmetologist for a full face massage.

I have been going for a facial massage once a week for two years. I confirm - minus five years after the procedure, some muscle tension and swelling go away. In addition, I have a genetically unfavorable facial structure, I’ll be shaving soon, so I’ll put off this matter a little with a massage. For now, the only downside I’ll note is that it’s getting used to; without a massage on time, you get the feeling that your face is sliding down.



I’m already approaching 30, but there are folds on the forehead, nasolabial and around the eyes. Creams basically don’t help me, it’s too early to give beauty injections, I went for a facial massage. Three masters for 3 months each - no effect, I found a master through a friend. They immediately gave me a bunch of advice, prescribed vitamins, told me what cocktails to make, how to sleep. We had massages 3 times a week. In total, 2 months have passed, and I’m already happy.



Many of those who talk about the procedure note its effectiveness against swelling and emphasize that you should not be afraid of massage both on the entire face and around the eyes if you have it done by a professional cosmetologist. Self-manipulation at home does not guarantee a positive result, since there is a possibility of stretching of the integumentary tissue. But by acting carefully and carefully following the recommendations, you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences: skin creases, increased swelling or the appearance of bruises around the eyes due to strong pressure.

The massage is performed very carefully, stroking and very often the specialist presses on certain points located around the eyes and throughout the face. The massage is performed with some pleasant-smelling product, oil. The massage felt great, I really liked it. And from the cool hands of a specialist, the pleasant sensations intensified. The technique is something like this: they stroke the skin, sometimes slowly, sometimes intensely, then fix the slightly stretched skin and press on certain points. After the massage, a mask is applied to the eyelids, and you need to lie with it for about 10–20 minutes. And at the end of the procedure, after removing the mask, a special restorative cream is applied to the area around the eyes.



Massage around the eyes requires sequential execution of all actions, slowness and attention to the characteristics of your skin. Only in this case, at home, can you turn to this method as a way to combat the signs of aging. The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on the correctness and regularity of its implementation, therefore it is important to follow the course of therapeutic and preventive massage to achieve a quality result.

Blepharitis is a common ophthalmological disease in which there is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. The inflammatory process is chronic and progressive, difficult to respond to conservative therapy and can provoke the development of serious visual problems. Treatment of blepharitis is a long, complex process, which, in addition to medications, should include massage.

What is blepharitis?


Blepharitis is an eye disease in which there is bilateral inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. The pathological process is characterized by a long, recurrent course and a high probability of complications. The main cause of inflammation of the eyelids is the activation of demodex mites. Sometimes the disease occurs due to infection by other mites, fungi or bacterial infections. There are also non-infectious blepharitis that develop against the background of other eye pathologies or allergic reactions.

Types of blepharitis

Taking into account where the disease is localized, the following types of blepharitis are distinguished:

  1. Front edge. The edge of the eyelid with eyelashes becomes inflamed.
  2. Posterior edge. The meibomian glands become inflamed in the middle of the eyelid. The pathological process may spread to the conjunctiva or cornea.
  3. Angular. The corner edges of the eye become inflamed.

Most often, doctors diagnose both anterior and posterior marginal blepharitis, in which the entire eyelid is affected. Taking into account the nature of the course, the following types of blepharitis can be distinguished:

  1. Scaly. Accompanied by the formation of crusts along the edges of the eyelids, often combined with dermatitis of the scalp and face of the seborrheic type. Long-term lack of treatment can cause eyelash loss and eyelid inversion.
  2. Ulcerative. It is characterized by inflammation of the eyelash follicles, accompanied by the formation of purulent bleeding ulcers, in place of which small scars remain. The prolonged course of the pathology provokes impaired growth and loss of eyelashes.
  3. Allergic. It occurs against the background of an allergic reaction and is often combined with conjunctivitis.
  4. Demodectic. It develops due to the activation of demodex mites, which can only be seen under a microscope. Accompanied by severe itching and hyperemia of the eyes, the separation of sticky fluid, which then turns into interciliary scales.



The symptoms of eye blepharitis develop rapidly, causing the patient a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. The disease can be suspected by the following symptomatic manifestations:

  1. hyperemia, swelling of the eyelids;
  2. severe itching along the eyelash area;
  3. heaviness, discomfort in the eyes;
  4. yellowish foamy discharge;
  5. formation of dry scales between eyelashes;
  6. rapid eye fatigue;
  7. photophobia.

The following symptoms may also occur with this disease:

  1. sticking, loss or ingrowth of eyelashes;
  2. change in the shape of the eyelid;
  3. formation of abscesses.


The benefits of massage for blepharitis

Massage for blepharitis is an important part of conservative treatment. Correctly performed massage actions help achieve the following results:

  1. blood circulation of the eyelid improves;
  2. nutrition of the eye is enhanced;
  3. inflammation is relieved;
  4. the tone of the eye muscles increases;
  5. fluid outflow improves.

Massage for blepharitis stimulates the functioning of nerve fibers, which improves the functioning of the eye, removes toxins and eliminates symptomatic manifestations such as swelling, redness and itching. In addition, massage actions promote better penetration of eye drops and ointments, speeding up the healing process.


Glass wand massage


This is the most common type of massage for blepharitis, which is performed using a special glass rod. The glass wand massage technology looks like this:

  1. An anesthetic is instilled into the eye to reduce pain.
  2. Pull the eyelid slightly and insert a glass spatula under it.
  3. Press the shoulder blade with your finger and begin to gently move it from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. During the procedure, fluid may be released, which is normal.
  4. Massaging movements with a spatula should be done on the lower and upper eyelids.
  5. At the end of the manipulations, the edges of the eyelids should be treated with essential alcohol, the prescribed drops should be instilled, or an ointment should be applied.


Finger massage

Massaging movements with the fingertips improve metabolic processes in the eye and help relieve inflammation. How to massage the eyelids with blepharitis yourself? Finger massage is performed as follows:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly wash your hands and treat your eyes. If necessary, administer an anesthetic.
  2. Close your eyes and make stroking movements with your fingers from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  3. After 60 seconds of stroking, lightly press on the edges of the eyelid, provoking the separation of secretory fluid.
  4. Perform stroking movements again, relaxing your eyes.
  5. At the end of the massage, treat the edges of the eyelids with essential alcohol, rinse your eyes with an antiseptic and apply the prescribed medicine.


Massage with cream

To quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, it is recommended to massage with cream. For such manipulations, it is best to buy a cream from the Demodex series, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms without damaging the skin. Massaging the eyelids with cream is performed according to the principle of a standard finger massage, but with the only difference that the medication is rubbed into the skin clockwise. Avoid getting the cream into your eyes.

Drug treatment of blepharitis

In addition to eyelid massage, various medications are prescribed for blepharitis. With this diagnosis, the ophthalmologist may prescribe the following medications:

  1. antibacterial, hormonal ointments: Furacilin, Tetracycline, Blepharogel;
  2. ophthalmic drops: Maxitrol, Dexapos, Albucid;
  3. antibacterial therapy: Phloxa, Tobrex;
  4. antiseptics for eye washing: Miramistin, Fluconazole.


If necessary, antihistamines, immunostimulants, or some other drugs may be prescribed. Additionally, folk remedies are recommended.

Hygiene measures

Regardless of the etiology of inflammation in blepharitis, it is important to maintain careful hygiene of the hands, face, and especially the eyelids. To do this, you must follow these rules daily:

  1. You can wash your face only with warm water.
  2. Every morning you need to clean the eyelash edges of the eyelid from crusts using a cotton pad soaked in a weak solution of baby shampoo.
  3. Rinse your eyes with cotton wool soaked in calendula infusion, moving from the outer edge to the inner.
  4. Apply a compress based on a decoction of calendula or chamomile to the closed eyelid.
  5. Do not touch your eyes and especially do massage with dirty hands.




The development of eye blepharitis can be prevented by following the following preventive measures:

  1. observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  2. Avoid getting infections, dust or foreign objects in your eyes;
  3. do not contact with allergens;
  4. wash your face at least 2 times a day;
  5. wear safety glasses when working with hazardous substances;
  6. do not touch your eyes with dirty hands.

In many specialized salons today you can find a procedure called “eyelid massage”. This procedure involves lymph circulation and influences lymphatic drainage.


Proper eyelid massage

With its help, the lymphatic system will significantly improve its functioning, and unnecessary toxins will simply leave the body. The duration of the massage is 10-20 minutes. With regular practice, you will notice that the swelling of the eyelids goes away within 7-10 days. After achieving the effect, massage will need to be done once a week.

Performing the procedure at home

Before you massage your eyelids at home, you will need to perform cleansing procedures on problem areas. Wash your face with the gel and wipe the area around your eyes with tonic. After this, apply a special cream or nourishing mask. Massage should be started on both eyes at the same time. The index and middle fingers should be placed in the temple area at the corner of the eye. After this, start making circular movements.

Now, with your fingertips, you will need to press the skin of the eyelids in the direction from the temple to the nose. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the skin does not move. First, the movements must be performed for the lower eyelid, and then for the upper. Place 4 fingers in a row on the eyelid and press the pads against the skin for a few seconds. After this, you can move your fingers to the upper eyelid and repeat similar movements.

Using your index and middle fingers, you should make patting movements on the skin, moving from the temple to the nose along the lower eyelid, and then you can move to the upper eyelid. Using your middle finger, apply pressure near the outer corner of the eye. Then, with the pads of your fingers, you will need to press along the bone near the eye towards its inner corner. The exercise must be performed 10 times.

Using your index and middle fingers, you will need to make circular movements along the orbicularis oculi muscles. In this case, try to touch the upper part of the cheekbone, as well as the superciliary area. You will need to start the exercise from the outer corner of the eye and then you can gradually move from the temple to the nose.

The final stage of lymphatic drainage exercise is to perform light tapping with your fingertips. After completing the procedure, you need to wash your face for 10 seconds in cold water and in warm water for the same amount of time. The procedure must be done 8-10 times and it should take at least 3 minutes.

Massage the eyelids with a glass rod

Experts recommend doing eyelid massage with a glass rod only in a clinic setting. The massage is carried out using disposable medical gloves. First, the patient should sit comfortably in a chair. After this, doctors instill an anesthetic under the lower fornix of the conjunctiva. It is recommended to repeat the instillation three times with an interval of 2 minutes. After this, the eyelid is taken by the edge and pulled back. Now a glass rod is inserted towards the conjunctival fornix.


Eversion of the upper eyelid with a glass rod

To perform a massage effect, lightly press on the eyelid. As you apply slight pressure, the glass rod will move. After completing the procedure, cotton wool soaked in ethereal alcohol is wrapped around a glass rod and the treatment is carried out. If you are interested, then read about gymnastics techniques for myopia.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Eyelid massage has both positive and negative sides. Among the good aspects are the following qualities:

  1. Relieving swelling.
  2. The crow's feet are gradually disappearing.
  3. Skin sagging is reduced.
  4. It turns out that it has a preventive effect against the formation of new wrinkles.

It is important to know! Regular massage will help maintain youthful eyes and reduce dark circles and bags.

Doctors note that the disadvantage of the procedure is that in some cases it can cause pain. Immediately after several massage sessions, you may notice increased lacrimation and pain.

Patient reviews

Many beauty salon clients have already taken advantage of the new procedure called “eyelid massage.” Judging by the reviews, it is really effective. You can see customer reviews in the photo below:

To learn more about the stages of performing a massage, you can study the video:

Now you know all the benefits of eyelid massage. Before you start doing it yourself, consult your doctors. We hope this information was useful and interesting.