Sebum reducing drug

This article was co-authored by Sarah Gehrke, RN. Sarah Gehrke is a registered nurse from Texas. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from the University of Phoenix in 2013.

Number of sources used in this article: 24. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Oily skin can be annoying, and sometimes you may feel like there's nothing you can do about it. In people with oily skin, the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. Although oily skin is due to genetics, hormones and other factors, there are several ways to care for oily skin. To reduce sebum production, consult a dermatologist, the doctor will recommend medications, it is also important to cleanse such skin regularly, and you can also try some natural remedies to reduce sebum production.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Pimples (acne, pimples, acne): causes of their occurrence, as well as effective methods of treatment
Deep in the human skin there are sebaceous and sweat glands, which tend to produce not only sebum, but also sweat. In addition, the entire skin of the human body, except the skin of the palms and feet, is endowed with hairs. Some of them are visible, while others are invisible. Hair follicles that cover the skin tend to penetrate deep into the skin, and they are located next to the sweat and sebaceous glands. Pimples or acne And acne represent a pathology of the skin of the face, as well as some other parts of the body, accompanied by an inflammatory process of both hair follicles and sweat glands, as well as the sebaceous glands that are adjacent to them.

In addition to the inflammatory process, soreness and redness are also noted in the affected areas. Quite often, when acne develops, suppuration is also observed. In most cases, acne appears during adolescence. This fact is explained by the process of puberty. Sometimes this disease also affects adults. There are also cases when their development is a signal of the presence of a particular pathology in the human body. This phenomenon is especially often observed in pathologies of the endocrine system. In adolescence, you can get rid of them by adhering to all the rules of hygiene, as well as regularly using various topical anti-acne drugs in the form of gels, creams and ointments. Treatment of severe forms of acne, in which purulent pimples appear, is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Pimples - what is it and why do they appear?

Acne is an inflammatory process of hair follicles, as well as the sebaceous glands that are located next to them. Since a particularly large number of small hairs are observed on the skin of the back, face, open chest and chin, in most cases these areas are affected. Each small hair contains a bulb located deep in the skin. Next to the bulb you can observe the sebaceous gland, which tends to produce sebum, which is released onto the surface of the skin to lubricate it. In fact, the production of this fat is really necessary, since this is the only way to protect the skin not only from drying out, but also from cracking.

Excessive production of sebum, as well as failure to comply with all hygiene rules for facial skin care, causes blockage of the mouth of small hairs. As a result, there is a very large accumulation of sebum directly under the skin. If you take and squeeze out this kind of “black dot,” you can immediately see how a fairly large amount of sebum begins to be released from it.
As a result of blockage of the mouth of small hairs, bacteria that are constantly present on the skin receive favorable conditions for their reproduction. Bacteria Propionibacterium acnes It is considered to be the most active causative agent of this disease. Gradually, bacteria begin to multiply, thereby causing an inflammatory process, which in turn leads to redness, soreness, and swelling of the entire area around the hair follicle. If the infection begins to develop further, then the patient will also develop suppuration. At the moment of breakthrough, the skin is cleansed not only of excessive amounts of sebum, but also of the infection itself.

In adolescents, most cases of this disease affect the chin, upper back, forehead, buttocks, and exposed parts of the chest. This type of acne at this age can leave spots or even small scars. Sometimes they disappear without a trace. In this case, everything depends directly on the choice of therapy method. Timely initiation of treatment is also important.

Uninflamed pimples are called comedones. Open, non-inflamed pimples in their entire appearance resemble small dots with a black color. They are located mainly on the upper chest, face, back, and chin. They arise as a result of the concentration of small hairs of keratinized skin cells in the mouth. Closed, non-inflamed pimples are white in color. The reason for their occurrence is considered to be the concentration of sebum at the mouth of the hair follicle. These acne do not disappear on their own. They should be combated with the help of special methods of therapy, as well as special pharmaceuticals.

Acne in teenagers - what causes it?

In adolescents, acne develops between the ages of twelve and fifteen, with the onset of puberty. The most common cause of the development of this disease is considered to be an increase in the amount of sex hormones in the blood, namely androgens. The sebaceous glands, which are located very close to the hair follicles, begin to synthesize large amounts of sebum due to an increase in androgen levels. As a result, there is a blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, which are designed to remove sebum to the outside. Since sebum remains under the skin, it causes infection and, consequently, acne. In girls, acne occurs mainly before the onset of menstruation. This happens due to the fact that it is during this period that the amount of female sex hormones, namely progesterone, increases in their blood. Most often, all teenagers manage to get rid of this disease only by the age of twenty to twenty-five years, that is, at the end of puberty. There are also cases when the development of acne is associated with the presence of one or another endocrine pathology such as polycystic ovary syndrome in girls.

Causes of acne after puberty
Most often, immediately after puberty, acne disappears without a trace once and for all. If a person develops numerous purulent pimples at an older age, then this can be considered a signal that there is some kind of disease in his body. In this case, consultation with a dermatologist is necessary.

Causes of acne in adults

Other reasons

Acne - how to get rid of them? Modern and effective methods of therapy

In fact, to get rid of acne, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, since the treatment of this condition requires careful adherence to all recommendations for caring for the skin of the face. If you are interested in finding out whether you can cope with acne on your own or whether you cannot do without the help of a specialist, then count the number of pimples on one side of your face. If there are less than ten of them, then in your case we are talking about mild acne, which you can get rid of at home. If there are more than ten of them, then you have a complex pathogenesis of acne, which cannot be dealt with without the help of a specialist.

The basic principles of acne treatment are considered to be:

  1. Proper care for oily facial skin.
  2. Reduced activity of the sebaceous glands, which tend to synthesize sebum.
  3. Prevention of the development of comedones, and if they occur, a timely course of therapy.
  4. Therapy with antibiotic drugs in the case of severe forms of acne, accompanied by the occurrence of numerous purulent acne.

Facial skin care as a method of treating acne
If we are talking about oily skin, then the patient should carry out the following hygiene procedures every day: in the mornings, you should wash your face with cool water, but in the evenings, use special solutions to care for the skin, wiping the cleansed face with them. The most popular skin care products for acne today are: salicylic acid , camphoric acid , five percent chloramphenicol alcohol , and resorcinol . A small amount of the solution should be applied to a cotton swab, then wipe the affected areas of the skin with it. In this case, the use of fatty creams is strictly contraindicated. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out pimples, as this may cause the development of some other infectious pathology. In addition, squeezing can injure the skin, which subsequently contributes to the formation of scars. Both in the morning and in the evening, you should wash your face only with special products designed for skin care. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

The use of special products in the fight against acne
Today, there are a huge number of cosmetic products that can be used in the fight against acne. However, not all of them are capable of producing the desired therapeutic effect.

Among the truly effective cosmetics are:

  1. Tretinoin helps reduce sebum synthesis to a minimum, and also inhibits the activity of bacteria that cause the formation of acne. This cosmetic product is recommended to be applied in the morning and evening, after cleansing the facial skin. The course of therapy with this drug is at least four weeks.
  2. Adapalene (Differin) is available in cream form. With its help, it is possible to prevent the development of comedones, reduce the inflammatory process and speed up the healing process of acne. Apply this cream only to cleansed skin immediately before going to bed. To forget about acne forever, Adapalene therapy should be continued for one to two months.
  3. Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron AS) – helps reduce sebum production, prevents the growth of bacteria, speeds up the recovery of affected areas, and also reduces inflammation. This drug is produced in the form of a gel, which should be applied to damaged areas of the skin twice a day. The disappearance of acne during therapy with this medication is observed no earlier than a month after the start of treatment.
  4. Skinoren (azelaic acid) prevents blockage of the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and also reduces the activity of bacteria that tend to cause the development of acne. This cosmetic product is available in the form of a cream, which should be applied to cleansed skin twice a day. The course of therapy with this medication is three months.

Antibiotic drugs for acne treatment
Antibiotic drugs in the fight against acne are in most cases prescribed only to those patients who have a severe form of this pathology, accompanied by the occurrence of numerous purulent pimples. Both the choice of antibiotic drug and its dose, as well as the duration of therapy, are within the competence of the dermatologist. Antibiotic drugs can be prescribed both locally in the form of gels, creams, ointments, and systemically in the form of tablets and injections. As for the systemic use of antibiotics, it is only possible if the doctor has all the necessary information regarding the sensitivity of bacteria to certain medications.

In the fight against complex forms of this pathology, the following antibiotic drugs can be prescribed:

  1. Erythromycin is considered to be one of the most effective antibiotics that can be used in the fight against acne. A medicine called Zinerit, which contains erythromycin, is also quite effective. In addition to erythromycin, Zinerit also contains zinc, a substance that tends to reduce sebum production. Apply Zenerite should be applied to all affected areas of the skin using a special applicator twice a day. Regular use of this medication makes it possible to get rid of acne within ten to twelve weeks.
  2. Clindamycin (Dalatsin, acne gel) is another antibiotic drug that helps you forget about acne. This product should be applied in a very thin layer to the affected areas of the skin twice to three times a day.

Treating the effects of acne

As soon as the inflammatory process subsides and the acne disappears, you may notice that spots or scars have appeared on your skin in the affected areas. By the way, scars in most cases occur as a result of squeezing or scratching a pimple. To get rid of blemishes and pimples, you should seek help from a cosmetologist who will perform superficial facial peeling. Do not forget that quite often this procedure contributes to the re-development of acne, so it should only be performed by highly qualified specialists.

After squeezing out pimples, wounds remain on the skin, in the treatment of which the cream with a bactericidal and wound-healing effect “ARGOSULFAN®” has proven itself to be effective. Unlike many antibacterial ointments that have long been familiar to us, to which microbes have developed resistance, it contains silver sulfathiazole, to which bacteria do not become accustomed. The active substance of the cream “ARGOSULFAN®” has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action and promotes rapid healing of the wound without the formation of a rough scar.
There are contraindications. You need to read the instructions or consult a specialist.

Traditional medicine in the fight against acne

In the fight against acne, you can use the help of some folk recipes, namely:

  1. Lemon . To cleanse the skin of excessive amounts of sebum, as well as reduce its oiliness, you should wipe your face with a slice of lemon every day before going to bed.
  2. Grapefruit . The juice of this fruit is used to cleanse oily facial skin. In this case, not pure juice is used, since a few more drops should be added to it camphor alcohol . It is recommended to wipe the oily skin of the face with the resulting mixture every day.
  3. Chamomile is considered to be a very common traditional medicine in the fight against acne. In this case, it is recommended to make a special infusion from this plant. The recipe for its preparation is simple: take one tablespoon of the flowers of this plant and steam them in one glass of boiled water. The resulting infusion should be used to wipe oily affected areas of the skin.
  4. Oak bark helps reduce oily skin and also treats acne. We take twenty grams of raw material, fill it with two hundred milliliters of boiled water and leave to simmer over low heat for thirty minutes. After this, let the broth cool, filter it and wipe the affected areas of the skin with it twice a day.
  5. Curd mask for the face also fights acne very effectively. Preparing such a mask is not difficult: you need to take one tablespoon of cottage cheese and mix it with a small amount of salt, as well as one tablespoon of juice lemon or grapefruit . Mix everything thoroughly, after which we apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face. Remove the mask after ten minutes using a non-greasy cream.
  6. To get rid of acne, prepare a special lotion: take two tablespoons of carefully crushed peppermint leaves and steam them in one glass of boiled water. Strain the resulting infusion, then add one teaspoon to it. lemon juice , three teaspoons of calendula tincture and the same amount boric alcohol . The resulting product should be wiped over the inflamed areas of the skin in the morning and evening. In the evening, it is best to carry out this procedure immediately before going to bed.

All of the above traditional medicine can only be used for simple forms of acne.

Author: Pashkov M.K. Content Project Coordinator.

Greasy shine, loose pores, grayish skin tone, constant formation of pimples and comedones - all these appearance defects are caused by increased work of the sebaceous glands. Their activities cannot be hidden under foundation and powder. Neither expensive cosmetics nor pharmaceutical preparations to get rid of acne often help reduce skin oiliness. Moreover, the problem is equally relevant for young ladies and teenage boys, as well as for older women and men. The prophecy of the “experienced” - after 30 everything will pass - unfortunately, does not come true. Every person wants to have clean, fresh, radiant skin with narrow pores and an even tone. But how to achieve this? What provokes such an abundant secretion of fat by the epidermis? Are there really effective ways to deal with oily skin or is it time to get used to the idea that this is a lifelong problem?

Is oily skin normal or pathological?

It is important for those with a greasy sheen and other “charms” of oily dermis to understand that they have a completely healthy skin type.

There are four in total:

With proper care for oily skin, it can look attractive and not cause any inconvenience. The indisputable advantage of this type of dermis is the later appearance of wrinkles, compared to other types of dermis. Also, due to a higher level of hydration, the epidermis retains its elasticity and fresh appearance longer.

Pustules, pimples, comedones, acne and other rashes are just a sign of illiterate care and selection of cosmetics. But skin care can be learned.

It’s another matter if you have pathological oily skin, characterized by a greasy appearance, peeling, redness of the epidermis and an abundance of acne or pimples. This condition may indicate a disease seborrheic dermatitis or seborrhea. The disease requires drug treatment under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist.

To check whether you really have increased oiliness of the skin on your face, you can use a common test using a regular cosmetic wipe (dry!). For the purity of the experiment, the test is carried out on clean and dry dermis, which has not been exposed to water or any cosmetics for at least 3–4 hours. The napkin should be pressed firmly to the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. If after each contact with a paper napkin there is a visible greasy imprint on it, then you really have oily skin.

Causes of increased activity of the sebaceous glands

The causes of almost any disease lie deep inside our body. Treating oily epidermis with external influences is absolutely pointless. The maximum effect that can be expected is temporary masking and reduction in the intensity of symptoms.

Therefore, it is very important to find the causes of oily skin on the face. After eliminating them, most likely, the problem itself will disappear.

Increased fat content can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, menopause).
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  4. Excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods.
  5. Frequent washing with hot water.
  6. Using cosmetics that are inappropriate for your dermis type.
  7. Failure to maintain facial hygiene.
  8. Frequent nervous tension and stress.

6 important steps to reduce oily skin

Getting rid of oily skin is a completely feasible task, but it is a long and labor-intensive process. The main thing in this matter is patience and regularity. Treatment should be organized in several stages:

1. Eliminating the cause of increased activity of the sebaceous glands

If you suspect that oily facial skin is caused by some disease, you need to urgently take care of yourself: cure the disease or at least consult a doctor. Women are advised to first normalize their hormonal levels, which also cannot be done without the help of medicine.

2. Organizing a balanced and healthy diet

In the struggle for beautiful skin, many do not pay due attention to their diet. We hasten to assure you that eating fatty, sweet, smoked, fried and other “harmful” foods causes irreparable damage to the condition of the epidermis.

3. Maintaining facial hygiene

  1. Washing with hot water is strictly contraindicated. Only warm liquid will do. Ideally, not from the tap, but even better - boiled.
  2. You must bring your own towel, used exclusively for your face. It should be changed daily. You can use disposable paper towels.
  3. All tools for the face should also be individual - brushes and sponges for applying makeup, sponges and brushes for washing.
  4. The cosmetics and hygiene products you use must be appropriate for your skin type, made by a reputable manufacturer, and not expired.

Advice: contact a trusted cosmetologist and ask him to select suitable hygiene and cosmetic products for your face. All of them should be alcohol-free and non-comedogenic, that is, they should not clog pores.

4. Stress management

Direct your energy in the right direction - stop being nervous. What can be done for this?

  1. Take a course of mild sedatives (Persen, Adaptol, valerian extract or motherwortetc.).
  2. Play sports. An ideal option for calming the nervous system is swimming or yoga.
  3. If all else fails, consult a neurologist or psychotherapist.

5. Get rid of bad habits

Smoking, drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages and chocolate can significantly activate the sebaceous glands.

6. Drinking water

For oily skin, it is important to drink at least two liters of fluid per day: preferably in small portions 4 to 6 times a day. Give preference to raw filtered, bottled or mineral water.

Treatment of oily facial skin: effective methods

1. Cosmetology procedures

The following cosmetic procedures help effectively remove oily skin:

  1. Mechanical and chemical peeling.
  2. Ultrasonic facial cleansing.
  3. Biorevitalization

Many people mistakenly assume that this procedure, because it replenishes moisture loss, is necessary only for dry dermis. In fact, oily skin is also quite often dehydrated and needs moisture. Light creams and hydrogels are more suitable for daily moisturizing.

  1. Mesotherapy.
  2. The use of masks (with pore-tightening and tonic components).

2. Traditional medicine recipes

Many traditional medicine methods help reduce oily facial skin. The most effective of them:

2.1. Washing with herbal decoctions

For oily skin, medicinal plants with an anti-inflammatory effect are suitable, such as chamomile, sage, mint, rowan leaves, serpentine, calendula, nettle, St. John's wort, plantain, blueberry, oak bark, yarrow, etc. Remember that water should be warm, not hot.

2.2. Steam facials

They work much more effectively when adding the same medicinal herbs.

  1. Rubbing your face with ice cubes (you can also add decoctions of medicinal plants to their composition).
  2. Masks made from natural ingredients.

White and blue clay, egg white, potato starch, coffee grounds, banana pulp, lemon, cucumber, and apple cider vinegar are good for removing oily skin. The mask should be applied to a previously cleansed face for 15 – 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

2.3. Homemade scrubs

You can make them yourself using oatmeal, citrus peel or rice flour. All ingredients are finely ground in a coffee grinder or blender and applied with gentle massaging movements along the massage lines of the face. Wash off with cool water after 2 – 3 minutes.

Those with oily skin should avoid scrubs with traumatic particles - from apricot, peach, almond kernels, etc. The same applies to masks with the addition of components such as salt, baking soda, etc. They can injure tissues and increase inflammation. process.

Most owners of sebaceous shine successfully cope with the problem on their own and even find their advantages in the features of this type of dermis. A good cosmetologist can be another assistant in the fight for glowing skin. If all your efforts do not bring any results, then you should stop experimenting on your own body. Consult a qualified healthcare provider. Modern dermatology is quite capable of correcting any uncomfortable conditions of the epidermis.