Vitamins with retinol for the face

To buy the “right” retinol cream for the face at the pharmacy, you need to understand the essence of this mysteriously named substance. After all, in essence, this is the familiar vitamin A, which is rightly called the vitamin of youth. But is it really that banal?

Vitamin A is necessary for the entire body to ensure normal functioning. It guarantees the health of our bones, skin, hair and nails. Without a sufficient amount of retinol, the full functioning of the visual organs and immune system is impossible.

It has a positive effect on metabolic and regeneration processes, stimulates the production of substances responsible for the youth and beauty of the whole body, fights infections, relieves inflammation and irritation, and actively resists dermatological problems.

The effectiveness of retinol for our skin

Vitamin A is necessary for the entire body to ensure normal functioning. It guarantees the health of our bones, skin, hair and nails. Without a sufficient amount of retinol, the full functioning of the visual organs and immune system is impossible.

It has a positive effect on metabolic and regeneration processes, stimulates the production of substances responsible for the youth and beauty of the whole body, fights infections, relieves inflammation and irritation, and actively resists dermatological problems.

Based on these functions of the vitamin, we highlight exactly those actions that it has on the epidermis and dermis:

  1. retinol for facial skin – a stimulator of restoration and regeneration at the cellular level. It fights hyperpigmentation, improves color, promotes the resorption of scars and post-acne marks;
  2. actively moisturizes and maintains fluid balance in the epidermis;
  3. prevents inflammatory processes, regulates the functioning of the skin glands;
  4. stimulates the production of its own protein compounds collagen and elastin, increasing skin turgor;
  5. promotes rapid renewal of the upper layer of epidermal cells;
  6. has a beneficial effect on blood circulation processes, strengthens capillary walls, thereby improving oxygen exchange, the supply of nutrients, other vitamins, macro and microelements;
  7. has a powerful antioxidant effect, promotes the removal of free radicals and protects against the negative effects of environmental factors.

However, the effectiveness of retinol also has a downside. There is such a thing as “irritation potential,” which is directly related to the concentration of the substance in the cream. The higher the concentration, the greater the effect, but the greater the risk of developing side effects. Or they could be like this:

  1. redness of the skin, burning sensation;
  2. itching and swelling in the areas where the product is applied;
  3. dryness and flaking;
  4. various dermatoses;
  5. excessive sensitivity to solar radiation;
  6. the appearance of pigmentation.

A product in which the concentration of retinol is in a variable range from 1 to 2% is considered to “work” effectively. But there is a nuance here too - depending on the form in which the substance is presented in the composition. Even this dose can cause side effects.

Therefore, we take into account contraindications to the use of all products containing retinol without exception:

  1. tendency to allergies;
  2. pregnancy;
  3. pathologies of the blood system;
  4. inflammatory processes and gallstones;
  5. pancreatic diseases;
  6. violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of application of the product;
  7. simultaneously with use with certain medications (be sure to notify your dermatologist about all medications you are taking);
  8. age up to 12 years.

People with sensitive skin should be especially careful when starting to use creams with retinol. If this is your first time using the product, it is better to conduct a tolerance test to protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

Attention! If you detect the slightest signs of discomfort, you should immediately stop using the cream and contact the specialist who recommended it to you. Perhaps a high concentration was selected. And one more thing - you need to start using the cream very carefully, apply a small amount of the product, accustoming the body to the new substance.

Forms of Vitamin A

It is best to buy face cream with retinoids at the pharmacy and after consulting a dermatologist. In addition to providing an anti-aging effect, such cosmetics are designed to solve significant dermatological or cosmetic problems - that is, they are a kind of medicine.

In addition, retinol in face cream can have several names. Or rather, varieties of substances that differ in their activity, effectiveness and effect.

  1. Retinol is actually the most commonly used form of vitamin A, which is found in non-therapeutic cosmetics. It tends to accumulate in the epidermis and therefore, the longer such a retinoic anti-wrinkle cream is used, the higher its effectiveness. The irritant potential of the substance is several times lower than that of its derivatives. This is important to consider if you use the products for a long time, regardless of the season.
  2. Retinyl palmitate is the most stable, but also the least active form of vitamin A. To release pure retinol, which will effectively fight skin problems, our body will have to use many mechanisms. Therefore, this substance is used for preventive rather than medicinal purposes.
  3. Retinyl acetate is a representative of the essential retinol series. In creams it is low active and acts as an antioxidant.
  4. Retinoic acid is rarely found in cosmetics and is more often present in medications. It has a high irritant potential, but effectively fights wrinkles. This form is used by our body at the cellular level.
  5. Isotretinoin is a synthetic substance, even more active, since it immediately penetrates into the cell nucleus. It acts instantly, but the possibility of side effects is very high. It has a teratogenic effect - disrupting the development of the embryo. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Pharmacy creams with retinol have both cosmetic and therapeutic effects. They must be used strictly according to indications, which can only be determined by a specialist.

How to choose the right cream - percentage of content and synergy with other products

When studying the composition in creams with retinol, first of all you need to pay attention to the form of the substance and the concentration of its product. It is acceptable to use any form of vitamin A at a concentration of 1-2%. Higher rates are fraught with side effects.

Interesting fact. When calculating the effective dosage, the 1/10 principle is used. That is, 1% retinol is comparable in effectiveness to 0.1% retinoic acid. And if we talk about the natural transformation of less active substances, then in the body they are all converted into retinoic acid.

Many ladies make masks with vitamin A at home, where retinol is used together with additional ingredients, or they buy pharmaceutical products that are balanced and contain a safe concentration of the active substance.

Retinol creams usually contain the following components:

  1. vitamin E, which, when paired with its “brother,” has an anti-aging effect on the epidermis;
  2. vitamin C slows down the processes of retinol conversion and additionally acts as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  3. panthenol improves tissue regeneration, promotes the healing of microwounds on the skin surface;
  4. hyaluronic acid, thermal water - for deep hydration and maintaining a healthy fluid balance;
  5. vegetable oils and extracts nourish the skin. Retinol enhances their activity;
  6. marine collagen - to supply “building material” used in the synthesis of protein compounds;
  7. glycolic acid enhances the anti-aging effect;
  8. fruit acids help cleanse the epidermis of dead cells, which allows deeper penetration of active substances into the epidermis and dermis.

Knowing about all the pitfalls of cosmetic products containing retinol, it is easy to conclude - we buy proven, high-quality products and only after consultation with a cosmetologist or dermatologist. This is exactly the case when excessive care can turn into a real disaster.

The use of retinoic creams is sometimes included in the care of oily and dehydrated skin. Why? Because it is they that allow you to create a protective film on the surface, and also improve the uneven relief inherent in the oily type.

Useful video about retinoic creams:

List of the best creams that can be found in the pharmacy

So, you come to the pharmacy and are faced with a choice - what to buy? Moreover, on the shelf there are a wide range of retinol creams from different manufacturers.

Do the right thing - reviews of face cream with retinol will help you decide (but this is in addition to the recommendation of a specialist). We present a rating of products with the opinions of clients who have already tried such a product on themselves, their loved ones.

The best retinol creams from foreign manufacturers

"Lift Activ Retinol" from Vichy. The popular brand did not stand aside from the release of pharmaceutical preparations with retinol. The cream has proven itself to be an effective remedy with a minimum of side effects. It additionally contains thermal water and hyaluronic acid. It perfectly copes with dry skin, completely eliminates fine wrinkles and significantly reduces more pronounced ones.

Albina, 35 years old, Moscow

“Either I have a tendency to form wrinkles, or the way of life and its frantic rhythm affected my appearance, but I began to notice very strong age-related changes with pronounced wrinkles, pigmentation on the cheekbones, dryness and flaking of the skin on the face, especially in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle .

The cosmetologist advised me to use a cream with retinol, but only from the pharmacy. He said that it would be more effective and better than a product from a cosmetic store. Vichy cream intrigued me because I heard about this brand from my friends.

I’ve been using it for about a month and the results are noticeable - the skin is moisturized, wrinkles have become less pronounced, the spots on the cheeks are not so bright. And the smaller ones have completely disappeared."

Valentina, 47 years old, Tver

“I won’t go into detail about what skin problems women my age have. And I want to look as impressive as I did ten years ago. I’ll be honest – I didn’t go to a cosmetologist or dermatologist. I know about all my features. Therefore, before buying the cream, I took just a drop of Lift Active from Vichy from a friend and did an allergy test. As it turned out, I can use it, although I have the sin of being overly sensitive to any cosmetics.

What can I tell you – the result is visible and good. But even such an excellent cream is not able to stop time, as the manufacturer promises.”

"Redermic R" La Roche-Posay - the cream is very light in texture and practically does not cause irritation, since the retinol in it is presented in a form with low irritating potential. However, it is effective with long-term use and can be used year-round. Only in hot and sunny seasons should you additionally use products with UV filters.

Lyudmila, 42 years old, Perm

“The cream is really very light, soft and pleasant. Absorbs very quickly, softens the skin, makes it moisturized and tightened. The only thing is that I expected a faster effect.

But if you need prolongation, and not an immediate result, then you cannot find a better remedy. At least I won't look for anything else."

Oksana, 39 years old, Samara

“I’m not very happy with this cream, but I expected the result to be more pronounced and faster. But if you use it for a long time and regularly, it will probably be good. For now, I lubricate my face in the evening to avoid the appearance of pigmentation (the cosmetologist told me about this). And now I’m thinking - maybe it’s worth it twice a day and take another filter in addition, then it will be faster and more effective?!”

“Kinetinol” Mart >Irina, 32 years old, Surgut

“Northern latitudes are not conducive to blooming appearance due to constant temperature changes. So I suffered from these effects - after giving birth, my skin became very dry and flaky. It even cracked in the cold. Pigment spots appeared that irritated me terribly.

Another trip to the cosmetologist ended with me going to the pharmacy and buying myself a cream with retinol. I’ve been using it for three months now and I’m happy - the dryness has begun to appear less, the spots have gone away, my face has brightened and smoothed out.”

Victoria, 28 years old, St. Petersburg

“Difficult childbirth, taking hormones and the problems that arose as a result did not have the best effect on my appearance. Spots appeared on the face and they began to progress. Then acne came along. The doctor recommended a cream with retinol. Kinetinol Martiderm turned out to be very effective. He still really helps me cope with defects that are slowly going away.”

Obagi is a whole line of products with retinol from American manufacturers. It is used only for the treatment of dermatological problems and exclusively in professional clinics.

Olga, 38 years old, Ryazan

“I have very serious problems with my face - acne has left not only scars, but whole “ditches.” Pigmentation, acne, psoriasis began. I was forced to go to Moscow for a consultation with a dermatologist. A friend took me to a specialized clinic, where I was given a couple of cleansing sessions and masks using American drugs.

They gave me the cream home and told me how to use it. I’m back to my old form!”

Elena, 34 years old, Murmansk

“Girls, these products are only for professionals. You can buy them at the pharmacy, but is it necessary?! The concentration of very retinol in different forms is high. Sami, you are unlikely to cope with their use within reasonable limits. The drug is effective, I won’t argue. But only in the hands of doctors"

The list of face creams with retinol from foreign manufacturers can be continued not with pharmacy products, but with purely cosmetic products. L'Oreal, Garnier, Oley did not remain aloof from producing creams with vitamin A. These are inexpensive but effective products that our compatriots love.

Natalya, 33 years old, Ramenskoye

“I have been using Garnier cream with retinol for quite some time. There were problems with dry skin, pigmentation, sagging. If you use it regularly, take day and night products, in addition to peelings and scrubs, then the result will be, believe me.”

Tamara, 42 years old, Samara

“Oley cream is my favorite. I have been using it for a long time and when it was time to take more radical measures to combat age-related changes, I bought a product with retinol from this brand without hesitation. I recommend it to everyone – the cream is simply a miracle.”

Creams with retinol made in Russia

Now let's turn our attention to Russian-made face cream with retinol. The list will also be quite long, and all the products have remarkable qualities.

"Shark Power" A whole line of products with vitamin A is presented: day and night cream, masks. Plant extracts and oils, vitamin complexes are used as additional components. The skin acquires an even color, elasticity, wrinkles are smoothed out, and turgor improves.

Valeria, 35 years old, Moscow

“I am a fan of domestic products, including cosmetics. Creams based on shark retinol are a worthy alternative to branded products."

Anna, 42 years old, Novosibirsk

“Given my tendency to allergies, it is very difficult to find the right cream or mask. "Shark Power" worked perfectly - there is no irritation, redness or rashes that appeared after one expensive and very advertised product"

Nature Siberian. Night rejuvenating face cream. In addition to retinol, it contains extracts from the unique Siberian plant Cladonia snowy, fruit acids and other plant extracts. Gives skin elasticity, radiance, freshness, eliminates wrinkles, slows down the aging process.

Daria, 38 years old, Murmansk

“Natura Siberica is a very good cream that fulfills all its obligations. It moisturizes, restores skin, softens and gives elasticity. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the color becomes even and radiant."

Larisa, 45 years old, Ivanovo

“Cream with retinol from Siberika helped me cope with many problems - in particular, it removed pigmentation, smoothed out wrinkles, moisturized the skin and evened out the tone of the face.”

Black pearl “Self-rejuvenation”. A popular series of creams - day, night, ultra lifting. It contains vitamin complexes and plant extracts that perfectly tone, moisturize, soften the skin, and effectively fight the aging process at the cellular level.

Evelina, 39 years old, Moscow

“I’m not impressed with the results of using the Black Pearl cream. Self-rejuvenation." The manufacturer's promises are greatly exaggerated. There is no such “wow” effect. An average cream that matches its low price. It is impossible to say that it is generally useless. But after reading the recommendations you expect more.”

Valentina, 45 years old, Irkutsk

“Black pearls have settled on my dressing table for a long time and firmly. I used all the suggested products according to my age. And now she has not changed her convictions. Creams with retinol met all expectations"

Belita-Vitex day and night cream. Regular use guarantees restoration of the skin, active tissue regeneration, deep hydration and adequate nutrition of the epidermis and dermis.

Tatyana, 40 years old, Syzran

“If I had found such a remedy earlier, many problems could have been avoided altogether, and some would not have been so bright and expressive. But the effectiveness is obvious, or rather, on the face. The oval is tightened, age spots disappear, the skin is smoothed, becomes velvety and even.”

Marina, 49 years old, Omsk

“Well, cream and cream are no better or worse than similar products in this price category. There is an effect, but it is not pronounced. It needs to be used for a long time and regularly.”

Caviale Vitamin A with oils and antioxidant complex. The very light texture of the cream allows you to use it at any time of the day, including as a base for makeup. Evens out tone, protects against free radicals and solar radiation, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis.

Arina, 34 years old, Tver

“I didn’t expect that for such very little money you could buy such a worthy product. The cream is very pleasant, smells subtle and unobtrusive, is perfectly absorbed, and fulfills all its “obligations.” The foundation goes on smoothly on it. It doesn’t clog pores and doesn’t cause oily shine.”

Ekaterina, 42 years old, Tomsk

“The cream is above all praise - even somewhat better than expensive French analogues. It is absorbed easily and quickly and does not cause irritation (which is very important for me). The skin after it is soft, delicate, velvety and even.”

Vitamin A has strong anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, retinol for facial skin can accelerate metabolic processes, which is why it is often used for acne and to eliminate facial wrinkles.

Beneficial features

Retinol acetate and palmitate are vitamin A that is often used to regenerate facial skin. It is characterized by strong regenerating and moisturizing properties. At the same time, the molecules of this substance have a very small molecular weight, due to which they can penetrate even into the deep layers of the epidermis. This allows you to influence not only the studded layer, but also the deep ones, eliminating internal inflammatory processes.

Retinol for face

It is prescribed during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and preparation for childbirth. This substance helps cleanse the body not only from the outside, but also from the inside. But in this case, it is better to consult a doctor first. By the way, there are special tablets or entire complexes of nutrients and minerals for internal use.

Benefits of retinol for facial skin:

  1. It is a natural antioxidant. It helps to increase the resistance of the epidermis to external irritating factors, protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays, and relieve itching during the inflammatory process. In addition, vitamin A is able to cleanse the skin of various toxins;
  2. The substance helps improve blood circulation. This allows you to provide the necessary nutrition to the deep layers of the epidermis;
  3. The product strengthens blood vessels. This is a significant advantage in eliminating blood vessels on the face;
  4. Retinol peeling will help remove acne, subcutaneous pimples and blackheads, as well as ensure normal pore function. It is performed together with fruit acids, due to which it completely renews the top layer of the skin;
  5. It helps fight the primary signs of aging due to its strong antioxidant and moisturizing properties. It strengthens collagen and elastane fibers, and also “provokes” their increased work.

Retinol is available in the following forms:

  1. Injection. Despite the name, it is often used in cosmetology practice. This is the most convenient form of retinol to use at home. It absorbs quickly, leaves no residue on clothing and is known for its high concentration of nutrients;
  2. Oil solution. Externally, it is very similar to a solution of tocopherol acetate or vitamin E. It is recommended to apply it to dry or sensitive facial skin. Due to the presence of oils in the composition, this type of vitamin will help not only deeply nourish, but also moisturize the skin. For the best effect, you can drink a spoonful of acetate in the morning on an empty stomach;
  3. Tablets or capsules. Known for their low vitamin content. Here, retinol is most often combined with other nutritional and mineral components.

Reviews claim that a concentrated solution of retinol for the face has the most powerful effect.

Instructions on how to use retinol

Masks with this vitamin have excellent effectiveness: they significantly speed up metabolic processes, due to which you can get rid of various skin problems in a short time. They can be used to eliminate almost all known aesthetic skin problems. The simplest application option is to apply the solution in its pure form.

Apply the solution to cleansed skin and do not wash off the mixture. If possible, it is recommended to leave this mask on overnight. If it is more convenient to do it during the day, you can leave the solution for 20 minutes.

For acne on the face Retinol in oil helps a lot. You need to mix blue clay in equal proportions with water, then add ½ part of the vitamin to the mass. Apply the mask in a thick layer and leave until it hardens. You can repeat it every other day.

For severe comedones or ulcers You can make masks with aloe and vitamin A. The leaf of the plant is broken off and cut along the growth line of the spines. The pulp is scraped out with a teaspoon. After this, it is mixed with a vitamin ampoule. For severe inflammatory processes, only 3 masks are enough to relieve skin soreness.

Lifting effect provides a remedy with raw potatoes and eggs. This mask with retinol has not only a strong cosmetic effect, but also a healing one. Potato helps tighten collagen fibers, while egg and retinol nourish and refresh the epidermis. Half a potato is grated on a fine grater, and 1 egg and 1 spoon of retinol are added to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the chest, neck and face.

Photo - Retinol and tocopherol

Also for intensive hydration The use of retinol and honey is suitable. This natural sweetness has excellent nutritional and brightening properties. Honey is heated to a liquid state, after which vitamin is added to it. If desired, you can also add any suitable vegetable oil. Keep the mixture on your face and neck for 20 minutes.

The only thing more useful than one vitamin is a mixture of them. For deep nutrition and hydration and eliminating age spots, it is recommended to buy acetate, tocopherol and vitamin B12 at the pharmacy. All these substances are mixed in equal quantities and applied to problem areas. An important fact is that it is not advisable to use the mixture just a few hours after its preparation - all the vitamins have evaporated and there will be no effect. Keep the solution for no more than 30 minutes. You can repeat it 2 times a week.

Video: retinol for acne and wrinkles

Professional and pharmacy products

Many cosmetics manufacturers (both domestic and foreign) offer girls various ready-made products with vitamin A. Let’s consider the most famous names of products with retinol for the face (the list contains both creams and masks, tonics and ointments):

Name Properties
Retinol Fusion PM Night serum with retinol for face It contains pure, concentrated retinol, which helps solve the problems of breakouts, early wrinkles or spider veins. This cosmetics is used for all types of epidermis.
RoC Retinol Correxion Deep Wrinkle Night Cream RoK is an effective night moisturizer with retinol for the face. It is used in particularly difficult cases when the skin is dry and prone to flaking. In addition to vitamin A, the composition also contains shea butter and ascorbic acid.
Korff Lifting pencil with hyaluronic acid and vitamin A. Like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid acts on the inner layers of the epidermis, compressing elastane fibers. Retinol deeply moisturizes the skin at this time.
Regetsin A special medicinal gel with a powerful vitamin composition. Prescribed for seborrhea, psoriasis and other chronic skin diseases. Eliminates pain, itching, whitens the epidermis.
Proteik Gf Contains pro-xylan and retinol. Helps eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, reduces skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Retin-A Cream (Tretinoin) Sold by prescription only. It has an effect similar to AHA peeling, so you need to use the product carefully. Intensively restores the skin, eliminates pigmentation and fine wrinkles.
Belita-Vitex Retinol+magnesium Belarusian manufacturers are known for the high quality of their products. Belita cream is a worthy replacement for expensive imported products. It contains magnesium, which provides intensive tissue restoration.
Thiogamma This is a rejuvenating tonic with vitamin A. It is used as an additional means of combating wrinkles. Does not contain alcohol, so can be used for dry and sensitive skin.
Shiseido Benefit WrinkleResist24 Mask for the skin around the eyes. Helps instantly remove swelling and bruises. Its duration of action is 5 minutes, so the drug is classified as an emergency drug.

Of all the listed products, it is necessary to highlight Russian-made retinoic ointment. You can buy this product with retinol for the face only at the pharmacy, its price is about $1. According to reviews, this remedy will help solve almost all age-related problems, and the effect is noticeable after the first use.

Greetings, guests of my blog. Today I want to tell you how vitamin A works for the face and its derivative forms. By the way, since 1968, about 1,500 retinoids have been synthesized. This vitamin is a real magician in the fight against wrinkles and other manifestations of skin aging. And it can also treat acne! Seriously, the sooner you incorporate it into your routine, the more grateful your skin will be.

Benefits of vitamin A for the face

Retinol is a multi-tasking superhero that literally transforms the appearance of your skin. It is very popular in cosmetology.

How retinol helps our skin:

  1. Accelerates cellular metabolism - encourages cells to move into new phases and quickly renew themselves. This is so that new, healthy ones can take their place.
  2. Boosts collagen - prevents destruction and thickening of the skin.
  3. Has antioxidant properties - fights free radicals that cause premature wrinkles and dark spots.
  4. Treats acne - Helps get rid of whiteheads and clogged pores.

To sum up all the benefits, retinol reduces wrinkles and large pores. It also makes dark spots and hyperpigmentation disappear, and refreshes the complexion. This vitamin also strengthens the skin and helps treat acne.


It definitely makes your skin look better. It sounds great, but there are a couple of nuances to using this substance:

Sensitivity to the sun. Retinol may make your skin more susceptible to sun damage. Therefore, use products with it only at night.

Irritation. It can irritate the skin and cause itching. At first, use products with a small concentration of the active substance, gradually increasing the dosage.

May make acne worse. May help with acne, but not with red, painful, inflamed acne. If you have any, it will only worsen the inflammation.

Not recommended during pregnancy/breastfeeding. Vitamin A causes birth defects in mice. No one has tested it on pregnant women (for obvious reasons). Therefore, no one knows for sure whether it has an effect on people. But I don't think it's worth the risk.


Use at home

This vitamin can be used from the age of 25. But there is one caveat - the skin should not be too sensitive. In this case, I recommend a softer form - retinol palmitate or microencapsulated retinol.

The best results of using retinol in combination with vitamin C. That is, retinol at night, vitamin C and cream with SPF protection in the morning

For girls who have acne, I advise you to start using retinol at an earlier age. Judging by the reviews, this product copes well with them. This vitamin can also reduce wrinkles. Typically you need to complete a 3-6 month course to see noticeable improvement. The deeper the wrinkles, the longer it will take.

I have prepared small instructions for use vitamin A for facial skin:

  1. If you are a beginner: use 0.01% - 0.03%;
  2. If you have already used: 0,04% — 0,1%;
  3. If you're a pro: 0,5% — 2%.

If the skin does not peel and nothing unusual happens, it means that it is accustomed to retinol. At least to a small dosage. Only then can you increase the percentage.

How often to use the product depends on various factors. We are all different. Some people may use it four to five times a week or even daily. For others, once a week is more than enough. I recommend you start with twice a week. If it doesn't bother your skin, try using it more often.

What is the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate?

Not all forms of vitamin A are created equal. Some are more easily converted into retinoic acid than others.

A typical conversion pathway is as follows: Retinyl palmitate <> Retinol > Retinaldehyde > Retinoic acid (acetate)

Retinol itself doesn't do much for the skin. The magic happens when enzymes in the skin convert it into retinoic acid (acetate). This is the most active form of vitamin A, destroying wrinkles and acne. And palmitate is weaker than acetate.

But Retinoic acid is very irritating to the skin. But retinol works slower than retinoic acid, but is more gentle on the skin. A good compromise, don't you agree?

If you want to reduce the signs of photoaging and rejuvenate your skin, choose retinol or retinaldehyde. And for the treatment of acne, acne, and acne - choose the form of Retinoic acid. These include medicinal products Tretinoin or Retin-A. But they are not sold in our pharmacy. If you want to get rid of acne, I recommend seeing a good dermatologist.

The pharmacy sells retinol acetate made in Russia. This can be an oil solution or something that is sold in capsules. The price may vary slightly. But remember that vitamin A is unstable - it oxidizes when exposed to light. Therefore, in the summer it is better to postpone the use of the product.

Tips on how to use retinol

I hope these tips help you incorporate vitamin A into your routine in a gentle and easy way.

  1. Away from sunlight. Light and air quickly render vitamin A completely useless. Buy retinol products in an airtight, opaque container. They will keep it stable longer.
  2. Use at night. We already know that sunlight minimizes the effects of the vitamin. If it's in your day cream, be sure to apply sunscreen, especially in the summer.
  3. Start with a low concentration. When we start running, we don’t immediately participate in a marathon. It's the same with retinol. As the most potent and effective ingredient, it can be quite strong. When first used, it may cause redness, peeling and even burning. Start in small concentrations once or twice a week.
  4. A pea is enough. When you hear how effective retinol is for wrinkles and other signs of aging, it can be easy to get carried away. And smear yourself generously with this product. But don't do this. A pea-sized amount is more than enough.
  1. Eliminate other powerful components first. Vitamin C, glycolic acid and other AHA/BHA acids. All powerful antioxidants can irritate the skin. If you are new to vitamin A, stop using other antioxidants. Give your skin time to adjust. As soon as she gets used to it, you can return other active ingredients to her care. This way you will minimize the likelihood of side effects.

Of course, you should avoid irritating products that contain alcohol. It always has a bad effect on the skin.

Homemade vitamin A masks

The good thing about homemade cosmetics is that they are completely natural. In addition, available ingredients are usually used for their preparation. But they have a significant drawback - shelf life. As I already said, retinol is unstable. Therefore, prepare such a volume of cosmetic mixture that it is enough for one use.

There are many recipes for masks on the internet. They are designed to solve various cosmetic problems. So be sure to consider your skin's needs. Below I have prepared several proven recipes for you.

How to make a mask with aevit

By the way, my friends, aevit is a double blow to skin problems. They treat rashes and acne. This drug contains two powerful substances: vitamin A and E.

This drug is used in its pure form. Apply Aevit precisely to the area of ​​skin affected by the rash and leave. There is no need to rinse off the product. Just after a quarter of an hour, blot the remaining residue with a dry cloth. After 1.5-2 weeks, the condition of the skin will significantly improve.

At first, use a product with a concentration of active substance of 1%. Look for such products on Iherb or other sites. How to use is written in the product instructions.

Retinol eye mask

This product is a real find for delicate eye skin. It will help remove crow's feet and moisturize the skin. To prepare it, you will need pharmaceutical retinol and glycerin. For 1 capsule of vitamin A, take 3 ml of glycerin. Mix thoroughly and apply with gentle movements to clean, dry skin. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

You will be convinced that this cocktail is very beneficial for the eyes after using it for the first time. Make such masks no more than 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenating mask

Her recipe is:

  1. ½ teaspoon of retinol oil solution;
  2. 1 teaspoon almond oil (sweet);
  3. 1 teaspoon honey;
  4. 1 teaspoon of burdock oil.

Mix the oils and enrich the mixture with honey and vitamin. Apply to prepared skin and leave for half an hour. Then blot the residue with a napkin and wash.

Acne cosmetic product

You will need 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin A oil solution. Also prepare half a glass of water and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chamomile inflorescences.

First we make a chamomile infusion. Pour boiling water over the raw material and leave for about half an hour. We filter the infusion and enrich it with vitamin. Wipe your skin with this mixture at night. This product does not need to be washed off.

Rating of the best creams with retinol

Vitamin A is present in many commercial cosmetics. Since its main effect is skin rejuvenation, many brands use this component in anti-aging products. And of course remember that it decomposes quickly when exposed to light and air. Be smart and only choose products in opaque, airtight bottles.

Life Flo Health Retinol Face Cream. This cosmetic product contains 1% vitamin A. This is a strong concentration. In addition, it contains other useful components: glycerin, camellia extract, shea butter. The reviews about it are amazing. The skin glows, becomes younger and healthier.

And here is a video review of this product. Be sure to check it out.

Cream Super Retinol 0.5%. This product contains slow-release retinol in a low concentration. Promotes activation and natural regeneration of the skin. The product contains hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, vitamin E and oils of rosemary, geranium, and meadowfoam. Plus peptides for powerful hydration and prevention of fine lines and wrinkles.

Multi-Action Serum. Here the active substance is in the form of retinol palmitate. The product perfectly tones, strengthens and evens out the skin. Expression wrinkles soften, pores become less noticeable. The composition also contains ethyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, glycerin, olive oil, grape seed oil, bird cherry and sweet almond oil. The serum is gentle and spreads easily over the skin. It is not absorbed immediately due to the presence of oils. Therefore, wait before applying the cream. The volume of the product is 150 g, it is used very economically.

I think I’ve convinced you why dermatologists consider vitamin A the “gold standard” of anti-aging. It really works! Add it to your skin care routine. And you will always look better. Goodbye wrinkles 🙂

Yes, tell your friends about this vitamin. Now you can show off your knowledge to them. Tell them the difference between retinol acetate and retinol palmitate. And what creams with retinol are better to use after 35? And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And that’s all I have for today: bye.