How to sleep correctly: the best and worst positions

Sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle. It not only gives the body the opportunity to restore strength, but also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. However, as it turns out, not only the number of hours spent sleeping matters, but also the positions in which we sleep. Different postures can have both positive and negative effects on our health. Let's look at the most common sleeping positions and their pros and cons.

On the back

Sleeping on your back is considered the healthiest sleeping position. This is because this pose keeps the spine in the correct position, which reduces the risk of back and neck pain. In addition, sleeping on your back is good for the skin of your face, since it does not come into contact with bedding and is not subject to friction during movements. This pose may also reduce the risk of wrinkles. The ideal option for health is to sleep on your back without a pillow.

One of the disadvantages of sleeping on your back is the possibility of snoring and difficulty breathing. During sleep, the tongue can relax and close the airway, which can lead to snoring. This pose is not suitable for people with sleep apnea. Additionally, not many people can easily fall asleep on their back.

On the side

Sleeping on your side is considered beneficial for people suffering from bowel problems, as it can reduce the risk of heartburn and acid reflux. Sleeping on your left side can also improve blood circulation to your heart. Most people can fall asleep lying on their side.

Sleeping on your left side can put pressure on your stomach, but this can be avoided by periodically changing your body position. One of the main disadvantages of sleeping on your side is incorrect arm position. It is very common for people to put their hand or elbow under their head, which can lead to poor circulation in the hand and problems with nerves and muscles.

On the stomach

Sleeping on your stomach does not cause snoring or difficulty breathing.

Sleeping on your stomach is not a healthy sleeping position. It can align the natural curve of the spine, which can lead to lower back pain. In addition, the position of the head turned to one side can cause curvature of the cervical spine and poor circulation in this area. Sleeping on your stomach can also contribute to the development of facial wrinkles as the skin is exposed to pressure and friction from the bedding.

So, what is the best sleeping position? The answer depends on the individual characteristics of each person. If you don't have breathing problems or suffer from back or neck pain, then sleeping on your back is the best option for your health. If you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, sleeping on your side may be beneficial. If you prefer to sleep on your stomach, try placing a pillow under your stomach to relieve pressure on your spine and reduce the risk of lower back pain. In any case, it is important to choose a position that is comfortable for you and not to forget about a quality mattress and pillow, which also play an important role in the quality of sleep and the health of the spine.