Neurolipomatosis Diffuse Spinal

Diffuse spinal neurolipomatosis is a rare disease characterized by diffuse damage to the spinal cord by adipose tissue.


The exact causes of the disease are unknown. It is assumed that it occurs due to disorders of embryonic development. Normally, adipose tissue is separated from the spinal canal by membranes. With neurolipomatosis, pathological penetration of adipose tissue into the membranes and tissue of the spinal cord occurs.


Main symptoms:

  1. Back pain that gets worse with movement

  2. Weakness and sensory disturbances in the legs

  3. Pelvic organ dysfunction

  4. Spinal deformities


The diagnosis is made based on MRI data, which reveals the presence of fatty tissue in the spinal canal.


Treatment is mainly surgical - removal of fatty tissue. Painkillers and physiotherapy are also prescribed. The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. With timely removal of fatty tissue, complete recovery is possible.

Neurolipomatous diffuse spinal syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disease characterized by the formation of multiple lobules of lipomatosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue in the head, neck, chest, back, shoulders, arms, abdomen and legs. Other possible symptoms may include neurological symptoms such as back pain, loss of sensation, or weakness in the limbs. This disease is not life-threatening, but can lead to cosmetic defects and discomfort. Treatment may include surgical removal of the lipoma, radiation and hormonal therapy, and treatment of nervous system complications. It is important to monitor symptoms during and after treatment, and discuss possible treatment options with your doctor.