Secrets of slim stars: Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is a talented actress who has been an icon of style and beauty for many years. Her slender figure and impeccable appearance inspire millions of women around the world. But how does she manage to keep herself in shape and remain so beautiful and healthy? In this article we will talk about the secrets of Natalie Portman's slimness.


The first and perhaps the most important secret of Natalie Portman's slimness is her vegetarianism. Natalie believes that vegetarianism is not just a way to control your weight, but also a whole philosophy of life. Her daily diet is dominated by vegetables, fruits, tofu cheese, legumes, vegetable soups, pilaf, salads, rice, pasta, fresh juices, soy milk, vegetarian pizza, fruit smoothies and tea. Instead of sweets, she eats honey, prunes, nuts and berries.

Strict diets

Although Natalie rarely follows strict diets, before filming she often follows a regimen that includes only vegetables, fruits and legumes. In addition, she trains in the gym five hours a day and swims in the pool. This allows her to quickly lose weight and look even more elegant.

Physical activity

Natalie Portman believes that physical activity is the key to a healthy lifestyle and a slim figure. She advises all women to move a lot, engage in swimming, fitness, yoga, dancing and walk for several hours every day. Natalie herself leads a healthy lifestyle and advises giving up smoking and drinking alcohol.


Natalie Portman is a shining example of how a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition help you stay fit and look great. Her vegetarian diet, working out in the gym and swimming in the pool, as well as daily physical activity - all this helps her stay in great shape and inspire millions of women around the world. If you want to get closer to Natalie Portman's parameters and keep yourself in shape, follow her advice and try to change your lifestyle for the better.