Itriya - noodles

A type of food similar to thongs. It is prepared from unleavened dough and boiled in water with or without meat; in our country it is called rishta.

Hot and extremely humid.

Actions and properties.
There is no doubt that the noodles are slowly digested and descend from the stomach, for it is unleavened dough without leaven. Noodles cooked without meat are, according to some doctors, lighter, but it is possible that this is not the case as they claim. If you add pepper and almond oil to the noodles, their condition will improve a little, and if they are digested, then their nutritional value is very high.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Useful for the lungs, as well as for coughs and hemoptysis, especially when cooked with purslane.

Eruption organs.
It softens nature.