Alcohol abuse

Alcohol is consumed widely in society. There is a dangerous direct link between alcohol consumption and road accidents. And although millions of people drink hard liquor, wine or beer, alcohol in large quantities is harmful to health. Regardless of the situation, the most important thing is to drink responsibly and conscientiously.
What explains alcohol abuse?
Some people drink alcohol excessively because:
• this is an attribute of a feast;
• experience pressure from others;
• want to get away from problems;
• want to avoid conflict;
• want to relieve stress;
• this is how it is in the family;
• want to relieve a hangover.
Signs of alcoholism
• Giving any reasons to justify drinking alcohol.
• Increased alcohol consumption.
• “I can stop drinking at any time.”
• Behavior and social problems that accompany drinking.
To avoid problems associated with drinking alcohol
1. You should drink evenly.
2. Eat before and when drinking alcohol.
3. You need to drink alcohol slowly, in small sips.
4. Alternate between drinking alcohol and drinking juices and chilled drinks.
5. Set a limit for yourself. Determine your norm and stick to it.
6. Avoid offering alcoholic beverages to people already under the influence of alcohol.
7. Don't drive while drunk.
Alcohol abuse negatively affects a person socially
• Attitudes towards people change.
• Causes a large number of traffic accidents and related deaths.
• Can lead to family breakdown and feelings of bitterness.
• Often has a negative impact on job performance or results in job loss.
• May lead to the commission of offenses and subsequent punishment through the courts.
• Alcohol abuse has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system.
• Alcohol abuse has a negative impact on the sexual function of the body.
• Regular alcohol consumption can reduce sex drive and function.
• Drinking alcohol within two to three months before conception and pregnancy significantly increases the likelihood of developing fetal alcohol syndrome.
• Causes thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, which can lead to heart disease.
• Causes arterial hypertension.
• May lead to stroke.
• Alcohol abuse has a negative effect on the nervous system.
• May affect thought processes. Affects your gait, posture and reflexes. May lead to psychopathy and hallucinations.
• Alcohol abuse negatively affects the digestive system
• May cause inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
• May damage the gastric mucosa.
• May cause hepatitis from alcoholism and liver cirrhosis.
• May damage the pancreas.
• May cause cancer of the oral cavity and esophagus.
• Alcohol abuse has a negative effect on the urinary system.
• Increases urine output.
• Causes kidney failure.