Diets :: Page - 7

How do pistachios affect a woman’s appearance?


From time immemorial, representatives of the fair half of humanity have paid great attention to their appearance. Many thousands of years ago, in Ancient Egypt, Rome and ...

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Weight Loss Marathon 2014 starts in Ukraine


The World Health Organization reports that the situation with overweight in Ukraine is comparable to an epidemic: half of our fellow citizens are overweight, and every fi ...

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What foods should you give up to lose weight?


The desire to lose weight and stay slim leads many people to search for methods and products that will allow them to achieve the desired result. However, not all foods ar ...

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Effective and healthy kiwi diet


Kiwi is one of the most popular and affordable fruits, which is rich not only in taste, but also in beneficial properties. It contains many vitamins, minerals, tannic aci ...

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Doctors named foods that reduce appetite


A group of French scientists found out which foods help reduce hunger. In their opinion, their list of drinks and food will be an excellent alternative to any diet, becau ...

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Microwave food: is it dangerous for health?


Microwave ovens are a convenient and fast means of cooking that can be found in most kitchens around the world. However, despite their popularity, microwave ovens raise c ...

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Nutritionists named dangerous foods on an empty stomach


Why is breakfast so important? Remember what the folk wisdom says? “You have to eat breakfast yourself.” Modern nutritionists cannot but agree with this. Moreover: a prop ...

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Are you on the mend? There are 25 ways to prevent it


Are you on the mend? There are 25 ways to prevent it After an active hot summer, a passive, dull autumn came. We are increasingly giving up walking, spending more time wa ...

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How to eat with pancreatitis


Pancreatitis is a fairly common disease that occurs due to various factors, such as liver and gallbladder diseases, nutritional disorders, alcohol abuse, food poisoning o ...

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Fat burners at home: 5 accessible recipes


You always want to make the process of losing weight more effective. Most often, fat burners are used to achieve this goal, which can be purchased in pharmacies and sport ...

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