Diets :: Page - 9

HAPIfork has been created to prevent overeating


The speed of eating has a direct impact on the amount eaten and, as a result, on a person’s figure. This is the conclusion made by the American organization Hapilabs, whi ...

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Top 10 most harmful New Year's dishes


How to make the New Year's table healthier, but at the same time not deprive it of variety, and yourself of New Year's goodies? Try removing these dishes from him: Tart ...

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Does heredity prevent you from losing weight?


Does heredity prevent you from losing weight? The hypothesis about the genetic nature of obesity continues to haunt the minds of our unfortunate theorists, who are unable ...

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10 top UK diets: joining English traditions


The British newspaper The Daily Mirror published a list of the 10 most popular diets. Leading British nutritionist and medical consultant to the national rugby team, Dr. ...

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Losing weight during the holiday feast


To avoid having to go on a diet after the holidays, just follow a few simple table rules. They will help you save your money and enjoy a picnic or home gatherings. First, ...

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Healthy eating: beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds


Healthy eating: beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds During the cold season, our body especially needs nutrients. But autumn pleases us with a wonderful product - pumpk ...

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Smart food, or Youth from within


Each of us wants to be healthy and beautiful, but we don’t always understand what needs to be done for this. Today we invite you to get acquainted with the concept of "sm ...

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The first online calorie counter appeared


The US National Institutes of Health has developed a new online calorie counter that allows you to individually calculate the required number of calories and distribute t ...

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Types of kefir diet. For kefir lovers


Everyone knows that diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and get in shape. Diets are different: complex and simple, long and short, expensive and economi ...

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Top 13 secrets of French women's slimness


In the eyes of many, a typical French woman must be slender and graceful. And this is not a generally accepted stereotype, but rather a fact. For the most part, French wo ...

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