Healthy eating: beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds

Healthy eating: beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds

During the cold season, our body especially needs nutrients. But autumn pleases us with a wonderful product - pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds are very beneficial for women's health - they are a concentrated source of vital minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. O. Skitalinskaya, a nutritionist and member of the Association of Dietitians of Ukraine, talks about how eating pumpkin seeds has a positive effect on health.

Healthy calories

Crunchy, tasty pumpkin seeds contain a lot of calories: about 560 per 100 g. But these are healthy calories: they provide high-quality proteins and fats. Seed fats contain a mixture of polyunsaturated fatty acids (from the omega-6, omega-3 family), reduce the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and increase “good” cholesterol. The abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids is characteristic of the Mediterranean diet, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.

Youth and health of skin, hair and nails

It is known that UV rays, dust, and polluted air accelerate the aging process of the skin: the membranes of skin cells are damaged by aggressive free radicals, it looks dull and is slowly restored. The antioxidant selenium, which is abundant in pumpkin seeds, provides cell protection, high-quality renewal and high density. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium moisturize the skin from the inside, make it smooth and elastic, relieve redness and swelling, and slow down its aging. Pumpkin seeds effectively complement the treatment of dry scalp, dull and split hair, brittle nails - a complex of unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, vitamin A and E normalizes disturbed processes and restores the good condition of hair and nails.

Cure for Depression

Pumpkin seeds are a source of the amino acids L-tryptophan and glutamic acid. These amino acids effectively fight stress, relieve anxiety and nervous excitability. Tryptophan affects the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which ensures sound sleep at night. Tryptophan is also necessary for the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone”. And glutamine, in combination with the amino acids phenylalanine and glycine, helps improve the state of the nervous system, memory, mood, increase efficiency, eliminate fatigue and depression. With regular consumption of pumpkin seeds, memory improves, physical and mental performance increases, nervous tension and fatigue disappear.

Pumpkin seeds are not only a tasty treat, but also a valuable product for maintaining health. Their beneficial properties have a positive effect on women's health, skin, hair and nervous system. A rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds are an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

It is important to remember that the consumption of pumpkin seeds should be included in a varied diet, observing moderation. It is recommended to choose unroasted, unsalted seeds to reap the greatest health benefits. Bon appetit and healthy lifestyle!