Types of kefir diet. For kefir lovers

Everyone knows that diet is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and get in shape. Diets are different: complex and simple, long and short, expensive and economical. And it’s impossible to count how many types of different diets there are. But in this article we will talk about only one diet, or rather, a group of diets - kefir diets.

The benefits of kefir have been known since ancient times. To this day, doctors use kefir as a preventative and treatment for various ailments. It is difficult to count the beneficial properties of kefir in full: it has a calming effect on blood vessels and the nervous system, it has a normalizing effect on intestinal function, it is a restorative agent after various diseases, and much, much more.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many diets based on kefir - adherents of a healthy diet and the world's most recognized nutritionists are developing diets in which kefir plays a major role.

Below are the main known kefir diets.

Kefir diet to improve appearance

In order for external beauty to always be a consequence of internal beauty (here we are not talking about your spiritual qualities, but about your health), you need to take healthy food inside. In order for your skin color and velvety to always remain the same as that of a baby, so that your entire appearance becomes younger, so that your body is full of strength and energy, you need to strictly reconsider your diet. Firstly, you need to remove sugar from your consumption and strictly limit yourself to flour. This is what the menu will look like for those who want only maximum nutritional benefits for their health:

Breakfast: cheese (young if possible), half a glass of fruit juice, a piece of bread, tea.

Second breakfast: vegetable salad, boiled egg, slice of bread, glass of kefir.

Lunch: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, any meat dish with a side dish (except pasta and potatoes).

Afternoon snack: only fruits, any kind.

Dinner: a piece of bread, a small portion of fish (preferably boiled), vegetables.

Before bed: a glass of warm milk.

This variation is also possible:

Breakfast: fresh berries, cheese (young cheese, such as feta cheese), a slice of bread, coffee with milk (without sugar).

Second breakfast: vegetable salad, a small portion of ham, tea without sugar.

Lunch: chicken broth, salad with vegetable oil, boiled egg, slice of bread.

Afternoon snack: fruit.

Dinner: cheese, tea with milk (without sugar), a piece of bread, preferably black.

Before bed: a glass of kefir.

Kefir mono-diet

You always try to adhere to a healthy diet, eat at strictly defined hours, and not overeat. This is all wonderful. But sometimes there are days when it is simply impossible to avoid feasting and logical overeating - Slavic celebrations have always been distinguished by the special richness of the table. Therefore, you should not attract attention to yourself at the table - “I don’t eat mayonnaise salads”, “My diet prohibits me from eating such fatty meat.” Eat whatever you want, relax your soul.

In fact, one-time overeating will not lead to immediate weight gain. The only difference will be in the morning toilet. However, if overeating begins to become regular, then the alarm should be sounded.

The day after the holiday, the body will require the same abundant nutrition as it did the day before, but it is at this moment that there is no need to give the body slack. There is a wonderful way to do this - the kefir mono-diet. Its meaning is very simple: you need to drink only kefir during the day. For the whole day you will need 1.5 liters of such a healthy fermented milk product.

This diet helps remove toxins from the body. However, this type of diet should not be abused, because it is a heavy burden on the body.