HAPIfork has been created to prevent overeating

The speed of eating has a direct impact on the amount eaten and, as a result, on a person’s figure. This is the conclusion made by the American organization Hapilabs, which is engaged in research in the field of healthy eating. Experts say that slow eating occurs when a person is almost full, and fast eating occurs when he is incredibly hungry.

To help people monitor their eating speed and avoid overeating, a team of scientists at Hapilabs created a prototype fork called HAPIfork. This fork is an ordinary device, but is capable of recording the frequency and speed of movements from the dish to the mouth. If a person eats too quickly and overeats, the fork begins to vibrate, signaling the need to eat slowly and not so much.

In addition, the HAPIfork takes into account the fact that a person feels his stomach is full only 20 minutes after eating. Therefore, the fork reminds you that it’s time to get up from the table, even if there is food left on the dish and you feel slightly hungry.

The price of the HAPIfork electronic diet fork is $99. At the moment, pre-order for the USB version of the gadget is already available, and the wireless model will go on sale in 2014.

Overall, HAPIfork is an innovative approach to solving the problem of overeating that can help people take control of their eating and maintain a healthy figure. However, we should not forget that proper nutrition is not only about controlling the speed of food intake, but also the variety and quality of foods, as well as adherence to diet and moderation in food.