Taming an obstinate appetite

Many of us face the problem of overeating and loss of control over our appetite. Sometimes we eat automatically, on the run or out of boredom, not noticing when it's time to stop. How to cope with this problem and wean yourself from foods that are forbidden for your figure?

One way to control appetite is dietary supplements containing Citrimax, an extract of Garcinia Cambogia. This extract helps reduce appetite, slows down fat formation, lowers cholesterol and improves energy balance. But you should not abuse such drugs; they are recommended in courses - 1-3 months, with breaks between courses.

Another way to tame your appetite is to create a false feeling of fullness. For this purpose, you can use supplements with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and similar substances - for example, agar-agar, gluten, flaxseed, and algae products. They swell and cause a feeling of fullness due to the mechanical filling of the stomach. However, in large dosages, MCC can lead to constipation, so you need to drink enough water.

There are also drugs containing chromium compounds that can help wean off sweets. However, the use of such drugs must be controlled and should not be abused.

Do not forget that, in addition to sweets, fatty, high-calorie foods also have a detrimental effect on your figure. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet and eat a balanced diet.

As a result, various methods can be used to tame an obstinate appetite, such as dietary supplements, additives to create a false feeling of fullness, and drugs containing chromium compounds. However, you should not abuse such drugs and you need to monitor your diet to achieve the desired results.