Watermelon-melon diet... or fasting day?

Watermelon-melon diet... or fasting day?

Now there are a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits on store shelves. Among them are seasonal delicacies such as watermelon and melon. Soon they will disappear. So let's take advantage of them and give ourselves a watermelon-melon fasting day... or a whole watermelon-melon diet!

This article on the women's website sympaty.net presents various options for watermelon and melon fasting days and diets. Choose to your taste and lose weight!

Watermelon or melon?

Watermelon and melon have a lot in common:

  1. They are low in calories, although sweet. For 100 g of watermelon or melon there are only 39 kcal. They promote weight loss, as they are 95% water.

  2. Pectins contained in watermelon and melon cleanse the body of toxins and have a beneficial effect on digestion.

  3. Watermelon is an excellent remedy for losing weight and improving health. It contains vitamins C, B, PP, A, magnesium, potassium, iron, a lot of fiber and microelements. No fat or cholesterol.

  4. Watermelon has a diuretic, laxative and choleretic effect.

  5. It has alkaline potential, it saves the body from acidification.

  6. Melon, like watermelon, is rich in vitamins, microelements, and fiber. It removes waste, toxins and excess cholesterol.

  7. Melon prevents hair loss, improves mood and skin color.

  8. But melon is capricious in combination with other foods, so it should be eaten on an empty stomach.

Watermelon-melon fasting days

One such day will free the body of toxins, but is unlikely to affect weight.

Recipe for watermelon fasting day:

  1. Eat only watermelon with water.

Recipe for watermelon-melon fasting day:

  1. Alternate meals of watermelon and melon with an interval of 2-3 hours.

  2. Watermelon can be eaten with unsweetened yogurt.

  3. Drink only water.

Watermelon diet

With a watermelon diet you can lose 4-6 kg.

Option 1 - watermelon mono-diet:

  1. Eat only watermelon for 3 days, washed down with tea and water.

  2. Then move on to vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

Option 2 - watermelon-bread diet:

  1. Eat watermelon and wholemeal bread for 1-1.5 weeks.

  2. Then gradually return to your normal diet.

Melon diet

On a melon diet you can lose 4-6 kg in a week.

  1. Eat melon 5-6 times a day.

  2. For lunch - healthy low-fat dishes.

  3. Drink only water.

Important Notes:

  1. You may feel hungry and weak.

  2. Diets are not suitable for some diseases.

  3. Consult your doctor before starting them.