Eureka! Eat more to weigh less

Unfortunately, what often happens is that we lose muscle mass after we reach middle age. During this period, our metabolism slows down, which causes weight gain. Eating up to 50 percent more protein may interfere with this process, according to a new study. Note that it is safe for most people (except those with kidney disease).

Here is a list of foods that should be removed from your diet, as well as suggestions for what you could replace them with. Note that in many cases you will not have to starve yourself, since the suggested substitutes contain even more protein and can satisfy your hunger even better:

INSTEAD OF 1 piece of bacon (3g protein), EAT 1 egg (6g protein).

INSTEAD OF 1 glass of orange juice (1.5 g protein), DRINK 1 glass of low fat milk (8 g protein).

INSTEAD OF 2 slices of American cheese (11 g protein), EAT 85 g canned tuna (21 g protein)

INSTEAD OF 2 chicken wings (9 g protein), EAT 100 g chicken breast (21 g protein)

INSTEAD OF 1 hamburger (22g protein), EAT 115g lean beef (35g protein)

INSTEAD OF 2 tablespoons sour cream (1 g protein), EAT 1/2 cup homemade cottage cheese (15 g protein)

INSTEAD OF 1/2 cup croutons (2 g protein), EAT 1/2 cup tofu (20 g protein)

INSTEAD OF 2 tablespoons cream cheese (2 g protein), EAT 2 tablespoons peanut butter (8 g protein)