Banana heals and rejuvenates

Surely, if not all, then many of you love to eat bananas. And how can you not love them - they are so tasty and sweet. In addition to being eaten, they can also be used to effectively treat various diseases and make useful anti-aging masks.

Banana contains chemical elements such as iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, bananas contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, PP. The substance ephedrine contained in bananas, when consumed systematically, improves the activity of the central nervous system, and this affects overall performance, attention and mood.

Banana treatment methods:

  1. Depression - eat 1 banana daily.

  2. Cough - rub ripe bananas through a sieve. Place mashed bananas in a saucepan with hot water in the proportion: 2 bananas to 1 cup of water with sugar. Reheat and drink this mixture.

  3. Constipation - eat 4-5 bananas.

  4. Stomach ulcer - eat 1 banana daily before each meal. Bananas promote healing of ulcers and contain substances that create a film that protects the walls of the stomach from the effects of gastric juice.

  5. High blood pressure - eat one banana a day and you will no longer need to take medications, because... Banana normalizes blood pressure.

  6. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract - for exacerbations of gastritis with normal or high acidity, the banana, with its fibrous structure, is better suited than any other fruit.

  7. Edema caused by heart failure - the ability of bananas to maintain blood and normalize water metabolism in the body will help patients with this diagnosis.

  8. Lack of strength - a complex of vitamins, carotene and serotonin in bananas will certainly bring the body the missing energy.

  9. Age-specific characteristics - bananas are ideal for children and the elderly for a complete and balanced diet.

You can use banana masks to rejuvenate your skin:

  1. Mash the banana with a fork and apply on face for 20 minutes.

  2. Mix mashed banana, cottage cheese, sour cream and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

  3. Make a mask from banana, apple, olive oil and protein.

  4. Mix mashed banana and cucumber, add olive oil. Keep on face for 30 minutes.

You can also make a banana bath or hair mask. Bananas have amazing beneficial properties that will help you treat many ailments and rejuvenate your skin!