Top 8 Libido Killing Foods

Experts have compiled a list of products that negatively affect a person’s sex life. Some positions in it turned out to be quite unexpected.

First on the list is cow's milk cheese. The substances it contains negatively affect the natural production of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, that is, the human hormonal balance.

Second on the list are sugary drinks, and third are sweeteners. If both are consumed frequently, the risk of tooth decay, diabetes, dehydration, thinning bone tissue and decreased levels of serotonin, which supports libido and good mood, increases. In addition, artificial sweeteners can cause headaches, irritability and insomnia.

In fourth place were canned foods, the high salt content of which can lead to impotence.

Chips were in fifth place, and in sixth place was the food additive monosodium glutamate, which provokes depression, brain disorders and cardiovascular problems, which reduce libido. By the way, MSG is also found in other salty snacks and canned foods, so pay close attention to what you eat. Glutamate is often disguised as MSG, or labeled as food additive E621.

Coffee also made it onto the list, in seventh place. People who frequently use it damage their adrenal glands, disruption of which leads to decreased libido.

And finally, in eighth place is rapeseed oil, which is prone to rapid oxidation. It negatively affects a woman’s reproductive function and her ability to conceive.
