Without eyebrows and with wrinkles

Yes, it turns out that wrinkles are not just folds and grooves that appear on our body over time. They can talk about how we behave in everyday life, what sense of humor we have, what we worry about, what negative and positive character traits we have. To be honest, it even becomes a little scary: do wrinkles really reveal the whole truth about us?

Wrinkles on the forehead

It is believed that if a person has horizontal wrinkles on his forehead, he is honest, friendly and loyal. Such lines also speak of great intelligence and forethought. Meanwhile, horizontal wrinkles are quite common among those people who are in constant anxiety, who are overly worried about everything that happens around them.

But if the horizontal folds are not even, but interrupted (as if they consist of several small wrinkles), this means that the person does not strive to complete the work he has begun, and also likes to gossip and spread rumors.

Small vertical folds on the forehead characterize a person who is hot-tempered and irritable, but if the forehead is covered with chaotic wrinkles, you have a complex, eccentric and sarcastic personality.

The line in the center of the forehead from the bridge of the nose indicates a balanced character, strong will and courage. Such people know how to restrain their emotions and remain calm in any life situation.

Small horizontal wrinkles above the outer edge of the eyebrows characterize an open, responsive and slightly naive person.

How to get rid of forehead wrinkles to hide your little secrets?

Of course, you don’t really want others to recognize your character traits by the wrinkles on your forehead. How to reduce them?

At home:

  1. make homemade masks with aloe, honey, egg yolk (here is a simple recipe: mix 1 yolk with a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice, bring to a smooth consistency and apply to the skin of the face, relax; after 15 minutes, rinse off the film with warm water)
  2. drink more water;
  3. use the scrub twice a week;
  4. watch your facial expressions (try not to wrinkle your forehead)
  5. do facial massage;
  6. buy serums with hyaluronic acid and vitamins E, C;
  7. learn exercises for the face (fix the base of the forehead with four fingers of each hand, that is, hold the base of the hairline with your hands, while looking down for 3-4 seconds, straining the muscles of the forehead; repeat 10 times).

In the cabin:

  1. sign up for a course of mesotherapy (injection under the skin of a special preparation containing vitamins and other nutrients, for example, hyaluronic acid);
  2. alternate chemical peels and diamond skin resurfacing;
  3. try plasmolifting (injection of the patient’s blood plasma enriched with platelets under the skin);
  4. give Botox injections (blocks the nerve impulse supplied to the facial muscles, the facial muscles do not contract, and the facial skin does not fold).

Wrinkles between the eyebrows (above the bridge of the nose)

Do you see a person with a long wrinkle between his eyebrows? Here is an intelligent and slightly shy person.

If there is not one wrinkle between the eyebrows, but two (parallel to each other), consider that you have met an attentive and scrupulous person. He has an analytical mind, always notices small details and prefers to concentrate on one thing. Most likely, his work involves mental work.

Curved wrinkles between the eyebrows (even zigzag ones) reveal a jealous, hot-tempered and touchy character.

How to get rid of it?

Wrinkles between the eyebrows are no better than wrinkles on the forehead. And you can’t even hide them with cute bangs. What to do with them?

At home:

  1. use an anti-wrinkle patch;
  2. do exercises (for example, raise your eyebrows as much as possible, fix them in this position, and then relax; repeat 10 times);
  3. prepare homemade masks with gelatin (take a tablespoon of edible gelatin, add a small amount of water, heat and apply to the skin of the face, leave for an hour, then rinse with water);
  4. control your facial expressions when you are angry or swearing: try to relax your face even in moments of anger.

In the cabin:

  1. give Botox injections;
  2. regularly take laser resurfacing courses;
  3. try the bioreinforcement procedure (introduction of biogel under the skin along special lines);
  4. when wrinkles on the forehead and eyebrows become too deep, it makes sense to resort to surgical methods (for example, endoscopic skin tightening).

Wrinkles around the eyes

The first wrinkles around the eyes appear after 30 years. This means they are the first to tell you a lot of interesting things.

If the crow's feet are directed only upward, then their owner (or owner) is a positive, sociable, easy-going person. If down, you have a suspicious, nervous and pessimistic person.

In addition, like wrinkles between the eyebrows, an abundance of “crow’s feet” characterizes an attentive and neat person.

How to get rid of it?

There should be no “feet” on the face: neither a goose’s, nor a chicken’s, nor even a cat’s. So we get rid of small wrinkles around the eyes using all possible methods.

At home:

  1. be sure to use eye cream;
  2. apply essential oils to the area around the eyes: apricot, almond or peach;
  3. do cryomassage (wipe the area around the eyes with ice cubes from a decoction of chamomile and green tea) and lotions (apply a cotton pad soaked in the same decoction of chamomile to the eyes);
  4. Don't squint and wear sunglasses.

In the cabin:

  1. try RF lifting (exposure to high frequency radio waves on the skin);
  2. sign up for a course of microcurrent therapy (the impact of small current discharges on the soft tissues of the area around the eyes);
  3. undergo a course of mesotherapy and laser peeling;
  4. find out for yourself what “lipofilling” is (introducing the patient’s own fat emulsion into the area under the lower eyelids and the area of ​​the nasolacrimal grooves);
  5. if necessary, decide on radical methods: for example, thread lifting.

Wrinkles around the mouth

Small wrinkles around the mouth (they are called “purse-string wrinkles”) appear primarily in cheerful and kind people: throughout their lives they smile and laugh, and do not frown their eyebrows and forehead.

When wrinkles are located radially around the mouth (like small rays), a person can be shy, vulnerable and withdrawn.

Wrinkles in the corners of the lips (marionette lines), directed downward, are common for people who are nervous and irritable.

In general, wrinkles around the mouth always appear in those who have a bad habit of smoking and have been doing so for many years.

In addition, pay attention to the nasolabial folds: they are especially pronounced in those people who have suffered a lot of suffering and disappointment.

How to get rid of it?

Typically, wrinkles around the mouth are not as pronounced as wrinkles around the eyes or on the forehead, but they can and should be dealt with.

At home:

  1. first of all, quit smoking;
  2. do exercises (pronounce the letters O, A, I; alternately lift the upper and lower lips);
  3. massage along the lines around the lips and from the lips to the chin (when applying anti-aging cream);
  4. use masks with egg white (apply regular egg white to the lips and the area around them, rinse after 15 minutes);
  5. Always use lip balm.

In the cabin:

  1. sign up for a mesotherapy or biorevitalization procedure;
  2. regularly visit a cosmetologist for chemical peeling or laser peeling;
  3. try lipofilling.

Of course, all “wrinkle symbols” are just a convention. It's up to you to believe it or not. One thing is clear: wrinkles need to be fought. What they can tell you for sure is your age. Still, let's try to deceive nature?

There are contraindications. Specialist consultation required

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Have you ever paid attention to the expression on your face when you walk down the street?

Once, accidentally glancing at the mirrored window of a store, I saw my gloomy expression on my face with knitted eyebrows. I even felt somehow uneasy... Am I really like that? She hurried to spread her eyebrows to the sides, relaxed the muscles of her forehead, and the beautiful woman walked on.

Imagine my surprise when literally a few minutes later I saw my gloomy expression again in the next window! My eyebrows automatically moved to the bridge of my nose. So that's where these vertical folds between the eyebrows come from! Not only and not so much age is to blame! It’s clear why my elite anti-wrinkle cream, bought for decent money, does not have the expected effect. Here, first of all, it is necessary not to smooth the skin, but to relax the muscles.

After this incident, I began to look more closely at people on the street (mainly women, of course). I noticed that quite a lot of women “wear” a closed, angry expression on their faces. Believe me, it's not pretty!

I discovered another ugly habit - “forcibly” raising my eyebrows, constantly tensing my forehead muscles. This led to the formation of transverse folds of the forehead and, I'm afraid, even to a spasm of the frontalis muscle. Because it takes a conscious effort for me to relax my frontalis muscle.

How to get rid of the habit of wrinkling your forehead and frowning your eyebrows? After all, when the forehead muscles are calm and do not collect transverse and vertical folds of the skin of the forehead, this gives an optimistic and confident appearance.

Having reviewed the sources of information available to me, I discovered that there are several ways to get rid of this habit, that is, relaxation of the frontal muscles:

1. Relaxation through self-massage of the forehead and eyebrow area.
2. Relaxation using an Indian technique based on the ancient Indian teaching of Ayurveda - Shirodara.
3. Botox (injection under the skin of a toxin that has a paralytic effect).
4. Surgical lift.

We dismiss the last option right away - everything is not so neglected! Let's look at the other three in more detail.

Botox is a procedure for introducing a drug into facial wrinkles that temporarily removes tone, resulting in wrinkle smoothing and strong lifting. The duration of the drug is on average 6 months. Botox injections are easily offered in beauty salons to women over 35 years of age. Botox does not imply the complete and irreversible removal of wrinkles, however, during the duration of the Botox injection, women wean themselves from the habit of grimacing and get used to controlling their facial expressions, which ultimately leads to a natural smoothing of wrinkles. 2-3 Botox procedures will make it possible to get rid of the most common cause of wrinkles - the bad habit of frowning.

The disadvantage of this option is the high cost of the procedure and the likelihood of negative side effects (bruises). Another disadvantage is purely psychological - I personally would not dare to go under a needle with a toxin for fear of pain.

The next option is shirodara. Shirodara (shiro - head, dahra - flow) is the effect of a slowly flowing stream of warm aromatic oil on the “third eye” area, that is, the space between the eyebrows, combined with a head massage. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body, from the nervous system to the smoothing of wrinkles on the face. Stimulating the third eye area has a powerful effect on the brain centers that secrete serotonin, a chemical that produces feelings of pleasure and relaxation. Shirodara has a deep relaxing effect on the whole body, relieves stress and nervous disorders, and fights insomnia and headaches. After such a massage, wrinkles are smoothed out, the face looks fresh and rested.

The disadvantage of this procedure is that shirodara is not used in its pure form. The beauty salon offers an extended version of shirodara combined with a head and full body massage. After shirodara, any physical activity is contraindicated for an hour and driving is undesirable. Therefore, it is better to set aside 2.5 hours for the procedure in advance and go through it competently from start to finish. Otherwise, why even bother? And this pleasure is not cheap due to the high consumption of aromatic oil.

As a result, the most acceptable relaxation option for me turned out to be self-massage of the forehead and area between the eyebrows. The advantages of this procedure are that even during a busy day you can always find time for a little rest and relaxation. Self-massage relieves tension in the forehead muscles and smoothes out facial wrinkles. Massage without pressing too hard, closing your eyes. So:

Self-massage of the eyebrow area

place the middle finger of your right hand on the bridge of your nose, perform tapping movements to the tip of your right eyebrow;
make light stroking movements in the same direction;
massage in the same way with the middle finger of your left hand in the other direction.

Self-massage of the forehead

place the fingers of your left hand on the left temple with the back side and perform stroking movements from left to right;
Perform tapping with your fingertips in the same direction;
Without moving or stretching the skin, massage your forehead in the same direction with light circular movements;
perform a massage in the same way, changing the position of the hands, then place the index fingers on the bridge of the nose;
perform stroking movements above the eyebrows towards the temples;
massage in the same direction, pressing lightly with the pads of your index fingers, then place your fingertips just above the bridge of your nose;
perform stroking movements towards the temples;
make massaging movements in the same direction, pressing lightly with your fingertips;
finish the forehead massage with stroking movements with the backs of both palms.

This is an effective and time-saving method.

In addition, I would like to recommend an effective way facial expression control. In the evening at home after work, we stick regular postage stamps costing 10 kopecks apiece on your forehead, on the place where your deepest wrinkles are located (two stamps will be enough) and get remarkable control over your emotions! We will feel the slightest movement of the frontal muscles and will not allow them to tense up. It is known that any habit, when used daily, is fixed within 21 days, so the cost of this procedure will cost us 4 rubles 20 kopecks!

I would not recommend using adhesive tape instead of postage stamps, as it sticks quite strongly to the skin and is painful to tear off later. In addition, when using tape, you need to be careful to prevent accidental depilation of the eyebrows.

I continue, as promised, the topic of facial wrinkles. This is not relevant for everyone, but for those who have experienced this topic themselves, the information may be useful. Today I want to touch a little on how they are formed and how it relates to health. I’ll also give you 3 tips that I tested on myself and that are guaranteed to help reduce expression lines.

Where do expression lines come from?

The beginning of wrinkles in the skin, which will later turn into wrinkles, can begin in adolescence or childhood. The habit of wrinkling your forehead or “pushing” your eyebrows from tension, irritation, or any vigorous activity does not cause concern at first. Because in childhood, when emotions change, the skin returns to its usual state. The habit does not go away with age, but expression lines remain on your face even after you have relaxed it.

How does excess muscle tension harm your health?

Do a little test. While working at the computer or other activities that require concentration, notice which muscles are tense. Do you really need to strain your neck, shoulders, and back to type? How does tension in the forehead and bridge of the nose help when studying something? Does an argument go more effectively if you understand your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead?

In everyday life, we very often use muscles that are not needed for current activities. This creates unnecessary tension and a person gets tired much faster. Therefore, after a working day in a sitting position, you can feel “broken”, as if hours of physical work have passed.

On the face, such tension turns into facial wrinkles and is aggravated by age-related changes and sun exposure to the skin. And then these elegant facial wrinkles “suddenly” appeared. In one of his books, Dale Carnegie refers to proven facts that fatigue is caused by eye strain and, accordingly, the muscles around them. Very often, facial wrinkles appear on the forehead, around the eyes, between the eyebrows.

3 practical tips for combating expression wrinkles

Both prevention, when there are no facial wrinkles yet, and the fight against wrinkles on the skin, trained over the years, follow the same principles. It’s just that in cases where facial wrinkles have already settled on the face, you need to act more intensively and on all fronts. Believe me, facial wrinkles can be corrected at any age.

Here are 3 tips that help me a lot:

1. During the day, periodically check whether your facial muscles are tense unnecessarily. You can also ask your loved ones to tell you when it’s time to “make your face simpler” and relax your muscles.

2. Morning and evening, do exercises for the problem area of ​​the facial muscles. Ideally, of course, exercises should be done for all muscles, but you can start with problem areas. Facial sculpting was developed (or simply popularized) by Carol Maggio. You can easily find exercises on the Internet. Gives very good results after about a month of training.

3. Use helpers. These are frownies patches and creams with the Botox effect (I have posts about them on the beautician). If the case is severe, then at first something like this will help a lot.

I looked at the patches and thought about buying them several times, but until the advertising convinced me. It is better to consciously wean your muscles from straining unnecessarily. Once you peel off the bandage, the tension may return. I might try these patches someday, but not in the near future.

I use relaxing creams with Botox effect and they work quite well. This is a good way to help yourself cope with excess micro-tension in the skin and muscles of the face. I will tell you about them and Botox in more detail, separately, and I will definitely show you exactly which brands I use and what works.

If you follow these simple rules and take your expression wrinkles seriously, then I give a 99.9% guarantee that within 1-2 months your expression wrinkles will lose their positions. But you need to start today. Better now. Is there anything too tense?