
Country of origin: Finland, Schering Oy, a subsidiary of Schering AG Finland
Pharm-Group: Antiosteoporosis agents - biosphosphonates

Manufacturers: Leiras (Finland), Schering Oy, a subsidiary of Schering AG (Finland)
International name: Clodronic acid
Dosage forms: capsules 400 mg, concentrate for the preparation of infusion solution 60 mg/ml, film-coated tablets 800 mg
Ingredients: Active ingredient - Clodronic acid.
Indications for use: Osteoporosis and osteolysis as a result of increased bone tissue resorption (malignant neoplasms and metastasis), hypercalcemia in malignant tumors.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Side effects: Rarely - dyspepsia, impaired renal function, proteinuria, increased creatinine levels, increased alkaline phosphatase activity, slight hypocalcemia.
Interaction: Calcium, iron, and antacids reduce effectiveness. Aminoglycosides can lead to severe hypocalcemia.
Overdose: Symptoms: increased serum creatinine levels, hypocalcemia (with and without clinical manifestations). After discontinuation of the drug, plasma calcium levels normalize on their own within 4 days.
Special instructions: Caution should be exercised when administered intravenously to patients with severe renal failure (it is recommended to reduce the dose). If side effects from the gastrointestinal tract occur, dose adjustment is necessary. Regular monitoring of calcium levels in blood plasma is indicated. If hypocalcemia develops, a short break in treatment is recommended. During the period of therapy, it is recommended to limit the consumption of foods rich in calcium (milk, cheese, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, apricots, strawberries, lemons). Calcium supplements (indicated) should not be taken concomitantly with clodronic acid (a 1-2 hour interval is required).
Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2003