Dandy-Walker disease, Dandy-Walker Syndrome

Dandy-Walker disease, also known as Dandy-Walker syndrome, is a rare congenital brain disorder. It is characterized by underdevelopment of the cerebellum and expansion of the fourth ventricle of the brain.

The main symptoms of Dandy-Walker syndrome:

  1. Delayed psychomotor development and intellectual impairment.

  2. Muscle hypotonia and impaired coordination of movements.

  3. Increase in head size (macrocephaly).

  4. Hydrocephalus due to the accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid.

  5. Cramps.

The causes of Dandy-Walker syndrome are not completely clear. It is assumed that it is caused by disturbances in the development of the brain and spinal cord in the early stages of embryogenesis. Diagnosis is based on MRI and CT scans of the brain, as well as genetic testing.

Treatment of Dandy-Walker syndrome is aimed at correcting hydrocephalus and seizures, as well as stimulating the child's psychomotor development. The prognosis ranges from moderate to severe disability. With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, a significant improvement in the patient's condition is possible.

Dandy-Wacker Syndrome is one of the rarest forms of infantile paralysis. The disease makes itself felt due to impaired development of the cerebellum. This leads to a spectrum of disorders inherent in children with this diagnosis: excessive activity and inability to control, the child falling to the floor or sudden falls, both accompanying and spontaneous. Damage to the cerebellar structure leads to balance defects and the development of hydrocephalic conditions. The result is movement disorders, poor handwriting, pathological handwriting and speech problems. Over time, an inferiority complex develops, children become aggressive, emotionally unstable and withdrawn. Sometimes children experience problems in school and development, and it becomes difficult for them to behave normally. When diagnosing, the diagnosis is made based on discrepancies between the size and shape of the ventricles of the brain according to ultrasound and X-ray results. If the study shows other congenital anomalies of the skull, additional diagnostics of the fundus is necessary. Psychiatrists and psychotherapists are used to treat the disease - this helps reduce the degree of aggression in children, depression, paranoia, thus improving the quality of life of the child and his environment.

So, Dandy Walker disease is a type of cerebral palsy that usually affects the cerebellar areas. The effects of this disease result in poor balance as well as an unusual appearance of unsteady gait. Hydrocephalus develops very often. As for diverticular disease, it is a disruption of processes in the intestines - a so-called diverticulum is formed. The specificity is manifested by a violation of the water absorption process. The patient complains of disturbed stool.