How to deal with stretch marks on thighs

Today, stretch marks on the thighs are a common problem among both women and men.

Stretching (stria) is a scarring change in the skin that occurs due to a violation of the elasticity of the skin. The reason for their appearance is not always mechanical impact.

They appear due to biochemical changes in a woman’s body. Striae can be located on the abdomen, chest, buttocks, and back of the leg. They have different colors and sizes.

The stretch marks can be either dark purple or white. It depends on how long the problem has existed. Fresh stretch marks are red with a purple tint. Later they lighten up. There are photos on the Internet that will help you recognize stretch marks on the body, as well as determine the severity of the problem. Striae are not susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. This means that they are not exposed to tanning. Therefore, in the summer, stretch marks located on the hips are especially visible.

The main reasons for the appearance

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem.

Most often, stretch marks on the thighs appear as a result of:

  1. Powerlifting and other types of weightlifting.
  2. Sudden weight gain. (This reason is the most common. The skin stretches sharply and stretch marks appear).
  3. Hormonal changes. During puberty, a strong hormonal imbalance occurs, so stretch marks can often be observed in adolescents.
  4. Taking certain medications. Especially those that belong to the group of glucocorticoids. They can provoke severe obesity.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system. Because of this problem, many others arise, including striae. Therefore, it is important to start treatment on time so as not to worsen the situation.

The causes of stretch marks can be judged by their location. Vertical striae are most often the cause of pregnancy or weight changes. And horizontal ones signal problems of the endocrine system.

To get rid of stretch marks, one or several folk methods are often used. You can also make a homemade scrub with almond essential oil. In addition to self-treatment of stretch marks, you can resort to salon treatment. For example, for a body wrap or massage.

What causes stretch marks on the thighs: ways to get rid of them, prevention

The thinner the outer film of the epidermis, the more visible the blood vessels are. Damaged blood vessels are visible through the upper layer of the epidermis, which atrophies.

Over time, the subcutaneous tissue fills with connective scar tissue and the stretch marks fade and eventually turn white.

This explains the appearance of stretch marks on the thighs, chest and abdomen. Not only women, but also men suffer from stretch marks.

How to remove

While stretch marks are purple, blue or red, they are much easier to get rid of. This means that the process of skin atrophy has just begun and it can still be saved. The paler the stretch mark, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Therefore, white stripes of skin that no longer contain melanin are very difficult to treat.


You can get rid of stretch marks by making your skin more elastic. There are many methods and means for this. One of the options for using vegetable oils. This method is suitable for removing fresh stretch marks. Mix 1 part neroli oil with 1 part limeta oil. 2 parts each of lavender, petitgrain and mandarin oil. The resulting liquid is rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes with massage movements. After the procedure, rub in wheat germ oil.

Another recipe will also help cope with stretch marks on the hips. 30 ml of jojoba oil should be combined with clove, mint and lavender oils. You only need 2 drops each. 4 drops of geranium oil are also added there. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin daily for 10 minutes. Excess oils are removed with a napkin at the end of the procedures.

Cosmetical tools

There are a number of cosmetic products. If the rhythm of life does not allow you to spend time preparing masks yourself, then you can use ready-made products.

When purchasing such ready-made products, first of all you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: hyaluronic acid, essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, elastin, amino acids and peptides, collagen. Effective products are not cheap, but the results are worth the money spent.


If you don’t want to wait and point your finger at the sky, then you should trust a specialist. Nowadays, cosmetologists' offices are always open to their clients. Here they will talk in detail about why unsightly and unnecessary stretch marks appear on the hips and will help eliminate them using modern procedures.

In the salons you can do the following manipulations: balneotherapy, thalassotherapy, Spa, mesotherapy course, ozone-oxygen method of accelerating metabolism in the epidermis, chemical peeling and laser resurfacing. Experts will advise which procedure to choose after the first examination. Such methods of dealing with stretch marks can be called the fastest and most effective.


Preventing the appearance of stretch marks, which spoil the appearance, especially of a girl, is much easier than treating them later. In order to avoid the problem of unsightly stripes on the thigh, buttock and stomach, you need to follow some simple rules. First, avoid sudden stretching of the skin. This applies most of all to girls trying to lose weight. There is no need to rejoice at the sudden weight loss. After all, instead of one problem, there is a risk of getting another.

Losing weight is necessary per month, but no more. You need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of drinking water per day. After all, a lack of water in the body is one of the reasons why stretch marks on the thighs appear, and later increase. Thirdly, watch your diet. It should include more vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils and lean meats and fish. These products are beneficial not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Fourth, play sports. But this should be done in moderation, since excessive and sudden load will only worsen the problem. Therefore, the load should be increased gradually. It’s better to start with light running or gymnastics. It is better to avoid exercise equipment. Fifth, take a shower regularly. A sharp jet of water creates a massage effect, which is good for the skin and its external and internal condition. Sixth, monitor your hormonal levels.

After all, its change can also provoke the formation of stretch marks. This is especially true for women during pregnancy and those who have infants. During this period, a woman’s body is unpredictable. The main condition for effective and quick removal of stretch marks is timely intervention.

Until stretch marks are fully formed, they are much easier to eliminate than those that exist on the body for a long time. But even in this case, do not despair. Everything can be fixed if you use several methods at once. But you should prepare for the fact that treatment will take a lot of time and effort.

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Question "How to remove stretch marks on thighs and legs? worries not only women, but also men. Naturally, every person wants to have a beautiful and toned body, and the presence of stretch marks changes the appearance not for the better. Today, when we all become hostages of fashion to one degree or another, smooth and elastic skin is the object of desire of many. There is only one conclusion: it’s time to start fighting for a beautiful figure! And although stretch marks can be completely removed only with the help of cosmetologists, with the right approach, stretch marks can be made almost invisible at home. For women, stretch marks are a particularly sore subject, because any dissatisfaction with oneself gives rise to complexes and triggers a large tangle of psychological problems.

Roughly speaking, stretch marks are scars. The skin and connective tissues are torn, and “scars” form at the sites of micro-tears.

This happens due to a lack of collagen and elastin in the body or due to sudden changes in weight and hormonal imbalances, for example, during pregnancy, menopause or endocrine diseases. Read more: Is it possible to remove stretch marks?

Stretch marks often appear on the thighs of adolescents; the reasons are also due to hormonal fluctuations, as a major restructuring of the background is underway.

Rapid weight loss or, conversely, rapid weight gain also does not improve the skin: it simply does not have time to adapt to the body and is injured, leaving unsightly scars.

Stretch marks come in different colors and shades. This is explained by the presence of blood vessels in the tissues. When the skin and fibers stretch, the capillaries break, blood flows out of them, and the resulting stretch marks acquire its color (red or pink stretch marks).

As it heals, the shade changes to purple, and over time, when the vessels and tissues are completely regenerated and the blood is absorbed, white stretch marks appear on the thighs; they are visually similar to ordinary colorless scars.

It is better not to wait until this stage, since removing stretch marks becomes more difficult the older they become. Begin treatment as soon as red stretch marks on your thighs are discovered.

It is generally accepted that only women are susceptible to the appearance of stretch marks on any part of the body. It's a delusion!

According to statistics, about 70% of women and 40% of men have stretch marks. Yes, they appear more often in women. But for the most part it is related to childbirth. For example, 90% of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy (6-7 months).

Women are also subject to greater hormonal changes and weight fluctuations than men. And this greatly affects the elasticity of the skin.


The main cause of stretch marks is excessive tension of the skin.

As a result, collagen and elastin fibers are torn, and red scars appear on the skin, which eventually turn into white scars.

Subsequently, the color of stretch marks remains white even on a tanned body, since they completely lack pigment.

Most often, stretch marks appear in the following cases:

  1. after pregnancy;
  2. with excessively sharp fluctuations in weight;
  3. during breastfeeding;
  4. with hormonal imbalance;
  5. during heavy physical activity and excessively intense sports;
  6. with a sharp increase in muscle mass and the use of steroid drugs;
  7. during puberty.

Also, one of the reasons for the appearance of stretch marks may be a low content of elastic/collagen fibers in the body (usually this feature is inherited or can be caused by various hormonal disorders).


When stretch marks appear, as well as other skin changes, it is easier to get rid of them at home at the first sign. It is better to use preventive measures to prevent their formation.

  1. If you want to remove stretch marks, maintain a balanced diet. Teenagers' diets should include more vegetables and fruits, and be sure to consume vegetable oil. Vitamin A returns elasticity to the dermis, so eat liver, dairy products, fatty fish, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
  2. Water balance. Water plays a huge role and its importance for the body is invaluable. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid every day to keep your skin youthful. The external influence of water is also beneficial. A daily contrast shower, swimming or rubbing with an ice cube maintains the tone of the epidermis on the hips and chest and helps remove unevenness.
  3. Cosmetics help get rid of the problem. Stock up on anti-stretch mark creams and treat problem areas with them daily. There are many traditional medicine recipes that are used to prevent stretch marks on the front of the thigh in adolescents.
  4. From the first days of pregnancy, rub the skin on your stomach, thighs, and chest with olive oil, after which it is nourished, moisturized, and becomes more elastic. After giving birth, it will be easier for you to remove all the bumps.

Elimination methods

How to remove stretch marks on the body? Essentially, all methods of removing stretch marks are divided into two types:

It’s worth noting right away that salon beauty treatments are expensive.

Also, most of them are in the nature of medical intervention, and, therefore, require prior consultation with a specialist.

Therefore, we will pay more attention to ways to get rid of stretch marks on our own and at home.

Proper nutrition

First of all, if you want to remove stretch marks, you should improve your diet. You need to eat more natural foods rich in beneficial microelements.

These useful components will restore tone and elasticity to the skin, as a result of which the skin will slowly regenerate itself.

Physical exercise

A wisely selected set of physical exercises will tighten the skin in problem areas, improve blood circulation and oxygen saturation of cells. As a result, the regeneration process will accelerate.

For stretch marks on the buttocks

  1. Lie on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides.
  2. Raise your leg up as far as it will go.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. Repeat the action with the other leg.
  5. Do 2 sets of 10 reps for each leg.

Cosmetics and procedures

Proper nutrition and exercise should be combined with various cosmetic procedures. What cosmetic procedures help with stretch marks?

All procedures aimed at removing stretch marks should consist of 3 stages:


Scrubs exfoliate the top layer of skin, making it softer and even out its texture.

This mechanical effect also helps to enhance the production of elastin and collagen. Moreover, the stronger the scrub particles penetrate the skin, the faster it is renewed.

You can buy a scrub in a store or make it yourself.

Recipes for the most effective scrubs:


Take Johnson's Baby butter, brown sugar (can be replaced with sea salt), ½ cup of ground coffee. Mix all ingredients until a thick mixture is obtained.

Apply the scrub to problem areas and vigorously rub it into the skin for 10 minutes. Afterwards we take a contrast shower. We repeat the procedure 3 times a week.


Mix ½ teaspoon of coarse sea salt with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of glycerin.

Rub the scrub into problem areas for 5 minutes. Afterwards, wash off the mixture with warm water. To enhance the effect, we recommend performing this procedure 2 times a day, every 3 days.

Salt and cream

Combine 50 grams of fatty, preferably homemade, cream with a teaspoon of salt. Massage your thighs and legs for about 15 minutes.

Honey and salt

For two tablespoons of honey you need a teaspoon of coarse salt. Apply the scrub to problem areas and massage for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Protein + talc

Mix egg white with talcum powder until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to the skin, leave to dry for an hour, then rinse with warm running water.


Take 50 g of the petals of this flower, pour 250 ml of olive oil and put in a dark place for 3 weeks. After this, apply the product to the skin until the stretch marks disappear.

White sugar

Sugar can be used as a scrub to improve skin condition and get rid of stretch marks.

Mix one tablespoon of white sugar with almond butter + lemon juice. Rub the product into your skin for 10 minutes every day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Healing rubbing

After this procedure, the skin is moisturized and restored many times faster.

  1. orange oil;
  2. lemon juice;
  3. jasmine oil;
  4. rosemary extract (10 drops);
  5. lavender extract;
  6. jojoba oil – 100 ml.

Recipe: mix all ingredients, place in a tightly closed container and leave in a dark place for a day.

This mixture is rubbed into the skin after using a scrub and during a massage.


Shilajit is another great option for a stretch mark reduction blend.

Recipe: Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in 1 tbsp. spoon of warm boiled water, add 80 grams of nourishing cream, mix.

Apply this mixture to the skin once a day after scrubbing.

If you don't have the time or desire to prepare nutritional mixtures, you can simply rub almond or hazelnut oil into your skin.


Getting rid of stretch marks is a rather long and painstaking process. Regular massage sessions can significantly speed up this process.

During massage, you need to use oils with a high content of vitamin E, which increases skin elasticity:

  1. almond oil;
  2. orange;
  3. rosemary oil;
  4. wheat sprouts;
  5. hazelnut, etc.

When massaging problem areas, focus on pinch movements. In this case, it is necessary to exclude any stretching movements.

Massage with vacuum cups

For this massage it is better to use basic kernel oils: they wonderfully restore the structure of the skin and moisturize it.

Massage with cups should begin with five minutes and extend every day by three to four minutes, and so on for up to half an hour. The diagram is needed so that there are no bruises on the thighs.

Hand massage

You can apply either basic oil (grape seed, almond or jojoba) or honey to the skin, massage with pinching or patting movements for about 20 minutes. Take a shower, but do not use soap or shower gel.

Contrast hydromassage

The procedure is best done in a wellness center, but it can also be done at home. To do this, select the most powerful pressure mode, aim the jet at problem areas and, periodically changing the temperature, massage clockwise.

Salon treatments

Sometimes the situation with stretch marks is so advanced that folk remedies simply do not help. In this case, you should seek help from professionals. Modern cosmetology and medicine offer several ways to combat stretch marks:

  1. plastic surgery (an extreme case, it is addressed only when all other options have already been tried);
  2. chemical peeling;
  3. mesotherapy;
  4. micro grinding;
  5. microcurrent therapy;
  6. all kinds of wraps;
  7. laser therapy.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Most women develop stretch marks during pregnancy (75 to 90%). The reason for their appearance is severe stretching of the skin.

Today there is no way to help prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Various creams and oils act only on the top layer of skin, which does not affect the appearance of stretch marks

. However, with the help of a balanced menu, vegetables and fruits, you can significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence. Avoid fatty foods, fast food, preservatives, additives that can disrupt the fluid balance in the body.

Drink more water to keep your skin supple and hydrated.

Many pregnant women use vitamin E massage oil to soften their skin and reduce the risk of stretch marks.

However, this method is not recommended during the last weeks of pregnancy. Experts recommend swimming, yoga, and relaxation, but only after consulting a doctor.

Prevention methods

You can avoid the appearance of stretch marks if you follow these simple recommendations.

  1. Eat right. Your diet must include the most important vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, E and C, zinc and protein.
  2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. Hydration improves skin elasticity.
  3. Massage problem areas regularly.
  4. Take a contrast shower. After a shower, rub the areas prone to stretch marks with a towel and rub special oils and creams into them that increase skin tone. Read more: How to get rid of stretch marks on thighs.
  5. During pregnancy, wear special bandages and bras.
  6. Try to swim as often as possible (at least 1-2 times a week).
  7. For skin care, use cosmetics containing vitamin E, A and C, as well as elastin and collagen.
  8. Make compresses with herbal infusions and oils.

It is much easier to take a number of actions to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks than to subsequently spend time and money trying to get rid of them.

Stretch marks appear on the body due to damage to connective tissue due to prolonged stretching of the skin. The reasons for their occurrence may be pregnancy, significant weight fluctuations, and changes in hormonal levels.

Contributing factors are: low elasticity of the skin, slow regeneration of skin fibers, genetic predisposition.

To treat stretch marks, special products are needed; the recovery process is long and expensive. With a lot of effort, you can make them less pronounced, but it is not always possible to get rid of the problem completely.

What it is?

Stretch marks are an external cosmetic defect, which has a scientific name - stretch marks on the skin. They mainly form in places of greatest tension - on the stomach and hips, and can occur on the legs and butt.

Human skin consists of three layers:

  1. The outer layer is the epidermis, it itself is a barrier from the external environment and is responsible for protecting the body.
  2. The middle layer is the dermis, consisting of connective tissue fibers, giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  3. The inner layer is the hypodermis, which is a layer between the dermis and internal organs. It consists of loose connective tissue or fatty tissue.

Striae are formed on average connecting layer. Rapid stretching of the skin is accompanied by rupture of the dermis, and the body often does not have enough of its own resources to fill and restore these microdamages.

At the initial stage lesions are brightly colored and have pink or reddish tint.

Over time, that is, after several months or years, the marks fade and permanent scars form.

ICD-10 code

People of different categories are susceptible to the formation of stretch marks - teenagers, pregnant women, athletes. Negative changes are localized mainly in places of greatest skin tension, but their number and extent vary from person to person.

When widely distributed, they create a significant cosmetic defect; they do not affect the general well-being and health of a person.

Tension lines have a separate code L90.6 in the ICD-10 disease classifier.

The appearance of stretch marks can be caused by a variety of reasons.

The formation of a skin defect is facilitated by endocrine disorders, for example, the need to use hormone replacement therapy.


How to get rid of stretch marks

Treatment of stretch marks is a complex and long-term task. Eliminating old stretch marks is more difficult than recently occurring ones. To get rid of the defect, there are many external remedies - ointments, creams, emulsions, masks.

You can prevent stretch marks or make them less noticeable with the help of wraps, compresses, peelings, polishing, massage, mesotherapy, biorevitalization. Used in home care vegetable oils and extracts, bodyaga, honey, wax. The only way to remove them completely is surgical or laser removal.


Oil is usually used to moisturize and soften the skin; together with massage, it can become an effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks, a preventive measure.

The oil is quickly absorbed, penetrates deeply into the skin, and leaves a protective film on the surface that lasts for several hours in a row. The oils necessarily contain fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Oil Weleda can be used to treat and prevent stretch marks.

It has a 100% natural composition (almond, jojoba and wheat germ oil, arnica extract), so dermatologists recommend it for pregnant women.

What organic oils can be used to reduce stretch marks:

  1. Coconut oil;
  2. rosemary oil;
  3. almond oil;
  4. wheat germ oil;
  5. olive oil;
  6. black cumin oil;
  7. orange oil.

Vegetable oils contain moisturizing and nourishing components, minerals, healthy fatty acids, a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamin E, and help keep the skin firm and elastic.


Traditionally, women prefer to use various creams for stretch marks. Their price depends on the composition, quality, and reputation of the manufacturer.

The most popular and effective means:

  1. Avent cream . It contains algae, almond oil and lacuta. These components are aimed at maintaining the elasticity and firmness of the skin and relieve itching, which often accompanies a woman during pregnancy.
  2. Contractubex. The cream contains allantoin, sodium heparin, and Luca Serae extract. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the skin, promote deep nutrition and hydration, and accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes.
  3. Sanosan . It contains only organic components - wheat proteins and olive oil. It is recommended to use for prevention, since the main effect of the cream is aimed at nourishing and eliminating dry skin.
  4. Clearwin . The cream contains essential oils, Aloe Vera juice, extracts of Indian herbs - Lodhra, Majista and Tulsi, Kaifala. The action of the components is aimed at increasing blood flow, activating the production of elastin, restoration and regeneration of all layers of the skin.
  5. Mustela - cream for stretch marks. It can be used to eliminate existing stretch marks, as well as to prevent their appearance. The product gives a visible and quick effect on stretch marks on the chest. It contains a complex of natural and synthetic components that complement and increase each other’s effectiveness. The main active ingredient of the cream is an elastoregulator, an innovative ingredient that activates the production of collagen-elastin cells.
  6. 9 months (cream) . Manufacturer - the same Mustela. The product is recommended for use throughout pregnancy, all 9 months. It softens the skin, helping it stretch without negative consequences, and helps correct microtraumas.

Even an expert cannot say which cream for stretch marks is best for pregnant women, since the response to cosmetic products varies from person to person. You should make a choice by assessing the safety of the product, as well as based on your own observations and preferences.


The risk of stretch marks increases during pregnancy, especially in predisposed women. For prevention, doctors recommend using special products, paying special attention to the areas of greatest skin tension during pregnancy. This is the stomach and chest.

  1. Bepantol The emulsion is intended for the prevention and correction of existing skin defects. To remove stretch marks on the stomach, it is best to start using it in the first months of pregnancy, when the volume is still very small. The components of Bepantol help soften and moisturize the skin, gradually preparing it for maximum stretching, which occurs before childbirth.
  2. Mom comfort . The product is natural and inexpensive, can be used during pregnancy and after childbirth. It promotes deep hydration, intensively nourishes the skin, restores damage, and eliminates defects. A noticeable result is achieved only with long-term and regular use, in combination with other products from the Mama Comfort line for women.


In one tablespoon of water you need to dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo, add 2 tablespoons of any fatty cream. The prepared composition is rubbed into the area of ​​the body affected by striae twice a day - morning and evening.

The product is useful for prevention; it works best after treating the skin with a scrub.

Laser resurfacing

In beauty salons, women are offered special services aimed at reducing the severity of stretch marks and reducing their depth.

The most effective methods have the highest cost. They usually pass course, performing the procedure once does not provide the desired effect.

  1. A cosmetologist can remove stretch marks laser , the price of the procedure depends on the device and the drugs used. Laser technology has been successfully used on newly appeared and old defects. The laser penetrates to a great depth, evening out skin tone, helping to restore its structure, making imperfections less noticeable.
  2. Dermabrasion – This is micro-resurfacing of the skin surface, which leads to the activation of its renewal processes. The method is quite traumatic, requiring a long period of rehabilitation. As a result, the quality and appearance of the skin improves, it becomes smoother and more elastic, and its tone increases.
  3. Radio wave lifting allows you to work out any areas of the body where stretch marks have occurred. The procedure is aimed at deep restoration of the skin structure, strengthening its protective functions, tightening the contour, and eliminating defects. To maintain the achieved results for as long as possible, you should properly care for your body and carry out corrective procedures.

How to Avoid Stretch Marks

In order not to worry about how to remove stretch marks, you need to take time to prevent them.

This measure is especially important for those who are at risk, namely: adolescents, athletes, pregnant women, and genetically predisposed people.

Prevention includes:

  1. complete body skin care, paying special attention to areas of greatest stretching;
  2. regular use of moisturizing creams or gels, fortified and nourishing masks, products with collagen complex, hyaluronic acid;
  3. the use of hardening procedures - contrast showers, dousing with cold water;
  4. the use of vacuum massage, mechanical peeling, restorative salon procedures.