Asahi body massage

After the publication in 2007 of the world famous bestseller Japanese ASAHI Facial Massage, Yukuko Tanako publishes other books. One of them is the contouring osteopathic “ZOGAN-massage” for the body.

The body massage technique, like the ASAHI facial massage, is based on simple exercises that allow you to activate the powerful energy channels of the body, aimed at recreating a “new young body”.

Why do we say “recreating a new body”? This means that this type of self-massage of the body increases its energy and activates the body’s reserve forces, due to which the body is healed and rejuvenated, since:
• the structure of connective tissues is restored;
• muscle tone and skin structure improves;
• bone structure is restored;
• the elasticity of blood vessels increases;
• blood and lymph circulation improves;
• toxins are removed through the lymph flow;
• the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs improves;
• constipation is eliminated.

Lymphatic drainage massage for the body, consisting of 20 exercises (according to Yukuko Tanaka, comparable to a light three-kilometer jog), allows you not only to rid your body of wrinkles over time and increase muscle tone, but also to remove the fat layer, and therefore lose weight.

But, despite the powerful healing and rejuvenating effect, this massage has a number of contraindications.

Contraindications for “ZOGAN-massage” for the body:

• diseases of the lymphatic system;
• inflammation of the tonsils and tonsils;
• infectious skin diseases;
• temporary colds and runny nose (this is a controversial issue, since increased body energy allows you to get rid of the disease, so monitor your body’s reaction);
• malaise, fatigue (body massage should also have a beneficial effect and increase energy tone, although there may be exceptions);
• critical days (there are no strict contraindications as such, but bleeding may increase during menstruation).

Important: When performing Asahi “Tsogan” self-massage for the body, Yukuko Tanaka recommends relaxing the body as much as possible. And since the effects of massage concern the area of ​​the lymph nodes, apply pressure carefully, according to the recommendations for the description and viewing of the video.

1. Self-massage of the subclavian lymph nodes. Stand up straight, relax. Cross your arms over your collarbones. Using your middle and then ring fingers, fix the subclavian lymph nodes and press on them for 3 seconds. Repeat three times.

2. Self-massage of the lymph node zone of the iliac region. Stand straight, relax. Touch the upper pubic area with your hands and use smooth movements of three fingers of each hand to describe a symmetrical U-shaped contour. Repeat 3 times.

3.Circular massage of the kneecap. Raise your right leg, placing it on a chair or any stand. With your right hand, clasp the popliteal joint: the thumb is on the side, and four fingers gently knead the popliteal area in the rhythm of blood pulsation, activating lymph flow. Using the palm of your left hand, massage the inner side of the knee in a circle. This exercise restores lymph flow and blood circulation, eliminating their stagnation over time.

4. U-shaped self-massage of the lower leg. Grasp the middle of the shin with both hands, so that your thumbs are on its lateral inner part. Slowly, with some effort, trace a U-shape with the two thumbs of each hand to the internal spinous tubercle (the inner bone of the ankle), going down the inner side of the shin and up the front side of the leg. Repeat 5 times, change leg.

5. Self-massage of the ankle joint. Grasp the ankle joint with your hand, place your thumb in front, and place the other four behind your heel. Relax your leg as much as possible. Using your thumb, massage the crook of your ankle joint (tarsal bone). Repeat 5 times. Change your leg.

6. Self-massage of the foot. Using kneading movements, massage six points located on the foot (from the central axis to the outer side of the foot), starting from the toes to the heel bone. Repeat 3 times. Change your leg

7. U-shaped self-massage of the buttocks. Place your hands below your tailbone and create a U-shaped outline, smoothly running your hands along the outside of your buttocks, then up your hips and towards your waist. Stay here for a couple of seconds. Repeat 5 times.

8. V-shaped self-massage of the buttocks. Place your hands on the tailbone and describe a V-shaped outline with them, moving your hands diagonally from the tailbone to the back points (at the level of the kidneys) of the waist line. Repeat 5 times.

9. Self-massage of the buttocks. Cross your legs slightly, placing one of your legs forward, move your center of gravity to it, and move the other back. Massage your left buttock with your hands alternately straight and diagonally from the outer edge of the thigh to the tailbone (as shown in the video). Then switch legs. Do 30 massaging movements on each leg.

10. Self-massage around the waist. Stand straight, relax your body as much as possible. Place both hands at the back of your waist, fingers crossed slightly. Using pressing movements, symmetrically on both sides, move your palms along the waist, fingers along the circumference of the hips, direct them to the navel area. Repeat the encircling movements 5 times.

11. Circular self-massage of the abdomen. Move your hands to the left side (on the bone), cross the fingers of both hands. Use them to describe a circular pressing movement in a clockwise direction, rising to the solar plexus area, then down to the pubic area, and to the starting position. After a three-second pause, repeat one more time.

12. Then, without changing the starting position, on the same left side, describe two circular movements, but counterclockwise, also with a pause of three seconds.

13. Self-massage of fingers. Grab the thumb of the other hand with the phalanges of the little finger and ring finger of one hand and, as it were, pull it. Then do the same with each finger of that hand. Then switch hands. After this, massage the space at the base of each pair of fingers of the other hand with the thumb of one hand. Do the same with the other hand.

14. Self-massage of the forearms. Using three pressing movements, press the base of the palm (the indentation in the palm) of one hand with the thumb of the opposite hand.

Then, from the inside of the wrist of one hand, using a pressing motion with the thumb of the other, describe a subtle U-shaped outline from the little finger to the thumb. Repeat 3 times.

Without lifting your thumb, with some effort, move it along the ulna (inner side of the arm) to the elbow, at the level of the thumb. Press the fold with three pressing movements.
Do all three exercises with each hand.

15. Self-massage of the humerus. Next, carry out stroking movements (with one hand) from the elbow to the glenohumeral joint along the inner and upper side of the humerus (with the other hand). Do 5 of these movements. Then massage the humerus, making gripping and twisting movements from the back of the arm inward, moving from the elbow joint to the glenohumeral joint. There should be a total of 5 movements on each humerus. Exercise against muscle flabby arms.

16. Self-massage of the armpits, ribs, chest and for breast elasticity. Using the palm of one hand, massage the armpit area (on the other side), making 5 circular movements clockwise.
Then, without lifting your hands, lightly massage from the armpits down the side of the chest and ribs to the waist. Repeat 5 times.

Then, on the same side, describe the lateral encircling movements, starting slightly behind the armpits to the sternum. Make each subsequent semicircle lower than the previous one, ending in the hypochondrium area. There should be a total of 5 lateral semicircular movements.
Now repeat all three techniques on the other side of the body.

17. Self-massage of the head. With two hands placed on top of each other, we fix the forehead, then slowly raise your hands to the top of your head, lowering your thumbs and clasping the sides of your head with them. Hold them like this for 5 seconds.
Then massage your head with clasping movements of both hands, pressing on it with the tops of your fingers. There should be 9 such movements.

18. Self-massage of the neck and sternum. Grab your neck from behind with both hands. Slowly move them around the circumference of your neck, join your hands at the front of it, then slowly lower them along the sternum, bringing them to the solar plexus. Repeat 3 times.

19. Self-massage of the front of the legs. Stand still, relax, place your hands in the groin area. Slowly bending over, move both hands downwards with stroking movements, stop slightly above the ankle joint, and make one scrolling movement with your hands.

Then remove your hands and, without straightening, bend your knees slightly and place your hands on your knees. And again, move them from the kneecap to, just above, the ankle joint, make three scrolling movements with your hands. Then, without straightening, place your hands on the inside of your legs (the beginning of the tibia) and move them along the inside of your legs to the perineum, and also to the groin area. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

20. Self-massage of the back of the legs. Place your hands on your buttocks. Bend your torso forward, run your hands along the back of your legs from the buttocks to the ankle joint, make three scrolling movements. Then, without rising, bring your outstretched hands together in front of you. Straighten your torso with your arms raised up and move them to the sides. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Who does Asahi self-massage? Girls, share your impressions and results. Question: can it be used for varicose veins on the legs? experts

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Kostenich Lyudmila Stanislavovna

Psychologist, Art therapist. Specialist from the site

Marina Aleksandrovna Baydyuk

Psychologist, Analytical psychologist. Specialist from the site

Valeria Bertnik-Yuryeva

Psychologist, Psychologist-guide. Specialist from the site

Pukemova Olga

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Alina Sysoeva

Psychologist, Coach and Trainer. Specialist from the site

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

I read that varicose veins can also be due to lymph and venous stagnation. It seems to me that it’s possible... I’m going to do it myself. I can say one thing. In the process of learning the massage (I learned it myself, but, to be honest, I haven’t done it completely yet), the energy surged. I still can’t bring myself to do it.

I do Asahi for my face. So far I'm happy.

But I didn’t like how the face changed after Asahi for the face. Actually, this is ZOGAN massage, not Asahi. It’s better to do it according to the original sources, otherwise it’s unknown how they translated and interpreted.. I read, there is an official video with an English translation.. It’s high time, otherwise they almost started to download the copyright for the translation, it’s not known how it was done..

This massage doesn't give you anything, don't waste your time. I spent several months on him, still waiting for the result, as a result - what happened before is what remained after. Praising reviews are written about him only by those who just heard about him and “got excited.”

But that’s not true! how he gives! and wrinkles go away and your face becomes thinner! I’m doing it for the second month and the results are obvious! You can even lift the upper eyelid, but you have to work hard, I do problem areas 50 times, the rest 10 times! in the morning and in the evening! don't be lazy and everything will be ok!

I've been making Asahi for a year now. in one day . Very pleased. people around me have been complimenting me for a long time. Thank them for that))) Raises self-esteem and strengthens the belief that I am on the right path)). I’m 41 years old, I can’t say how much I look, it’s enough that I look great for my age. The small wrinkles that had appeared are gone, the face looks toned and fresh. And this is taken into account. that from January 1, 2012 I lost 30 kg. (I lost weight on purpose, with fitness, a swimming pool, a light diet, etc.). And I kept my face from sagging skin - only with an Asahi massage. Don't be afraid of anything. Don't hesitate... try it. do. The result will be EXACTLY!

Related topics

Thanks for your feedback! very impressive.

I’ve been doing Asahi massage for about 3 months now, and I’m happy with the results. The face became smaller and tightened. I am 45 years old.

I also really like Asahi, my face becomes thinner, the swelling goes away, you just have to do it with effort and not just stroke your face. The only thing is that as the lymph flowed, my subcutaneous tissues appeared. I am sad . I'm afraid that this is not a reaction to the oil, but something else is visible. Who had this? How did you cope?

I am 40 years old. I have been doing Asahi massage every other day for almost two months. The face smoothes out, brightens and looks fresh. At first I massaged with oil, but acne appeared on my neck (along the movement of the lymph). I stopped the massage for a week, then resumed it and now use cosmetic cream. There were no more pimples. I highly recommend this massage to everyone!

I won’t say anything about the Asahi massage, I use the electronic Gezatone AMG120, I bought it here and I really like it.

It’s very interesting whether nutrition plays a role before and after an Asahi massage.

Girls, hello!
I lost 17 kg. in just 1 month!
Without diets and exhausting exercises!
Losing weight has never been so easy!
The easiest way to lose weight is


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Monday, May 20, 2013 01:21 + to quote book

Lymphatic body massage (Zogan-massage) Yukuko Tanaka



ZOGAM-massage or body building massage, or, as it is also called, massage of the formation of children's organs (that is, rejuvenating massage) affects both the soft tissues of the body and the muscles of the body, improves the “mobility” of the circulatory system (in this case, you can use the term "Metabolism"), lymph circulation, helping to dump unnecessary "waste" of the body into the lymph flow, and even returns the correct position to the internal organs.

Massage improves (literally: “tightens”) the tone of the muscles and the entire body. That is why the second name of massage is body building. Yukuko Tanaka claims that a daily massage is comparable to a 3-kilometer walk.

Since the massage is performed in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, you need to massage the body carefully and carefully.

CONTRAINDICATIONS for lymphatic drainage massage are:

  1. diseases of the lymphatic system,
  2. ENT diseases (especially inflammation of the tonsils or m),
  3. facial skin diseases.

It is also not recommended to perform massage if you are sick (even during a normal runny nose), since inflammation also enters the body with the lymph flow.

It will be great if you take care of yourself during menstruation. For some, menstruation is not an obstacle to massage, but for others, bleeding may increase. Thus, there is no ban on massage during menstruation, but it is still worth watching yourself.

Fatigue — for some it may be a contraindication, but for others, on the contrary, massage will raise their tone. Here, too, you need to watch yourself.


Video "Lymphatic massage of body and face (Zogan-massage) Yukuko Tanaka" (in Japanese) - Video here

EXERCISE 1. Activation of subclavian lymph nodes.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart.

Pic 02


Place your hands on your collarbones as shown in the picture. Press the point under your index finger and hold the pressure for 3 seconds. Then remove your hands from the lymphatic drainage area.

Pic 03

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

EXERCISE 2. U-shaped massage of the lymph nodes of the iliac region.

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart.



Place your hands on the top of your pubic area and trace a U-shaped pattern as shown in the picture. When you complete the move, lift your arms away from your body.

Repeat the procedure 3 times.

Pic 05

This simple exercise reduces the risk of stroke by 5 times.

EXERCISE 3. O-shaped knee massage.

Place your left foot on a chair or bench.

Pic 06


Use four fingers of your left hand to secure your leg under the knee joint. Gently knead the popliteal area with your left hand to the rhythm of blood pulsation, “pushing out” the lymph. Using the center of the palm of your right hand, trace a circle along the inner side of the knee as shown in the figure 5 times or more. In this part of the body, over the years, the lymphatic and blood flow become so thick that gently wiping these channels helps improve the flow of blood and lymph, and eliminate stagnation of venous blood in this area.

Pic 07

Pic 08

EXERCISE 4. U-shaped calf massage.

Then place the thumbs of both hands exactly in the middle of the shin on the lateral surface of the inner part of the shin, closer to the back (the picture will appear a little later, while you can watch the technique on the clip), slowly, with pressure, “draw” a U-shaped pattern - from top to bottom to the inner spinous process (tubercle of the talus) on the ankle joint, outline it and climb up the front of the inner lateral surface of the leg, pressing the area along the tibia with your fingers. Finish the move mid-calf.

Pic 09

Pic 10

Repeat the procedure 5 times.

EXERCISE 5. Massage of the ankle joint.

Then massage the ankle joint 5 times in a circular motion.

Pic 11

EXERCISE 5. Foot massage.

After this, move to the foot area, massaging 6 points along the central axis of the foot with a kneading technique at an even distance from each other, starting from the toes and ending with the heel bone.

Pic 12

Repeat the same techniques on the other leg.

EXERCISE 7. U-shaped buttock massage.

Place your palms on your tailbone and spread them horizontally towards the sides of your thighs. From there, move along the sides of your hips and up to your waist.


Repeat the procedure 5 times.

EXERCISE 8. V-shaped buttock massage.

Place your palms on the coccyx and spread them diagonally to the side points of the waist line, “drawing” the letter V with your hands.

Pic 14

Repeat the procedure 5 times.

EXERCISE 9. Massage of the buttocks.

Pic 15

Starting position: cross your legs, placing your right leg forward and your left leg back, and shift your center of gravity to your right leg. The left one will remain behind.

Pic 16


Massage your left buttock as shown in the picture, from the outer edge with the rays to the tailbone, trying to perform the movements with force.

Pic 17

Do massaging movements 30 times.

Change the position of your legs and massage your right buttock in the same way.

EXERCISE 10. Wraparound waist massage.



Pic 19

Starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Place your palms on your waist behind your back, and slowly, but with pressure, move them apart, along the sides towards the navel.

Pic 20

Do this 5 times.

EXERCISE 11. O-shaped abdominal massage.

Place your hands on your stomach and make 2 circular movements clockwise, covering the area from the solar plexus to the perineum, making 3-second pauses between circles.

Pic 21

Then make 2 of the same movements counterclockwise, also maintaining 3-second pauses between circles.

Pic 22

EXERCISE 12. Massage of fingers.

Grab the thumb of your left hand with the “beak” from the phalanges of the ring and little fingers of your right hand and “squeeze” it with a pulling movement. Then do the same with each next finger of your left hand.

Pic 23

Then do the same with the other hand.

After this, use the thumb of your right hand to rub the interdigital space between the bones of each pair of fingers of your left hand.

Do the same technique with the fingers of your other hand.

Pic 24

After this, press the thumb of the opposite hand into the base of the palm (the junction of the hand and forearm). Repeat the same with the other hand.

Pic 25

EXERCISE 13. Forearm massage.

From the inside of your left forearm, make a U-shaped “arching” motion with your right thumb in the direction from the little finger to the sore finger. Perform the technique 3 times.

Pic 26

Then press along the inside of the forearm with your thumb to the elbow bend. Knead the elbow bend in a circular manner slightly to the side on the side of the thumb.

Perform the technique 3 times.

Pic 27

Repeat the same for the other hand.

EXERCISE 14. Shoulder massage.

Grasp your left shoulder with your right hand, as shown in the figure.

Pic 28


With pressure, massage with twisting movements inward, gradually moving down towards the elbow joint, 5 times.

Pic 29

Then, using circular movements clockwise, gently massage the area of ​​your left armpit.

Pic 30

Repeat the same for the other hand.

This exercise is effective against flabby arms.

EXERCISE 15. Massage the chest and ribs. Breast augmentation.

Moving from the armpits down, stroke the sides of the chest and ribs with gentle pressure.

Pic 31

Then place the palm of your right hand just behind your left armpit (as in the picture).

Pic 32


Slowly, but with pressure, lead to the center of the chest, gradually smoothly moving down to the hypochondrium.

Pic 33

Pic 34

Perform the technique 5 times. Repeat on the other side.

EXERCISE 16. Massage of the décolleté and neck.

Pic 35


Wrap your arms around your neck as if your hands represent a ring. With pressure, move your fingers along your neck and lower your hands to the solar plexus, as shown in the figure.

Pic 36

Pic 37

EXERCISE 17. Head massage.

Cup your forehead tightly with your palms. Slowly but with gentle pressure, move upward, moving towards the crown area. Hold for 2 seconds at the top of your head.

Pic 38

Then use gentle pressure to thoroughly massage your head. These movements are similar to the movements of a sculptor when he gives shape to his creation. Imagine that under your hands an ideal and perfectly proportioned head shape is now being born.

Pic 39

Pic 40

EXERCISE 18. Foot massage.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and, clasping them, massage them downwards, starting from the groin area along the ankle joint (as in the picture).

Pic 41


Perform the movements carefully, but with pressure, trying to ensure that your back remains straight. When you reach the ankle area, massage them with rotational movements left and right 3 times.

Pic 42


You can move one leg forward a little.

Pic 43

Then bend your knees slightly and walk around your ankle again. When you reach the ankle area, massage them with rotational movements left and right 3 times.

Pic 44

Then slowly but noticeably stroke the insides of your legs, moving upward.

Having reached the groin area, spread your hands to the sides from the pubis and stroke the lower abdomen.

Pic 45

Then, placing your hands behind you on the area of ​​the pelvic bones (ischial tuberosities), stroke the back surface of your legs in the same way, slowly pressing downwards. Try to keep your back straight. Having reached your ankles, massage them with rotational movements left and right 3 times.

Pic 46

Repeat the entire series of movements 3 times.

EXERCISE 19. Final.

This exercise is a continuation of the previous one. After massaging the ankle area, clasp the fingers of both hands and stretch your arms down a little, and then slowly raise your arms forward and up. Stretch and lower down, spreading to the sides. Relax.

Pic 47

Repeat the final exercise 3 times.