Kolomiychenko Method

The Kolomiychenko method is a method that was developed by the Russian scientist Alexander Ivanovich Kolomiychenko. This method allows you to improve a person’s quality of life and increase his efficiency at work.

Kolomiychenko's method is based on the use of special exercises that help improve brain function and increase reaction speed. These exercises include various types of physical activity such as running, jumping, squatting, etc.

One of the main advantages of the Kolomiychenko method is that it does not require special equipment or conditions to perform the exercises. All you need is some free space and a few minutes of free time.

In addition, Kolomiychenko's method helps improve concentration and attention, which is especially important for people working in business or science. This method can also be useful for people who want to improve their health and fitness.

In general, the Kolomiychenko method is an effective method of improving the quality of life and increasing work efficiency. If you want to try this method, you can start with simple exercises and gradually increase their difficulty.

Kolomichenko Method is an original system of physical development for men. It will allow you to make your shoulders, chest and torso perfect and even more. Such a system does not require special physical training, knowledge of the rules of physical culture and sports medicine. Therefore, it is chosen by children from many cities in Russia and the CIS (from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka).

How is the Kolomichenko system useful?

Here is an example of the indicators of guys aged 25-30 years old, who, SUDDENLY, were at a completely new level of physical and psychological preparation at the time of our acquaintance: - Increase in chest volume by 3.5 cm per month; — Reducing weight and improving the shape of the buttocks; — Improving gastrointestinal motility and reducing symptoms of asthenia, fatigue, irritability; — Smoother and more intense running technique, improved running speed; — A significant increase in the chances of becoming number two when selecting for a professional basis in martial arts, increasing the efficiency of working with weightlifting and weapons; Here are examples and results of using the Kolomichenko system in sports in general: - A professional boxer from the city of Orel lost the ability to fight for several months due to a hip bruise. I relied on alternative medicine, but there was still no result; — In 2013, three fighters from Thailand competed in qualifying with all the top ten fighters of the international Olympic boxing team on equal terms and showed a beautiful and spectacular fight, defeating them. Moreover, the fighters “didn’t improve their technique” and were superior to these athletes in all components, from reaction speed to left-handed grip; Who succeeds and for whom the Kolomichenko system is not suitable? Use this system if you have no contraindications, under the supervision of an experienced mentor or a person who is well acquainted with the basics of martial arts and knows how to work with this system.